Within the Fog

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A vast blanket of white hung heavy over the streets. It suffocated every building at their base, swallowing every distant object, and vanishing around every corner. I could barely navigate my way out of the university when my final class ended, afraid it might decide to gulp me whole too.

Through Sin's windows, I felt safe amongst the mysterious, looming force of nature outside.

"Someone else rescheduled." I mumbered hanging up the phone. Bush sighed, as he, however, was annoyed with Mother Nature. Now all three of our evening appointments had rescheduled, not wanting to risk traveling in this weather. Bush and I were sat up front playing a DIY version of Poker with nickels, bus tokens, and coupons to the Pho restaurant down the street.

"This weather reminds me of foggy mornings in Paris." Louis abruptly said, emerging from the back, and even though I didn't look at him; chills ran up my back like little spiders.

"Fuck!" Bush mumbled as I put down a full house, which dominated his flush.

"Read it and weep loser!" I threw my head back, giving my best evil cackle before collecting my earnings.

"Take over mate, I can't afford to lose any more bus tokens." Escaping towards the back. My smile grows as Louis sits in front of me.

"How does it remind you of Paris?"

"I don't know, whenever I visit there is always a day like this. It almost clears out the streets and you can walk through the city feeling like 're the only one there."

"Wow." I breathed "Never been but that sounds amazing." I shrugged, collecting the cards into my hands.

"What? You've never been to Paris?" Bewildered, his head jutted out to get a closer look at my face to see if I was telling a fib.

"No, I actually haven't traveled all that much? I've gone to Scotland before cause' we have family over there."

"We should go." He said casually, taking the cards from my hand and beginning to shuffle them.

"Wh-hat? Now?"

"No, not now you wonk. Maybe this summer, when exams clear up for you?"

"That sounds fun." I smile instantly loving the idea of being in the most romantic city in the world with Louis.

"Catch a train from London." He suggested, turning to me with a serious look in his eye. "Maybe we can visit my sister while were in London?"

My smile grew at the proposal. "Love that idea."

As our shift came to a close, Louis told me he would give me a ride home and went to the back to grab his jacket. I started to collect my belongings as well and grabbed my cell phone from my jacket pocket. I scrunched my eyes at the voicemail notification on my screen. Jonas would always just text me if he didn't pick up and my Mother would just keep calling until I did pick up. Did I miss a dentist appointment or something?

"Hello, Ms. James. This is Dr. Hanns, First, I want to thank you again for taking the time to interview for a research associate position. Based on the requirements of this position and your experience and education, I believe you would be a great fit for the position on our team. Please give me a call back as soon as you can. Thank you, and talk soon."

I dropped the phone from my ear, not knowing what to feel from the position. I did not think I had the slightest chance of getting the position. This was exciting I tried to reason with myself, even if I don't take the position – I have qualities that amazing opportunities like this were looking for. I would be stupid not to take this position.

"You ready?" Louis said as he came around the corner. I stared at him, as he shoved his arms into the sleeves of his black denim jacket. Taking this position would mean leaving Sin's; leaving Louis.

It would be stupid, I reasoned.

Jonas and I were grabbing Pho with the coupons I had accumulated from my victory against Bush. My best mate was currently informing me of the work drama between him and the social media interns. "I fucking know they are photoshopping my head bigger in those photos. Is there no decency in the world?"

"Maybe try only sleeping with one person from each department, that way you don't accidentally sleep with roommates?" I suggested, taking a large slurp of my broth.

"That would be what a smart person would do Wen, but as you know I am not that person." He sniggered. "So, what has been happening in the world of Wendy Anne James."

"So you know how you were wondering what to do with your room because you wanted to go backpacking around Cambodia with Jude." He nodded in response "Well, how about we just sublet our place this summer?"

"Wait? Where would you go?" He looked perplexed for a moment before he dropped his jaw. "Are you moving in with Louis?" I almost choked on the water swirling in my mouth.

"No! Are you crazy? I've known him for half a second."

"Then where would you go?"

"I think I may move back in with my parents."

"No seriously, where?" He chuckled, looking back down at his food.

"I'm serious." He looked up to check I wasn't lying. "I got a job offer." I trailed off

"Holy fuck! In Bristol? Doing what? With who?" I smiled, telling him all about the position.

"That's the dream Wen." He looked down at my twirling fingers and anxiety-ridden face. "What's the holdup then? Did you accept it?"

"No, I just- what about Louis? I mean what about Sin's?" I quickly corrected myself.

"Sin's will be here when you get back." He took a moment and leaned across the table, grasping my intertwined hands "Louis will be too."

"I'm just worried, we just started getting serious and I will be leaving for three months."

"Fuck it Wen, you're not a character in Friends. You don't give up a dream job for a man."

"Louis is not a Ross, more like a Chandler or Joey."

"Okay bad analogy, but you get what I mean."

"Ugh! Yes, I do, even though I wish you made a terrible defense." He pulled my pouting form into his arms.

"I know kid."

"It's Louis we're talking about here. He is going to be so supportive."

"You're right, I'm freaking out over nothing. Now, more importantly, what are you going to do for your twenty-first."

"I don't want to do anything."

"You have to! This is your big two and one. We have to celebrate like Americans."

"So celebrate without health insurance?"

"No, but we're going to celebrate so hard you are going to be glad you have insurance."

"Who would I invite? You and Lou aren't exactly a party."

"Three is a party but I'll invite some people from work and from yours too!"

"Marcus?" I joked, sticking my tongue out at him. "I really doubt Bush and Joe will come."

"I don't think that will fly with Mr. boyfriend. Jude and Mila, I'll tell them to be on their best behavior, and you've met Guilia she's really nice." He took in my scrunched up face at the proposal, so he continued "And what about that girl that sat next to us in Intro to Mandarin, we have each other on Instagram- she seems very cool."

"Oh my God, my life is so pathetic!"

"It is not. So, you've failed to accumulate a friend group here so what? Your best mate and their split personalities pretty much cover everything you would need in a group." Giggling, my anxiety about informing Louis began to decrease.

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