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Fuck.Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck.

I am going to be fired, done-zo, hasta la vista sister, kicked to the curb. I am late to work once again, okay Wendy, breath and think of a good fucking lie. My Introduction to Quantum Physics class ran overtime and me being me, couldn't fathom the idea of making even the slightest scene by slipping out of class. So instead, I anxiously bit the side of my mouth and watched the clock tick each minute.

As soon as my professor dismissed the class, I collected all my stuff and walked out of the class turning the hallway. Checking behind me I made sure no one was watching and started to run the six blocks to my work; looking nothing less than outlandish. Ducking in and through on-going people, I finally made it to my work. I practically slammed into the front doors of Simon's Market. I silently crept into the backroom, swiping my bright blue apron off the hook labeled with my name and started to tip-toe towards a till to clock-in. As I was punching in my code the coast seemed clear.

"You're late." My head dropped like a scolded puppy. Shit so close. I slowly turned around, on the way mustering my best puppy dog face.
"I know Lloyd, I am so sorry, I just..." shit.

What was my lie again? "Y'know?"Lloyd could potentially be a very attractive man, except for that God-forsaken name. He was mid-forties and you could tell that he once had some boy-ish charm, and if he learned how to properly dress and part his hair; I feel like his dating life could rocket. But honestly, what do I know, I have never had a boy even look at me romantically.
"No, I don't know. Wendy, finish your shift and then meet me in the back afterward."
Fuck, I am fired.
"Miss. James, Wendy, I like you, you're a great kid and I know you have a lot of things to juggle but you promised me you were a punctual, responsible employee. I am just not seeing that, your personality is a great asset to this company, god knows we need some humour in this place, but personality isn't the main quality in being a stock-girl." I swallowed the lump in my throat, I royally screwed up this time. Lloyd never got this intimate with me, heck I've never heard the guy say three whole sentences at once before. "This is the fourth time you've been late this month.

"I am sorry. Classes are just taking up more time than I thought. I promise this will be the last time." I peered up from my intertwined hands, and the look on his face told me what made my stomach drop.

"You were fired? Why?" The inked man exclaimed as soon as I entered my small flat defeated.

"Because my priorities aren't with the company." I quoted word for word from what I heard not even an hour ago.
"What the fuck, it's a grocery store, not bloody Google."
"I sort of get it though." I shrugged slightly, playing the devil's advocate in my fight. An awful habit I could never seem to kick.
"I can't focus on that though, I need to find a job as soon as possible."
"You know, I think the tattoo parlour I go to are still searching for a front desk person or something."
"Your tattoo parlour? Are you kidding me? People would walk in and walk right back out thinking they walked into a dentist or something." Plopping myself down on the couch, I stared at my reflection in the television adjacent, through the black pixelated screen I analyzed my muted blonde hair, pale skin, and grey eyes to match. I was self-aware enough to know that there was nothing too special or extra-ordinary about me. I was plain Jane with a few extra pounds to spare.

"Oh come on, it could be good for business. A friendly face before they potentially made a very bad decision." I met his glance with a not-so-friendly glare.
"Wow, what an honour." I jokingly spat out.

"I'm going in on Thursday to get my calf piece relined. You should come and see the place. Maybe even get a tattoo!" He suggested laughing. Jonas was already one of those people who looked good in anything he wore or did. He already had a half sleeve down his left arm and a giant back piece of a lion; which he spent all his Christmas money on when we were eighteen. I could never see myself with a tattoo, too much attention would be drawn to my body.

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