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Louis and I excused ourselves straight after we finished the cake. Louis was finally taken-back at how weird my family was when he was the only one belting out the first line of Happy Birthday as my Father brought out the cake. He quickly shut his mouth and we both broke out into giggles. I ignored how small my slice was and practically gobbled it down, impatiently tapping my foot as Louis engaged in small talk.

"Well, it's been a long day. If you'll excuse us, Mother." I barely waited for my Mother's response before pulling Louis out of the room.

"Where are we going?" He asked as I pulled him down the narrow hallway.

"To a forbidden place for men like you." I swiftly pulled him into my bedroom, closing the door wishing at that moment I had a lock.

"I use to dream about someone like you." I admitted as we laid down on my childhood bed. We had hung out in my room for an hour after dinner until I knew my parents would be going to bed. I made sure to make a huge ruckus as I took Louis to his room, almost screaming 'Goodnight I will see you tomorrow!', before slamming my door. When I could hear the halls quiet, I opened my door silently, tip-toeing over to Louis and dragging him across the hall.

"Hmm?" He slowly replied, his focus on my fingers trailing up and down his arm.

"I used to lay in this very spot and dream that someone like you would be lying next to me." I wasn't sure why I was confessing this. Maybe, I just wanted to speak it into the universe; to tell my lonely teenage self that one day a very hot man who was also your boyfriend would be here.

"Doing what, may I ask?" He didn't look at me, but a small smirk ran over his face. I lifted my hand away from his arm, which earned a pout. I kept my eyes on him as I moved my

hands down to my pajama pants. My fingers slowly crawling towards the lace rim of my underwear.

"I don't know; I would just lay here." I gave him an innocent look.

"You would just think? Nothing else?"

"I mean, maybe a bit of this?" My fingers danced down further until I was knuckle deep inside the bounds of fabric. My movements halted abruptly, not knowing if I should continue.

My awkwardness grows in a silence that was the opposite of just a few moments earlier. Louis propped himself up on one of his elbows, his eyes darting from my face to my hand.

"However far you want to go, baby." Louis licks his lips, his fingers twitching on his thigh and his eyes focused on my hand. I focus on his lips, his mouth full, and waiting to be kissed. I watch his mouth form the same words he uttered moments prior, as my hands sinks further.

"I would do something like this," I whispered

"Hmm? What would you think about?"

"Boys I guess?" I cringed

"Boys huh? Some weasel of a lad got your all hot and bothered baby."

"No," I whispered, screwing my eyes tight as I pressed harder into my aroused bud.

"What do you think about now darling?"

"You." I replied instantly

"I don't think so baby, you showed me the porn you watch. You watch those other men to get off, don't lie to me."

"I'm not..." I let out a gasp at his hand crept under my shirt and bralette, his thumb strumming over my hardened nipple. "I'm not lying; I think about you." I take a jagged breath, my back arching to advance the pressure of his strumming. "I imagine you're doing that stuff to me." I opened my eyes to see Louis watching my movements with hooded eyes, his mouth parted slightly.

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