Chapter 13

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*Sorry guys but it's a slight jump in time*

21st February

Dear Daddy,

Yesterday Annika and Cameron told me to pack my bags. I hadn't said a word to them and I think they became annoyed and angry with me. They took me back to the horrid place daddy. They took me back to the orphanage. This time I am in a different room. I share a room with a girl called Molly. She's really nice and her birthday is only 2 days after mine! I wish you would come get me daddy. Miss Donya hasn't fed me since I came back. She said I was worthless then pushed me to the floor and kicked me in the stomach. I was told I came back because they hated me. They hated me because I didn't talk to them. In their eyes I was their daughter but in my eyes, they were someone who was looking after me while I waited for you to come. My hope is slowly dying daddy. Please find me.

Love Bella Rose Murray-Styles ❤️

I place the letter in the envelope and seal it before placing a stamp on it. I found extras in my bag but I'm going to save them for later. I open my window and see Chris waiting there. I place it in my hand before hearing heals clicking on the ground. I shut the window and lock it quickly. Chris runs away and I sit on my bed and begin to do my homework. The door slightly opens and Rebecca pokes her head into the room. I sprint to her and jump in her arms.

"Bella I missed you so much!" I nod as tears run down my cheeks.

"What's wrong?" She places me down and I sit on my bed. Her following.

"I hate it here. Yesterday Miss Donya called me worthless then pushed me to the ground and kicked me in the stomach. My stomach still hurts" I cry. She lifts my shirt and begins to look at the massive bruise laying across my ribs. She slightly pokes it and I wince in pain. She sighs and looks at me.

"You need to come back to the hospital Bella. It could be broken and I also need to take the cast off your arm" I nod slightly and she picks me up.

"Let's go to the hospital" she tells Miss Donya that I need to get my cast off and agrees to bring me back before 8.

We arrive at the hospital and the first thing that comes to my mind is Braydon.

"Where's Braydon?" Rebecca looks at me sadly before shaking her head.

*Harry's POV*

21st February

Dear Daddy,

Yesterday Annika and Cameron told me to pack my bags. I hadn't said a word to them and I think they became annoyed and angry with me. They took me back to the horrid place daddy. They took me back to the orphanage. This time I am in a different room. I share a room with a girl called Molly. She's really nice and her birthday is only 2 days after mine! I wish you would come get me daddy. Miss Donya hasn't fed me since I came back. She said I was worthless then pushed me to the floor and kicked me in the stomach. I was told I came back because they hated me. They hated me because I didn't talk to them. In their eyes I was their daughter but in my eyes, they were someone who was looking after me while I waited for you to come. My hope is slowly dying daddy. Please find me.

Love Bella Rose Murray-Styles ❤️

Tears run freely down my face and I slowly begin to sob. My baby isn't getting fed!? Anger strikes through my body and I grab my phone. I call Rebecca's work number and wait for her to answer.

"Hello this is Rebecca speaking" her soft voice comes through the phone.

"You have to get Bella! She hadn't been fed in 2 days and was kicked in the stomach! You have to get her out of there. I feel like total shit and I don't know what to do anymore. My baby is in danger when she is there! She's not safe. Rebecca you have to help her! You have to tell her that I talked to you and that Braydon is go-" I stop when I hear a voice in the background.

"Rebecca who's that?" I hear a soft voice. Bella!?

"Was that Bella! Oh god her voice is so sweet" I sob into the phone.

"Harry you need to calm down! She's safe and she is with me. We checked her stomach and she has fractured her rib. She will be fine and she also gets her cast off today. I haven't said anything about you or Braydon yet but, I will" I continue to sob.

"Are you crying?" I hear her whisper.

"Yes" my voice breaks.

"Is that daddy?" I hear Bella ask in the background.

"Can I talk to him?" I hear the phone shift then Bella's voice fills my ears.

"Daddy?" She asks quietly.

"Daddy?" She repeats when I don't respond.

"Yes Bella it's me. I'm sorry baby. I really am and I'll be there soon ok. We will be together soon. I need to go baby but listen to me. I will be with you soon" my cries stop.

"I love you daddy" my heart breaks.

"I- I love you too Bella" I hang up and call the only person that could help me in this situation. After the 2nd ring they pick up.


"Liam I need your help"


Hey guys! I'm back!

Grace is in Queensland and I am back home.

It's kind of short but I'm tired and lazy. It's 10:55am and I'm still in my PJS and I haven't brushed my hair.

It's not edited but hopefully it's ok!

Love you guys x


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