Savor this Moment

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"Wen!" I made eye contact with Jonas across the sea of people getting off the 9:15 train at Union station. He was standing in the middle of the chaos with two coffees in his hand and a large smile.

"Take me away Romeo!" I swung myself onto his arm, grabbing a coffee in the process. "Thank you."

"How awful was it?" He asked spinning us around to the exits

"Well, I'm not trying to run into the tracks right now; so could've been worse." I took a long sip of the hot drink, the exhaustion speedily catching up to me. "Enough about me, how was yours?"

"Good, nothing too crazy; Deborah says hello." Deborah was Jonas' mother and by him calling her by her first name rather than mom just shows how cool she was. I mean I probably wouldn't want her as my mother but rather a cool aunt that took me shopping on weekends and I could gossip to her about boys. "She got us a new Nespresso machine."

"I love your mother than you. I know you are aware but I just thought I would reiterate." I joked.

"By the way, I have a date tonight with a lad from IT. You'll be okay?" Jonas mentioned as soon we entered the flat. I have never been happier to be in the 750 square foot space.

"Oh, so we are giving Marcus another chance are we?"

"Blah, no. Marcus has been exiled from three departments, and once I rally marketing - Marcus will have no choice but to quit and evacuate the country; my grandma fell on ice my ass."He mimicked an annoyingly squeaky voice that I am guessing is meant to mock Marcus.

I snickered loudly, not entirely sure how serious he was being. "You know I might actually believe him, that is a pretty convincing lie. It was icy that night." I shrugged, going towards the new bean-juice addition to our kitchen.

"Do not turn onto his side! I have put in countless hours of work into this boycott."

"Sorry, yes Marcus is a scumbag, and I am still healing the wound he gave my poor heart." I put my hands up in surrender giggling. "And yes, I do believe I will be fine on my own. Have fun with lover-boy; but you better give me a heads up if your night plans on you and him on the kitchen counter. I do not need to see that again!"

"Cause I'm in too deep and I'm trying to keep! Up above in my head, instead of going under!" I sang, more like screeched while twirling myself, my bag of salt and vinegar chips and my white wine bottle around the living room. As the train departed from Bristol and I saw the city start getting farther and farther, I let out a sigh of relief. I swung around the room, swinging my hands around like a half-drunk Maria von Trapp. The ringing of my phone stopped my music from playing through the soft speaker on the device. It had to be Jonas' either calling me to tell me to call him back in ten minutes saying I'm dying or to tell me that the date was going amazing and I should expect them having sex in the living room in 15 minutes. I bounded over to it, pushing accept without looking at the caller.

"You fucked or ready to get fucked?" I snickered at what I thought was a brilliant play on words.

"Hmm, option two sounds a bit more intriguing, but do tell more?" My phone dropped from my hands, after three seconds of panicking I scooped up the device. "Louis, hey ignore that. It was meant for someone else."

"Oh and who might that be?" I couldn't read the tone in his voice. He said it in his usually nonchalant manner but there was a hint of something. Jealously? No?

"Jonas' it was meant for Jonas."

"Oh, and you are hoping to fuck Jonas?" The crudeness in his voice making me gasp.

"N-No! Me and Jonas, ew gross Louis. No, he's for one on a date and secondly like my brother. Have you been thinking he's been dicking me down this entire time?" I now inwardly gasped at the crudeness in my voice.

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