Travel Via Portal

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A/N. THANK YOU GUYS FOR 1K READS! Hope you all enjoy...))
Nico's P.O.V
"And then I said, 'Hera, don't be cocky!", Will shouted. Daven, an Athena kid, laughed. So did the rest of the people sitting at the wooden dining table. The sun had gone down, and giant street lamps lit up the outdoor dining hall of Olympus.
Olympus was built by Annabeth. Everything luxurious and all...but she couldn't give us a table that's not made out of wood for once?
Will's eyes met mine, knocking me out of my train of thought.
"You've been like this all day.", he said, gesturing me to my like-death mood.
"I am a Hades kind of guy.", I turned to face the wooden scratch marks on the surface of the crowded and loud table.
"Yeah,'re not a Hades kind of guy around me.", he sounded hurt, but I ignored it.
I've been so ignored my entire life, I've gotten pretty used to doing it myself.
"Nico, is it about Terra? Her friends? The quest?", Will asked, and the table turned silent.
Everyone had been on edge about the quest since Terra left. Rumors about her being a goddess were all people ever talked about.
"I-", I stopped, noticing the anticipation on so many familiar faces. I wasn't going to give them more to think about.
I tugged on Will's orange shirt, and we left the table together.
We walked farther into the city of Olympus, nymphs, mortals, and other creatures wandered about in small shops and homes. I couldn't help but think how peaceful it was on Olympus, and how much hell I've been put through to save it.
"Something bad happened?," Will asked.
"No, but I'm getting that feeling.", I blushed, always embarrassed to talk about that word. Feelings.
"Someone is going to die.," Will gulped, stopping in his tracks. His aqua eyes glimmered with worry. I didn't say anything and continued past the village, toward the vibrant waterfall in front of the building where the Gods sat in their thrones. Within the waterfall, a small and skinny tree with few leaves began to grow.
"Nico, you were wrong about Leo right? You might be wrong this time too...", Will tried to cheer me up.
"Leo did die. He just revived himself.", I continued to walk toward the steps of the giant throne room. It's huge doors could kill someone if they swung open. I spun and sat down on the white and gold steps of the building. Will sat next to me.
"I'm sick of this," I muttered.
"Of this life, right? You've told me this before.", Will took my hand and gently squeezed it. It reminded me of how Clare would do that to Terra's.
I slipped my hand from his grasp and rubbed my temple.
"WHAT!", a voice boomed from inside the throne building.
Jeez, Zeus. It's okay if you burnt your toast.
Will put a hand gently on my back, and I felt myself blush.
He walked up the steps and toward the giant Greek patterned doors. I followed him, and we pressed our ears against the doors together.
"Why didn't anyone tell me sooner of this? Am I the king of the gods or just a good-looking representation of one?!,"
Will locked his eyes with mine. Zeus sounded pissed off, more pissed off that he usually is.
"Give her a chance, Zeus. If we told you before these demigods left, you would've killed them.,"
"Poseidon, what good will she bring? She will abuse her power! She will overthrow me!"
A lightning bolt flashed from the sky, and rain started to drip.
"Zeus, don't be oblivious. You know Typhon is rising. You know we need her to save us. That's what her quest was about."
"After Typhon, I want her gone-"
"But Zeus-"
Rain poured on us in the night as we walked away from the central building.
"We have to do something.", I winced as I spoke. All I wanted was a normal rest of my life. But I had a friend to save. Will nodded as we stepped down from the building and walked through the pouring rain, hand in hand, toward the brightly lit cabin area.

The little motel gave me a chilly vibe. The old velvet hallways creaked as Gerald, Nathan and I walked toward our room at the end of the hallway. Nathan pulled out the room key and opened the ugly mahogany door, revealing a tiny one-bed room with no windows and a small bathroom. I blushed, but Nathan cured the awkwardness.
"I'll sleep on the floor.," He said, grabbing Gerald by his silver collar.
"You guys are fun-ny if you think I'm sleeping anywhere but the bed.", he growled.
Surprisingly, Gerald got the bed. Even though he was the size of my backpack, none of us wanted to sleep with a drooling German wiener dog.
I laid down silently on some extra sheets parallel to Nathan. Then I sat up, and looked around for where Clare was sleeping.
My heart sunk again, realizing Clare wasn't here. Clare was gone.
We all fell asleep with the words of goodnight.

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