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"Gimme, gimme, gimme a man after midnight!" I held the end of the broom next to my mouth, singing out of tune to the music playing softly from the outdated speakers above us. "Won't somebody help me, chase the shadows away." 

Bush had made the awful mistake of allowing me to choose the music as we closed down the shop. As soon as the mischevious glint flickered in my eyes, he knew he had royally fucked up; letting out a groan of mock pain before I even had a chance of pushing play. He put up a tough front for a bit until he let the catchy tunes of ABBA crack his usual tough exterior and now was bopping his head slightly as he sanitized the counters. I continued sweeping the floor in unison to the beat of the song, feeling more relaxed and like myself. 

I had finished my exam and I couldn't do anything more than just waiting for my results and that gave me peace of mind. 

As we finished our closing tasks, and the music was turned off, I looked around the silent shop. It was oddly eery without the sound of the buzzing, groans or booming laughter from Louis. Speaking of, I had not seen Louis since this afternoon. After we made out in the office for a couple of minutes, Joe walked in and told us off that if we kept this up we would have to pay for his eye removal surgery. Shortly after Louis had his next appointment and then ducked out of the office mumbling about some appointment. I was caught up with the bill of the woman he had just tattooed so I barely got out a 'goodbye' before he was rushing out the door. 

As I waved goodbye to Bush who was locking the door I walked down the street with my phone pressed to my ear. As soon as I heard the ringing stop, I didn't wait for his response and started babbling.

"You'll never believe what band I got Bush into, Abba! Can you believe it? I even saw him shazaming one of their songs 'cause I bet he didn't want me to know he liked them." I snorted out.

"That's great love." I almost stopped in my step at the unfamiliar tone in Louis' voice. It was raw, almost to the point of cracking.

"Are you okay? Where are you?"

"At my flat. I just didn't feel too hot." I took in his voice, and the hidden meaning peaking between each of his words; my eyes widened at the sudden realization that he never had an appointment.

"I'll be right there," I said before hanging up and picking up my pace to the tram.

"Louis, it's me! Can you let me in?" I said as soon as I pushed his suite number on the intercom outside his building. After a few moments, I was welcomed with the soft click of the automatic lock ticking open.

My hand was hovering over the door about to know when he opened the door. I took in all of him. I see his gravity-drawn shoulders painting a picture to his cracked heart; almost as if it nor his soul would welcome a beat.

"Hi, baby." He gave me a small smile but it did not reach his eyes.

"Are you okay?" I breathed out as he welcomed me into his flat. I practically threw my coat off, going in for a large hug. Hugs always made me feel better. He softly hugged me back, his hands ghosting over my waist.

"Yeah, just a bit off it."

"Is it about," I stopped myself not wanting to trigger him "You can talk to me."

"It's nothing." Then I witnessed something I had yet to see my carefree Louis do. Wetness started to pool in his eyes and escape through his eyelashes. He quickly wiped his sleeve across his cheeks.

"Fuck." He mumbled. "You should go, you don't need to see me like this."

His eyes shifted to the side – avoiding looking at me. His usual bright blue eyes started to glaze over with a glassy layer of tears. "Don't say that!" I blurted out in bewilderment, he has taken care of me so many times, it was my turn to repay even an ounce of his kindness. "Louis, what can I do for you?" He blinked in response, the water dripping from his eyelids and slide down his cheek. I may not understand grief in that sort, but I can relate to that type of sadness. I remember how those tears stung like bees. 

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