Our Fate'Episode 2'

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  "...But I.. " "You.. I have to go home, it's getting late" You then run off into the darkness, hearing Jungkook scream you name from behind you. When you got to a light pole you rest your arm on it and soon started to walk, as tears fall down your cheeks, you kept thinking about him, and this whole day. Many things made you want to cry. Soon you got home and ran up stairs, with tears still dripping down your face, you lean your back against the door and fall down slowly. You hit the ground so hard, you felt like hurting your self more. 

'The Next Day' - 

You said to yourself " Jungkooks leaving today, all the way to Seoul, I won't see him anymore " You then remember a promise he said to you back then 


y/n - " Wherever you go, you'll always come back to me right? " " Yes, anywhere I am, i'll always be with you y/n " You smiled and collapsed into his arms, tightly. " You'll never leave me though right ? " " It's not called leaving if at the end, you and I will be together, right? ( laughs ) the true question is, you're not going to leave me? nor ignore me right? " " Of course, i'll always be right here, by your side " He smiled, and so did you. He then pinched your cheek cutely and said with a bit of aegyo " I always want to see you smile, you idiot " You both laughed 

*End of FlashBack 

You then felt your heart sinking, thinking if he remembered his promise, you then heard your phone ringing, 5 miss calls, and 15 text messages from Jungkook. You ran down stairs and told your mom not to tell Jungkook you are home, as you were going up the doorbell rang so you just hid behind one of the pillars, and listen to your mom and him talk. He asked your mother " Where's y/n ahjumeoni?" " She's not home.. " " Where did she go? Do you know? " " No I don't i'm sorry, but I heard you're off to Seoul? " " Oh, yeah, did she tell you ? " " Yes, she did, you have to be careful okay? " " Okay, thank you, but when y/n comes home, tell her I looked for her, and that i'll miss her " You're heart then broke to pieces when you hear that, as your mom closed the door. " Mom.. " " You must be so sad, huh ? " " Mom.. am I ? " " He loves you, and you love him too, go out and see him leave, or you'll never see him again " You then walked out the back door, telling your mom you'll take a jog but instead, you see Jungkook piercing his eyes at every ground and place in front of him. When he didn't see you he leaned his head down and got into the car. 

Jungkook's P.O.V. 

I really thought she was going to come visit me, even though she's upset, she wouldn't let me hang like this. When I was talking to her mother, it made me so sad. Even when I looked all over the place to find her, I couldn't, I decided to give up, holding the bracelet, I was going to give her in my hand, the bracelet I bought to keep seal the promise I made her, the promise I bought to seal the confession I was going to tell her.. " I love you, y/n " 

Y/N's P.O.V. 

The car left, I saw him look out the window, my heart was broke once again. My mom came behind me and gave me a hug. " It's going to be okay sweetie, if he loves you, he'll always come back to you.." He nodded your head and you guys went inside. You were so depressed and upset about him leaving, you didn't know what to do anymore. That night you looked at a picture of you and Jungkook sitting on your favorite bench and making silly faces, you missed it. 

2 years passed. ( Senior in High School )

One day you went to Seoul to go and see your friend, Chaeyoung(Rose), she was finally back in Korea after going Australia for a long time. When you and Rose met you two hugged each other, but yet the first question she ask is " How is you and Jungkook, I heard he is a trainee now, do you still miss him, do you guys talk, have you seen each other? " " Why are you asking so much questions Rose.? " " I missed so much, c'mon tell me " " Well, yes I miss him, but haven't seen him ever since he left, I changed my number too, so he doesn't have it " " Why would you change your - " " To stop missing him " " Are you about to cry?  I'm sorry " She then hugged me, and apologized " Loving hurts, meaning you have to risk a lot and do the things that comes with it, you did the right thing by letting him follow his dreams instead of holding him back. " You began to smile and Rose and You began to walk around. You too went shopping together and eat lunch together. Rose then tells you that the building in front of you, is Jungkook's company building, you were so shocked. You then see two Senior boys walking towards you. " Hey, who are you guys " " Just visitors " " I see, I thought you were trainees " " Are you ? " " Yes, both of us " " Ahh, I see " " Well hey, my name is Jimin, Park Jimin, and this is Tae, Kim taehyung. " " Nice to meet you, my name is Rose, and this is Y/N " " You're name sounds so familiar, I feel like I heard it from somewhere. " " Oh really " " Yeah, but i'm not sure. Are you from Busan? " " Yeah, how did you know " " You're accent haha " " Oh yes, Busan accent. Then a boy walks past you, and turns the corner. You turned around to see who it was, but he was gone. You kept running and running but you couldn't see him. 

Y/N's P.O.V 

When I walked back to them, they all questioned me " Why did you go over there ? " " Oh I, um , I saw I guy I remembered. " " I see, well we have to go, bye " Rose then looked at you with an excited, anxious look. " You seeing Jungkook again " " No, I swear, that was Jungkook " " You miss him a lot, I know you do, you always have, and you always will. " " I know, I won't give him up easily. " " That's you. " After knowing that's where Jungkook's company is, you went there the next day, at the same time. You met the same boys, and saw the boy walking alone, hiding behind his hood in broad daylight. You looked at him and told the two boys goodbye. You went after him, as he enters an ally. You grab him by his hand, turning him around, you were afraid yet anxious. Thinking, is this Jungkook, my Jungkook? 

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