Our Fate 'Episode 19'

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  " Then let me be.. let me be the replacement of her.. so you will forget her.. " I said and he nodded grabbing me into his embrace while crying. " It's okay.. I'll be by your side now.. "   

~~ Se-Hwa P.O.V. ~~ 

After Jungkook was done crying, he told me his entire story, although I already heard it, it hurts me to hear it again, from the person who actually went through it. We talked for awhile, and before I realized it, it was already 8pm. I was afraid, but realized I was talking to the Chairman. He should let me off the hook, because I slacked off of work, because of him, so there is no point of yelling at me for slacking off when it was mainly his fault. We stayed silence once he finished the story

" Do you miss her still? " I asked trying my best to be nice and smooth

" Everyday.. even if I have someone else by my side, they never fill up the empty space that she left. " he said and I was close to crying

" Do you love her, a lot.. to the point where you would die for her? " I asked, thinking he would say no, but he said the opposite. 

" Yes, in fact, I wish I was hit by the car.. I wish it was me who went into a coma, who woke up with amnesia. " He said and I pulled him into a hug

" I know i'm not her.. but let me try to fill in that empty spacing. " I said and he pushed me away

" Do you think you can do it? " he asked and I hesitated 

" I was told by you that I look and act like her.. I'm pretty sure I can " I said and he pulled me closer, holding onto my hand tightly 

" If you fill the empty spacing she left behind.. you can't leave me.. " he said and I nodded while smiling 

" I promise, once I do, I won't leave you " I said and pulled him into another hug. 

My heart began to beat once again.. the more I pulled him closer to me though, I felt like letting him go. I was closing my eyes, trying to get rid of everything else and just feel him until a thought came into my mind

" You're married.. " I said as I pulled away 

" Soo.. what? " he asked and I looked at him

" The promise I just made, I'm not sure if I can keep it.. I don't want to make your wife upset at me.. " I replied and he looked at me

" Everything will be okay.. i'm not asking you to become my second wife.. just stay as you are.. right beside me.. " he said while looking at me even more..

" What if one day I get married.. " I asked and he widened his eyes at me

" Even then.. stay by my side.. i'm not sure if I will ever meet Y/N again, so I need you. " he said but I had seconds thoughts

" I'm afraid.. " I told him and a lowly tone.. 

" Why... " he asked awhile cupping my face

" What if.. I ruin your life even more.. I don't want you to suffer.. " I said and he just stared blankly at me

" Till that day comes.. you're mine.. " he said and leaned in closer to me

Before I knew it.. we were both kissing, his lips were so soft, I didn't have a single regret.. I wanted more.. he was such a good kisser, I didn't know what to do.. right when I closed my eyes.. he looked away.. 

" You didn't kiss back.. " he said sad.. and I laughed

" You took my first kiss.. " you told him while looking down and making him laugh

" You never kissed anyone? In your 32 years of living? " he asked and I nodded while seeing him laugh

" Whatever, when did you have you first kiss.. " I asked and he rubbed his neck

" My wedding day.. " he said lowly and I laughed out loud. 

" You're not that cool aren't you now? " I said and flicked his forehead. * It was now 11 * after I flicked his forehead he yelled and I ran, I ran out of his office and into my office, he quickly caught up and open the door grabbing me onto the counter, he kissed me roughly. And I did the same back. I then pushed him away

" What if we get caught " I said, and he ran to my office door locking it. 

" Better now? " he asked and I looked down shyly

" Uh.. Jungkook.. " I voiced while stuttering.. " We aren't going to do anything bad right? " I asked and he looked at me

" I'm guessing you're a virgin too. Well, no. We won't do anything bad.. let's just kiss a little, and then go home okay? " he asked and I nodded. 

" Okay " I said. 

I came back home around 12 and walked to my couch plopping onto it. I felt awkward kissing my boss but it was fine. I felt my heart beating. I specifically told myself, that I would not have any feelings for him, he has a wife, he is a married man, i'm only doing this to make him happier, so why am I liking him? I asked myself while smiling and being mad at myself. 

~ The Next Morning ~ 

I went into work in bumped into the Chairman again. I bowed my head trying to not think about last night. 

" Let's go eat breakfast, it's okay if you already had breakfast, you can just watch me eat " he said and I nodded. He didn't want any staff going with him, as soon as we got into the car he kissed my lips, and looked at me 

" Goodmorning, lovely. " he said and grabbed my head, and we headed off. 

After the breakfast, we both came back, and I saw Jimin waiting for him. I ran up to him and jumped onto his back making him jump a little 

" Se-Hwa, you're late " he told me and I shook my head 

" Chairman asked to eat breakfast with me " I spoke and he nodded. 

" I'll see you two later " Jungkook said and left me and Jimin.. 

" Se-Hwa.. can I ask you something?? " Jimin spoke and I nodded " Let's go to your office " he said and we both took the elevator up. And headed inside my office. When we got there he cleared his throat. " Se-Hwa.. uh.. do you want to be my.. " he spoke but the door opened up

" Girl Friend " he finished his sentence as another person also opened the door

" Se-Hwa-sshi " Jungkook also spoke

** Jungkook and Jimin said different things at the same time! **

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