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It was the day of New Year's Eve and the shop was packed. I guess people were trying to make the most of the end of the year. It was almost six and the shop was closing early at seven for New Year's Eve preparations. Jonas was planning on dragging me along to Mila's flat for a party. Louis had not even mentioned going out, so I sadly took that as a clue that he had plans that I was not invited too. Which was fine I kept telling myself; we had been good since the night he had driven me home. No other conflicts had arisen and I went running with Harry the following Sunday- that being a humiliating experience on its own. Yet, Harry was too kind for his good, he ran at my pace, took as many breaks as I needed and even enthusiastically told me "We had to do this again.".

As the evening dawned on, and the crowds started dwindling; Louis was in the back with Liam right now going over the end of the year budgets. I was fixing up space, wanting the new year to start tidy.  

"....But like I was saying, looks good mate. Honestly surprised you haven't made the place go tits up yet." Liam's voice chuckled matched with his footsteps nearing me.

"Haha," Louis replied sarcastically, I diverted my attention from the paper I was sorting to the two men who were now entering through the doorway. I smiled at them before going back to my tidying, not wanting to interrupt their conversation.

"You know I am just fucking with you. Anyways, gonna see you tonight Wendy?" I snapped my head up at the mention of my name.

"Sorry what?" 

"You're coming out with us tonight right?" He inquired a second time.

"Oh, uh no I have other plans." My eye trailed to Louis, who was avoiding eye contact with me. I wasn't mad at him at all for not including me in these plans but damn he could have at least give me warning he didn't tell his friends as well.

"Lame, well I will see you some other time. Happy New Year!" He ruffled my hair like a toddler and slipped out the door. Louis walked to the door and switched the open sign to close before locking the door.

"You have plans?" Louis's voice questioned, I just nodded in response not looking up at him. "And what might they be?"

"Just hanging out with some people, a flat party, then maybe something else." I tried to make my boring plans sound as elusive as possible; leaving out the part where I would probably leave before the ball dropped.

"Who's?" He kept pestering, a bit too much for someone who hasn't even told me what he is doing. I decided at that moment to be childish and responded with "Jude's; just someone I know." I did not dare look at him, because then he would be able to see right through me and my fib. I mean technically it wasn't a fib, but I was entailing Jude was someone he was not. Before I know it I am being pushed slightly against the wall, my back pressing into the pinned calendar. My cheeks burn harshly; I feel like they are on fire. I try to shrink myself down; my once coy and childish personality now replaced with just a small child.

"Why are you being so secretive?"

I scoffed "Me? You haven't even told me about your plans."

"Liam pretty much gave you all the details; the group is just going out."

"Okay, well would you have said anything if Liam had not mentioned it."

"Probably, I mean I was assuming you knew I would be doing something." I dropped my head onto his chest, nervous about what I was just about to ask. "Why didn't you invite me?" I mumbled out.

Because he doesn't have to you stupid girl, my brain screeched at me.

He just sighed in response, his fingers finding my chin, lifting my face to meet his eyes. "I just did not want you to go." My eyes almost welled up in tears, of course, you knew that was going to be the answer. When he took in my response he quickly backtracked, his eyes shooting open. "No, no not like that at all. We are going to After Dark, it is scummy and full of scummy people."

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