Stressed Out

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I breathed a sigh of relief, watching the cold air make my breath visible as it filtered in the air above me. I had just walked out of my final exam for the term, now nothing was stopping me from spending the next couple weeks wrapped in my thick duvet, watching reruns of Breaking Bad and hopefully avoiding the man who captivated my every conscious and unconscious thought.

Although, I wasn't so sure how much he wanted to see of me. The day after the incident with Louis I was scheduled to work. However, two hours before I was supposed to go in; I got a call from Bush telling me I didn't need to come in. He said it was because it was slow, but my stomach swirled at the thought Louis told him to call me because he did not want to see me.I royally fucked up and I could be nothing but aware of it.

Even though I desperately wished to see him, I had slightly hoped all day that Bush would ring me up again telling me I did not need to come in but come six-thirty and no call, I started my journey to work. I was not one for dresses usually but today I wore one with thick tights underneath. I felt exposed as I waited for my transportation to arrive, every blow of a window I anxiously pulled it down hoping no one could make out any cellulite. "Thank god" I whispered as I say the tram turn the corner onto my street.

I took slow hazy steps into work, examining the place eerily. Bush was on his phone sitting at the desk, and Joe was mopping down the front waiting area. I then became very aware of the could continuous buzz in the back alerting me Louis must be here. I put on my best grin and looked at Bush who greeted me and then informing me what I had missed during the day. The on-going buzz of the tattoo gun echoing through the small place was comforting, to say the least. Firstly, it was a great white noise and most importantly it alerted me that I was safe from encountering Louis for a bit longer.

When the buzzing stopped, I knew I had only a few more minutes until Louis was free. I looked anxiously at the schedule to only be disappointed that he didn't have any other appointments until much later."Thanks again, Mate." I recognized the approaching voice quickly. Looking over to see Harry emerging from the back with Louis not far behind. I quickly busied myself by picking up the stapler. Nice going, very convincing Wendy."Hello Wendy, how are you?" Harry asked smiling down at me as if I didn't run away from him yesterday. Trying to salvage any embarrassment I had, I looked up.

"I'm good. How are you? Did you get a new tattoo? Can I see?" I rapid-fired at him, realizing that probably made the situation worse.

"I'm very good, and of course." He then lifted his shirt revealing a poppy flower right under his chest. I tried not to stare at his literal washboard abs.

"Okay Haz, that's enough." Louis' voice clipped through the air. I met Louis' eyes for a second which were darkly starting at me. Harry dropped his shirt before reaching into his back pocket for his wallet. "Oh by the way Wendy, saw you running yesterday, don't think you heard me with your headphones in. Do you run often?" Do I look like I run often Harry? He was either saving me from myself by coming up with the lie about headphones or he was mistaken.

"Oh, no that was my first real run in a while. Well, in forever actually." I laughed to lighten my confession.

"If you ever need a running partner, I usually run around Crispers Park if you're interested."

"Maybe, I'm quite slow so maybe after some practice." I said knowing damn well I would never run with Harry. He flashed me a genuine smile before finishing up his payment. Now I was alone with Louis. Before I could say anything he spun around leaving me in his dust cloud.

Before I could regret it, I dashed after him "Louis, wait." Similar to the events that happened the other day he did not pause for my calling. I tried again but still, he made his way into the back room which was used for more private piercings and tattoos. He started rummaging through the drawers in search of something, or maybe he was just trying to busy himself like I often did when I was avoiding him. I closed the door lightly behind me, knowing Bush did not need to be an audience member to this live taping of a soap opera.

"Louis, I'm sorry. I know how incredibly rude I was yesterday."

"Yes, you were." I huffed out in frustration, knowing it was going to take more than a simple apology.

"Will you please look at me?" he didn't budge until I whispered out another small "please." To which he turned reluctantly towards me. He didn't say anything just stared at me, not breaking eye contact."I-I don't know what to say. I'm sorry I'm an insecure person and I know that is not a good enough excuse. But-but I'm finding it hard to believe that someone like you would be interested me in any other way but as a valued employee. I was already embarrassed running and when I saw you I let my anxiety control me. I should have said hi, and I should have stopped. Will you please forgive me?" I was now looking down at my intertwined hands, his gaze too heated to look directly at. In a moment of silence, I peered through my eyelashes upon him. He was still staring at me but now with a small smile on his lips.

"You think you're a valued employee?" he chuckled, his eyes portraying a hint of

"Shut up!" I pouted, crossing my arms like a small child "That's all you're going to say. Can you just say I'm forgiven?"I waited another couple of moments and when he didn't say anything. I started to make my escape route. Before I could get a grasp onto the door handle, my arm was tugged backward and I was pushed gently against the oak door. His hand was in my hair before I could blink and his lips on mine. He drags his lips from my mouth to my neck, humming against it. I giggled faintly at the ticklish sensation.

"Oh my sweet girl, if you knew the things you did to me. Of course, you are forgiven." He said before leaving multiple hot brandings of kisses around my neck.

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