Our Fate 'Episode 34'

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'Don't cry Y/N, come on, be strong, like you always had.. '

I said slowly and put on a fake smile..

~~Jungkook P.O.V.~~
I just stood there calling for her. I knew she wouldn't come back. I don't blame her either. I have a family already but I wanted something real with her before I leave this world. I wanted to sleep next to her one night and wake up to her messed up beautiful hair.

I walked back to my little girl Soo-Yu. I bent down on my knee and looked at her, as a tear fell down my face.

" Appa, why are you crying? " she asked as she cupped my face and wiped my tear.

" Nothing.. " I said and smiled back at her.

" Is it because of the Unnie I was talking to?"  She asked and I looked down

"Do you like that unnie?" I asked and she nodded

"She was pretty and tall. She was nice to me too " she replied and I nodded

"That's good. I hope you grow up to be like her" I said sweetly


~~Y/N P.O.V. ~~
I was just walking and walking. I didn't know where my feet will take me next. As I cooled down I went back to see Se-Hwa standing there confused and worried.

"Yah! Why would you run off like that? I was going to submit a file for a missing person !" She yelled and I tried to smile

"You knew huh?" I asked and she looked at me confused

"Knew what?" She questioned while biting her lip

"That Jungkook was married.. You knew but you didn't tell me. I came back here looking like a fool " I said and she looked down

" I'm really sorry I wanted to tell you but you just woke up , I was really afraid you wanted to leave again .. " she said and I looked down

"Let's book a flight. I don't wanna stay in Korea anymore " I said glaring my eyes at objects

"Let's talk about this when we get home " she asked and we walked home

-Time Skip-
~~Se-Hwa P.O.V. ~~
" Are you positive you wanna leave? " I ask as I saw her searching up earliest flights to America

"Yes I'm sure." She said and I bit my lip.
I understand she is hurt but Jungkook is too. Jungkook is going to leave anytime soon, but I was asked not to tell her anything. I need to convince her to stay a few months .

"Let's stay for 3 months tops. I need to stay for work. And I want you to stay with me." I said and she rolled her eyes at me.

" you can stay I wanna go home. " she argued

" Trust me these three months will go by a flash " I said and she rolled her eyes but nodded.

~~Y/N P.O.V. ~~

Three weeks has passed by like a flash. I barely go out nowadays . But today Se-Hwa asked me to accompany her at work. I got dressed up and put my hair in a bun with a little bit of makeup. We both were done and headed out to the building. I took a huge deep breathe as I know I will bump into Jungkook again.

As I got into the building I see all the directors surrounding Jungkook and this one girl, me and Se-Hwa went closer. I realized it was Tzuyu. Why was she next to Jungkook ? She can't be Jungkooks wife right?

Later on the crowd left and me and Tzuyu finally eye contacted each other .

"Y/N?" She said and called out my name. Again I'm screwed

"Hey?" I said back awkwardly. She pulled me into a hug.

"This is my husband " she said and pointed to Jungkook

Jungkook eyed me sadly and I just eyed him with the coldest look possible.

"You two know each other?" Jungkook asked and Tzuyu nodded.

" She was my college roommate in the States. " Tzuyu replied quietly

"Oh, okay. " Jungkook said and lowered his head.

Later on Tzuyu left with the kids and me and Se-Hwa was just in her office until Jungkook came in.

I was about to leave but he grabbed my wrist.

" I came here to speak with you " he said and I scoffed

"Pst, like we have anything to talk about, let go of me. " I said trying to hold back my anger and sadness. But still a tear fell down my face. I was defeated by my emotions once again.

" Y/N!!" He shouted and ran down the stairs after me

I was about to walk out of the building until he grabbed my wrist.

" Let go!" I shouted fiercely at him "first off, we were separated by your father, second I got into a coma, third you married my friend, fourthly, you had kids with my best friends. Why do you keep doing this to me if we will never be together you make me so confuse I wish I never woke up. I wish I woke up with amnesia to forget you. I wish I never came back to Korea like this. " I said and he began to cry.

"Fine, you wanna know how badly I lived. I again was awake for seven whole years missing you and yearning for you and now when you come back you won't even come back to me not considering how long I freaking waited for you, you still turn you back away from me. I cried every night with only pictures to live by. I hugged the teddy bear you gave me to sleep every night, so I always see your face in other people's, I always mistaken them for you, and even when I got married to Tzuyu I tried to turn her into you but I couldn't because no one is as great and loving as you. You stole my heart ever since I could remember. " he shouted back, "why can't you just understand that I need you. Just come to me for three months then leave. I don't care anymore. " He added

"Don't cry. Don't cry over someone as worthless as me, " I said and walked away.

Awe, how sad, I'm like dying inside,

This has like two more episodes and then the Epilogue. Hehe are you excited!?

Someone tell me your theories on what is going to happen. Loll, by the way the rest of the story is going to like tie up the whole entire plot.

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