Chapter 5

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January 30th

Dear Daddy,

I was meant to start big school today but I'm still in the hospital. The lady who is looking after me is named Rebecca and promised to teach me some stuff today! Mummy is still sleeping and I don't think she is going to be awake for my birthday. I have this big thing on my sore arm. I think it's called a casket? Maybe it was a cast? Anyways I wish you would send a note back or even a picture. What would be better is if I got to meet you! Do you ever think about me daddy?

I love you daddy,

Bella Rose Murray-Styles❤️

I placed the note in Rebecca's hand and she left the room. She returned a few minutes later and sat next to me bed.

"How's your arm?" I looked down at my arm and frowned.

"It hurts and this massive thing on it is heavy!" She chuckled and passed me a booklet.

"I want you to go through this booklet and answer as many questions as you can" I nodded and she passed me a pen. She soon left the room and I began answering the questions. 30 minutes later and I had finished the booklet. Rebecca returned and began marking all the questions. I picked up my book and began reading again.

"Bella? You got all he questions right" she answered shock clear in her voice. I smile brightly and pass her my book.

"Can you please read to me? I'm tired" she nodded and I placed my head on the pillow listening to every word she said.

*Harry's POV*

I stare down at the letter deciding whether to open it or not. I close my door and rip the letter open. I begin reading it heartbroken.

Dear Daddy,

I was meant to start big school today but I'm still in the hospital. The lady who is looking after me is named Rebecca and promised to teach me some stuff today! Mummy is still sleeping and I don't think she is going to be awake for my birthday. I have this big thing on my sore arm. I think it's called a casket? Maybe it was a cast? Anyways I wish you would send a note back or even a picture. What would be better is if I got to meet you! Do you ever think about me daddy?

I love you daddy,

Bella Rose Murray-Styles❤️

I chuckle quietly as she calls her cast a casket. I run my hands through my hair and begin wondering if I should do something for her birthday. I accidentally drop the envelope and another paper falls out of it. I stare at it and see it's another note. One written a lot neater.

Dear Bella's father,

Sorry about addressing you as that but I didn't know your name. Amelia is in a short term coma and I'm afraid she may not be awake for Bella's birthday. Your daughter is extremely smart for someone who isn't even 5 yet. She completed a booklet and got all answers correct.

I have given her a book and I have seen her sitting there in her spare time reading it and giggling along as she goes. She has a fractured arm in 2 places and will need a cast for 6-8 weeks. I know it is none of my business but your daughter really loves you. She constantly talks about how she can't wait for the day when her daddy comes to meet her or tells me the stories her mother tells her about you. Have a great evening.


I stare down at the letter. Does she really think about me that much. I snatch up Bella's letter and re-read it multiple times before something catches my eye.

'Do you ever think about me daddy?'

I sit there for a moment. I do think about her but I don't know what to do. Does she even know my name? Or even who I am? I doubt it. I grab my journal and a pen and sit down at my desk. I begin to write. I write about everything that has happened to me these past few months. I write about Bella and talk about all the notes she sends me.

Once finished I grab the letters and my journal and place them where they are meant to be. In the shoebox. I close the wardrobe and walk over to my sock draw. I pick up the photo of Bella and Amelia and smile before placing them back down and strolling out of the room.



I hadn't even realized I didn't post the last chapter till today and Grace made the same mistake with A Team. This was supposed to be posted weeks ago but I didn't for some reason...

We are sorry we haven't updated but we just started school again and we are now in high school so it gets a bit harder to keep up with homework and writing.

Anyways we love you all and we will try to keep you all updated!


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