Sink Into Me

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I stared at my Space Science textbook, tracing my fingers over the galaxy in front of me. I should have been reviewing over the chapters covered in class today, but my eyes kept drifting up to the man adjacent to me. When I looked at Louis, it was as if space and time became the finest point imaginable. As if time collapsed into one speck and exploded at light speed.

I was sitting with my legs thrown over Louis' lap as he was reading Lord of the Flies. I had casually brought up that it was one of my favourite novels and the next day he had a brand new copy on his coffee table. I tried to hide the shit-eating grin that broke out onto my face faster than acne on a teenager. Little, sweet gestures like that made me want to scream his name from my third story flat window.

He must have felt my stare, because he snaps his head to me, his floppy hair falling over one of his eyes. When Louis looked at me it was as if every ounce of breath was taken from my lungs floating into the air, mixing with his cigarette's smoke. I was never a romantic, I gagged at romantic-comedies and stayed away from the romance section in bookstores but every time we kissed me it felt like the world stopped, leaving just the two of us to wander the galaxy together.

"Wait." He looked at me "When is your birthday?"

"Uh, why?"

"I don't know it; I feel like that's something I should know."

"I mean it never came up I guess, it's April 19th."

"A spring baby." He hummed out, "Hm."

My expression snapped to a confused one, "What?" I questioned taking note of his perplexed expression.

"You are a baby."

"No, I'm not!" I jumbled out in an almost indignant tone.

"You are." He sniggered, his finger playing with a lock that had fallen over my shoulder.

"That means your dating a child, and that makes you a pedophile Lois and I will not date a pedophile." I mimicked Peter Griffin's nasally voice.

"Are you quoting Family guy?" He broke into hysterics pulling me towards him. "You bloody dork." His laughter felt like the first spring rain, refreshing and held the promise of warmth and brighter days to come.

"Is it a problem that I'm only twenty?" I questioned, I mean I never even thought seven years was a huge age difference but maybe it bugged him.

"No, no not at all." He said a smile still on his face from laughing "I mean I guess there are some things but nothing major."

"Like what?"

"Well, when someone is older than the other in a relationship, sometimes they're ready for shit faster." He shrugged off what he may be hinting. "I mean it is also kind of weird when you think about how I was eight and you were being born but the older we get the less weird our age difference will be I suppose." His face shows a millisecond of disgust before shaking the thought of that away.

"When we're older?" My heart fluttered within its cage.

"I mean 'm pretty chuffed at the moment, don't have plans to break up with ya' anytime soon. So eventually we will be older and dating."

"Well, I guess this is a good time to mention I think we should take a bre-." Before I could finish my obvious joke, I squealed at the sensation of him picking up my sock-clad foot and lightly biting it.

"I'm kidding!"

"I know." He smirked, resting my foot back down. "Don't joke about shit like that baby." I nodded and looked back down at my textbook. Except my mind was anywhere else but the words in front of me.

"I think it's hot that you're older." I blurted out after a couple of minutes of silence.

"You do, do you?" He placed the book down on the arm of the couch

"Yeah." His left eyebrow raises, his pink lips curving up into a knowing smirk at what I am implying.

I moved my foot slightly, pressing them against his upper thighs.

"Quite cheeky, aren't we?"

"What do you mean?" I toyed, my foot grazing slightly higher. Before my foot could reach any higher, he scooped my foot up in his inked hand.

"Didn't think feet were your thing?"

"Gross Lou!"

"No?" He left a soft kiss on the arch of my foot. I shove the textbook off my lap and onto the carpeted floor. I spring myself up, almost awkwardly positioning myself over his lap; my knees digging into the couch cushion. A smirk forms on his face once again.

"Yes? Can I help ya' love?"

I groan slightly, wishing he would just throw me a bone, or something close enough to it.

"Louis." I whine out, "Just, just- "I trail off, to which he arches his eyebrow at me.

"Just what?"

"You know what!" I hiss out "Kiss me, fuck me, something of the sort."

"As you wish m'lady."

A moment passes.

His hands reach under the edge of my sweater, helping me pull the thick sweater up, over my head and I feel the little sparks of static fizzle over my skin. I wasn't too sure if it was from the sweater or if they were from his fingers gently skimming my skin. I slither my hands underneath his shirt, my fingers appreciating the heat radiating off him. I grasped the hem of his shirt between my fingers, as I moved his shirt upwards, my body slightly lifted in suit.

Before I could register what was happening, a blow of warm air escaped through my jeans, a fart escaping into the room. My eyes grew instantly to the size of dinner plates, my mouth flying open trying to form any words that would get me out of this situation.

"You did not!" A grin broke out onto Louis' face.

"What are you talking about? That was the leather." My face was red hot; attempting to make a similar sound I rubbed my knee against the slick leather – begging the universe to cut me an inch of slack. Atlas, no sound came out and Louis' laugh boomed louder into the still room.

"Shut it! I farted okay, I'll admit it but I'll let you know that it is a perfectly normal bodily function that women feel suppressed to conceal from years of sexist regimes." I flopped back on the couch, covering my face with one of his pillows.

Once his laughter had subdued, and a moment of silence blanketed over the room. I lifted the pillow a bit to look at him. He was facing me, a suspicious glint of something swinging in his orbs.

"What?" I targeted, my eyes narrowing in an inkling.

Without a word, he lifted his right backside, releasing an almost horrific fart. "Ew!" I screeched, trying to claw away from the couch but was halted by his tight grip around my waist. He swung me over his lap, his laugh shaking both of our bodies.

"What? Oh, so it's gross when I do it but it's feminism when you do it?" I broke into a fit of giggles, my hands reaching up to cup the sides of his neck. I watched in awe as he laughed, his charismatic spirit presenting itself through his laugh lines. As we calmed ourselves, my thumbs smoothed over his cheeks, almost flattening the happiness away from his face. I just wanted to look at him, without anything altering my already clouded mind. I stared straight into his eyes and watched as they slowly grew from joyous to puzzled. His eyes widened just a bit and without breaking eye contact I could feel his hand shake up into my hair.

"You are my everything Wendy." His words came out in a breath, that I may have missed if not for our proximity to each other. It was almost as if he had not meant to speak the words, but when he pulled my head down to kiss him, I let myself sink into him.

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