Nothing but a Woman

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"I just do not think I can get time off work, mother."

"It is Christmas Wendy Anne. I expect you to make your priority family." I squeezed the bridge of my nose with my thumb and pointer finger. I had been talking to my mother for several minutes too long. Instead of a nice catching-up moment, it was a progress report. 'What did I finish with on my exams?, How has my workout regime been going? And the question I dreaded the most, 'when will I be coming to see her and father for the holidays.'

I loved Christmas in Bristol, I loved driving around looking at Christmas lights with George and our cousin Susie but I hated, no loathed going home and seeing my family. If I thought my parents were bad, their siblings aka my aunts and uncles were their chaotic evil versions. Which my parents were passive-aggressive they were just aggressive and I believe made it their sole mission to make me cry every Christmas.

"Family is a priority mother but work is also another one of my priorities. You should understand that more than anyone."

"Do not use that tone with my young lady. I will see you Christmas eve, goodbye." I could hear the phone click on the other end and I slammed my head against the front desk, groaning loudly.

"Why did you lie to your mum? The place is closed from the 24th to Boxing day." I snapped my head up towards the source of the voice. Louis stood leaned against the dividing factor of me and the back.

"I did not lie. I am working, I find it insulting that you think my work ends when I leave this building. My main focus is on improving the front desk all hours."

"Oh, my apologies. Please do tell." He said smiling taking steps closer to me; leaning now against the end of my desk.

"Well I-I, practice my customer service voice. Trust me that eats up at least four hours of my day, then I have to research which post-it note brand is the most durable, there goes another hour. Furthermore, do not get me started on my finger exercise I have to do daily so I can perform my typing skills to the best of their ability. So, as you can see I did not lie to my Mother." Louis stared smiling at me the entire time.

"Oh my sincerest apologies love, I did not realize how invested you were in the company."

"Well, now you know I am a valued employee." I blushed instantly at the words that led to our rendezvous the other day in the back room. He smirked at this, no doubt remembering as well."Why do you not want to see your family?"

"I do!" Again this was the moment I had to decide how much I disclosed about my family "I like George." I said mutely, spinning myself around to answer the ringing phone. After I booked an appointment for Thursday I turned back to the waiting Louis.

"Tell me. I'm all ears." He moved three inches closer down the table, our knees now clanking together.

"It's just complicated Louis, I mean my relationship with my parents is. Also my other family members but I only have to see then on major holidays so they don't matter I guess."

"I get it. I hate my uncle Jack and cousin Shirley."

"No, I mean it's more than hate. You know what let's just forget I said anything."

"You can tell me, Wendy. I am here for you." If not for the skin encasing it, I swear my heart would have jumped out of my chest into his arms.

"I-" Just as I was about to unleash twenty years and eight months of heartbreak and conflict onto this man I had shared two kisses with someone walked through the door. "Hi, how are we doing today? What can I help you with today?" Before I could answer Joe popped up from behind the wall and started the conversation with I assumed his client.

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