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When we returned to the others, I could not help a breath of respite to escape my parted lips at the sight of Darcy not being there. Greta was now sitting on Gregory's lap with their tongues wrestling. I hope no one saw me cringe when I witnessed how much salvia was being produced. Louis placed me on his lap once again, and this time I stayed there with no complaints. Louis leans over, my body following in suite; he passes me a red drink. "It's cran vodka." I thanked him politely and eagerly raised it to my lips.

The taste of fake, cold fruit and hard liquor fills my mouth as I swig down my entire drink in two gulps. I could see a distorted Louis through the glass looking at me with a glint of humor in his eyes. "Enjoying yourself? Here." He passes me another drink, I have no idea how it got there but I am grateful for it nonetheless.

Two drinks down I was in a comfortable, almost serene state.

"Wendy, you want some babe?" A muffled voice says to my right, I turn a bit too roughly considering my seat. Danielle and Liam are looking at me with amused expressions, but my focus narrows in on the small bag in her delicate fingers, tiny white pills weighing down the bag. Before I can ask what she means, or what those are. Louis' gruff voice booms in my delicate ears.

"No, she fucking won't be. Don't offer shit like that to her again."

"Mate, shit take a second; we were just asking." Liam swooped in to defend his girlfriend, his hand raised in mock surrender. I was still confused and decided against my best judgment to fulfill my answers."What are those?" I asked no one in particular.

"Nothing, don't worry about it." Louis' voice said from behind me, twisting my hips I positioned myself so I was inches from his face. He took this opportunity to grasp my chin in his hold, "If someone offers you something that looks like that, you say no."This conversation reminded me of being in Primary school and twenty, nine-year-olds reciting "Say no to drugs" to our proud teachers and parents. I've never really had the urge to try drugs, I mean I've partaken in a few puffs of marijuana before but everything else was missed opportunities from lack of socialization and my upbringing. I decided to drop any questions I might have and submissively nodded my head.

Niall hustled into the group with a round of shots for everyone that were teetering on a tray. Before Louis could tell me to pace myself, I swung the hot liquid down my throat. This was my tipping point, and I was no longer wavering from tipsy to drunk – I was wasted at this point. Everything seemed to intensify, conversations were funnier, lights were brighter and the music was louder. I could hear the tink of Louis' lighter next to me, shortly after followed by a small flame. I leaned into his chest, watching the smoke twist around the air in an almost artistic way – forming curls that were only illuminated by the age-speckled lights hanging over us."Wendy, Wendy!" I shook my head dramatically and looked to the gentle voice now booming next to me. Danielle was hunched over her seat, her hands forming a human amplifier around her mouth. When she saw she caught my attention, a mischievous smile broke out "Want to go dance?"

I hated dancing, especially with others around but with the little help of my liquid friend fueling my blood with courage; I nodded eagerly. When I started to raise myself from Louis' lap, his arms caught around me anchoring me back down. "I am going to go dance."

"No, not without me." He spoke taking another suck of his flaming stick.

"C'mon Louis! I will be with her, I won't let anything happen to her!" Danielle somewhat whined.

"Please, Louis." I jutted my lip out "Please." I whispered out and knew I had won when his eyes softened and dragged down to my lips.

"Fine, but I want to be able to see you." I nodded eagerly and jumped up following the curly-haired girl to the dance floor.

I instantly regretted it. The number of people, sweaty people was overwhelming. Being deep enough in the group, but still in the line of vision of the group; Danielle spun around a giant smile splitting on her face. She grabbed my hands in hers and raised them above us, guiding my movements to the music. The moment they started dancing, most of my jitters melted in joint to the swells of the harsh beats streaming through the speakers. I don't know how my body was moving, nor did I want to know how ridiculous I looked but I was having fun.

My feet stood stance, balancing out to the jerks of my hips and my arms that were like raging waters of a waterfall, swift and vibrant – almost out of control. Strangers swayed to the beat beside me; knocking me from side to side but I was oblivious to the chaos. I did not even realize I was being pushed further and further into the crowd.

"This is fun!" I screamed, opening my eyes to be met with someone that was not Danielle. I turned myself around fitfully until I caught Danielle's large hair bounding up and down, also completely oblivious we had been separated. As I was about to push my way back to her, hands grasped onto my waist and my fight or flight instincts bulldozed over my drunken movements. I hazily clawed at the hands, until they tightened and pulled me to their body.

 A wave of relief plummeted over me when I heard a familiar voice say "Baby, it's just me." I snapped my head back into the familiar chest and looked upwards at Louis.

"Oh hi."

"Hi, baby." His voice was slurred and I could tell he was recognizably drunk as well. "Having fun?"

"Yes, but it is really loud in here," I yell into his ear, only to realize how loud I said it when his face was taken back for half a second. "Sorry," I whispered, pecking the side of his ear in apology. His hands grip my hips tighter, pushing me securely to him before letting his hands start to glaze over me. I keep trying to ignore how he makes my body feel. His hands mimicking my motions, dancing down my shoulders to my waist. His fingers sliding softly down my body, as I swayed my bottom back and forth against him. 

Truthfully I did not know what other dance moves I could do, so I was thankful for the slight distraction. His warm breath tickles against my lips, and I can smell the cigarette smoke oozing out of his mouth. I feel paralyzed by him, robotically keeping my hips moving along to the loud beat the appears soft due to all the blaring thoughts in my head. An almost tranquil wave washes through me, leaving me a prisoner to his lips.

"Such dirty moves, my sweet girl." He almost groaned into my ear. His right hand pushed down on my stomach, pushing my body further into him and his left hand went up to the front of the neck, having a secure but careful hold on the exposed skin. "These dance moves are just for me right?" He questions, his breath hot against my neck. I hum out a response, hopeful that he would hear it or at least feel the vibration against his hand because I was too weak in the moment to reply louder.  I continued digging into his body. I am an instrument at his mercy that he could pluck the strings to however he pleases, playing me until I was singing a soft moan. 

"10, 9, 8, 7," My focus draws into those around us, and I realize it is almost midnight. I am spun around in Louis' grasp, a puppet to his mastery. "6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 – Happy New Year!" His hands spanning over my cheeks pulling me upwards to his tilted head. I listen to our teeth clank one another's occasionally in the heat of passion. 

I am sucked back into that black hole where his whole being consumes me.

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