Beyond the Pink

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I focus on the inked arm that is leading me through the crowds of people. Louis and I stayed on the dancefloor for a bit longer, swaying in rhythm– completely lost in each other. I wished to stay in that moment forever, but some drunken idiot got a bit too crazy and spilled half his drink on Louis' back. Niall was now sprawled out on the velvet couch with some raven-haired woman; her face not exposed because of Niall being attached to it like a suckerfish. Harry was nowhere to be found and we passed Danielle and Liam still on the dance floor. Louis sat me down on a bar stool in the very corner of the room, away from everyone. "I am gonna run to the washroom and wipe off some of this fucking drink; do not leave this spot. I mean it this time; I want you exactly in this spot when I return." I nodded quickly, knowing better this time.

However, when twenty-five minutes went by and there was no Louis, I started to question my dedication to his demand. Niall and the girl had gone somewhere a few minutes ago; leaving me to sit there awkwardly, pretending to text on my phone even though I was just typing out 'hello I am bored.' to Jonas and then erasing it in repetition. Standing up from the chair, I scanned the room and saw no familiar faces- not even Liam and Danielle who seemed to have vanished from thin air. Huffing I came to the theory that there was probably a long line for the washroom, which was keeping him so I should confirm this by going to look for him.

I walked down the long, dim hallway once again but was now squeezing my way through groups of people that built a human obstacle course for me to get through. Louis was nowhere in my line of vision though. I leaned against one of the walls; trying to get out of the way from the herds of people passing by me. I was just about to turn around when I saw Harry race past me towards the unisex bathroom doors that were located on the furthest point in the hallway. I followed in suit, calling his name but my voice was lost in the sea of chatter and music around us. As he was opening the door, I saw the sight of floppy hair and instantly knew it was Louis. I caught the swinging door just as it was about to close and opened it to a sight that made me stop in my tracks.

I now was keyed into where the rest of the group went, Liam, Danielle, Harry, Louis, and Darcy were all packed in the tiny bathroom. Louis was sitting on the toilet leaned over the counter, snorting white powder into his nostrils, but what really caught my attention was a smug Darcy on his lap, her manicured drifting over his extended neck.

"Wendy! What are you doing here?" Liam said his eyes wide, and Louis not lifting his head up yet, replied;

"Very funny, fucker."
"Louis." I was angered by my voice; I sounded like a small child. I should have demanded what the fuck he was doing with her on her lap, or yelled at him about how I couldn't even ask about drugs but he could do them in a fucking bathroom. No, but of course I just stood there wide-eyed staring at the group. Louis' head snapped up and he was frozen in place before quickly swiping at the bottom of his nose quickly. I took a step back, taking notice of his dilated pupils.

"Wendy, what are you doing here? I told you not to leave." Funny, you also told me not to worry about Darcy.

"I-I will go back." I rushed away from the door, down the long hallway. I debated being a good little rule follower and going back to sit down but fuck that and fuck him. I went back to my seat, swiping my coat off the velvet couch now occupied by another drunken group and rushing out the doors into the brisk air – not sparing a gaze back.I almost cried with gratitude when I saw a yellow taxi waiting in front of the club. I ignored the fact it was probably someone else's that they called for but I feel like they would understand. A forty-pound taxi ride later; I ran straight to my room flopping on my bed. Only then did I let the overwhelming and confusing situation wash over me; and I let water pool my vision.

"Rory ended up being a tool too. So we have sworn off men in this flat together!" My best friend finalized while passing me the remote to pick the next movie we watched. I tried to casually mention to Jonas, not to let Louis' in no matter how many times he called but obviously, he didn't just let it slip by – demanding every detail from me. When I gave it to him, I had to physically hold him back from going to his place and quote on quote "Kicking him from his balls to his throat." I winced even faintly imagine that.

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