Our Fate ' Episode 7 '

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As you were walking into Jungkook's room you hear somebody in there with him, you leaned your ear onto the door to hear what was going on.. and you hear that person say

"Let her go, she's not worth it... "

After hearing that you felt your heart sinking. ' Who would want me and Jungkook to split when we just finally got back to each other? ' you kept repeating that in your head for awhile and walked away. You kept looking at the ground as you were thinking, just following the sounds of your heel tapping on the  ground. Not to long you reached your office and right when you do, your assistant doctor in training comes in and tells you a person would like to talk to you. You were somewhat annoyed because you just sat down but got up anyways. 

You kept thinking what if it is that man who talked to Jungkook? And to your surprise it was. " You must be y/n, am I correct? " You nodded. " I see you work as a nurse now, you must have come back from America.. " Again you nodded, not wanting to talk. " Aigoo, the y/n I knew was not this shy, but I see you have gotten more mature and shy. " Again you just nodded. He then slicked his tongue. " I have something to ask or talk to you about, may we please speak privately in your office. " You immediately nodded and lead him the way. It was so awkward walking with him, you couldn't stare at him correctly. But you broke the silence when you asked him to sit down. Now you are facing towards him. 

" What is it that you wanted to tell me? " you said in a respectful manner. " I guess when you were in the United States, you didn't know, neither does your patient. " you nodded. " I see you are Jungkook's doctor, you have changed a lot over the past 20 years.  Seeing you and Jungkook grow was okay " you looked at your desk and nodded. " The past years you have been gone, I thought you and Jungkook will never see each other again. He caught up on his training but I believe you were his distraction for everything. Whether he was a student, trainee, or idol, you seemed to distract his main focus. Even if you miss him, step a step back away from him.. If we are clear... " He then got up and was about to leave but you finally spoke. " Why so suddenly? " you said in a respective tone. " Don't you see you two were not meant to be, even if you tried you are like two magnets that repel each other at all force. You already lost your chance to be with him 18 years ago, wanting him back is something you should have let go. And also the fact that he wanted to see you so bad, that he even got into a car accident.. it proves it.. " he said with an annoying tone. " Lies, we were meant to be. " you said violently. " Then why is it, that one person is either always across the world, leaving the world, or fighting for their life.. ? " you became silent and he left. 

After awhile you decided to go check up on Jungkook. When you entered his room, he was looking out the window, and you couldn't resist but to look at him, admiring your view and thinking about what his father said. 


" What would you do if Jungkook asked me to marry him? " you said curiously. " He won't, he will listen to his father, and if he does, ignore him and say no, even if that means him shedding tears. " you looked down. " What if I marry him? " you said trying to fight " Then he will get no inheritance, I will make sure to disown him, make him get a second wife and sabotage your love. " you were in shock but knew it was a threat. " Jungkook will get married soon, to someone who will give him love, wealth, and strength. The only thing you can give Jungkook is comfort, so leave him. " 

*End Of Flashback *

You felt like crying while looking at Jungkook but then he noticed you. " Hey y/n, you're finally here. " he said as he walked up to you. You nodded at him. " Are you okay? " you nodded your head. " You're oddly quiet today, huh? " he asked you, and again you nod. You tried so hard to hold back your tears. He reached his hand out to you and you moved back, making him get flustered from your actions. You saw he was not liking it. " I'm a doctor at the moment, neither your girlfriend, and a comfort of space. " After saying that to him, you walked out of the room. You took a deep breathe and walked down more. ' JEBAL JEBAL JEBAL JEBAL ! ' you said as you held your hands together in a praying position. You wanted to forget him, but you knew it would make you forget your guy's happy memories too, which you cherished deeply. 

Two days have gone by, and you stopped visiting him nor talking to him. He was getting discharge that day, you were happy because that means he is healthy, but you were slightly afraid. 'The Promises he said to you ' you kept praying that he didn't keep them, neither remember them. The day he left, you didn't go to work so you couldn't say bye to him, but either way, you showed regret, even if you did say goodbye to him. You tried to avoid him, which made you feel even more bad about yourself. The week later, he tried to text and call you but you always said you were busy. You then were emailed that they wanted you back in the United States, just for a year. You immediately agreed. You wanted to tell Jungkook first, unlike last time so you and him went out to Han River together. 

" Finally, you're free tonight, My Doctor. " he said in a cute way, but you tried not to smile, later on you walked in front of him, and didn't notice he wasn't beside you. You turned around and there he was on one knee, with a beautiful ring inside of a ring holder, his few words made your heart almost burst. 

" Y/F/L/N, will you please do me the greatest honor, and be my bride.. " you felt the eager to grab the ring and kiss, but as he was about to put it on a tear fell down your face and you pulled away. 

"Jungkookie, please don't do this, it makes me upset.. " he looked even more upset. " Why.. " You didn't want to do anything but did so anyways. 

"Jungkook, you're, you're- father, and I both talked. I heard him talk to you as well. I think we should do what he wants.. " Jungkook suddenly got angry.. " Why, he isn't me! Understand this, all you need to do is stay by my side, and we are more powerful than my father " he said as he grabbed onto your shoulders as tears dropped down your face. 

" Jungkook, I'd rather be the one to let go, it's not like I haven't done it before, I can do it again. I'd rather have you hate me for the rest of my life, than have your father hold resent towards you, please listen to me.. " Jungkook interrupted. " I thought this time, you would want to stay, did you not understand how much I went through, "  You began to cry even more.. " Jungkook don't you understand what I went through.. I want to stay with you.. " He started to cry. " Leave me, leave me and let's lost everything, or be with me, and fight with me, so we can be together. " you didn't know what to do so you tried to touched his face. " Don't touch me " you suddenly got worried. " Jungkook, I'm- " he had heavy breathing " Forget it, leave me, like you always did, Leave me, like how you did last time, leave me, to the point where I hate you so much. " You got so upset at him. " JUNGKOOK! listen to me, seriously for the first time ever, I feel so sorry for loving you, your father was right, all I gave you was pain. I'll make my decision, now. " Jungkook looked at you shocked. You stared into his eyes. " Let's hope, we never see each other Jungkook, this time, i'll leave you.. " After that you walked off. You cried and cried as you walked away from him. Once you got to the same pole light, you realized, the place where you ran away from, was the same place you ran away from him last time.. he hit your heart and chest so much, you felt like dying. You couldn't believe you are leaving him. When you got home, you walked to your bedroom and began crying while looking through photos of you and Jungkook, your mother walked in.. 

" Sweetie, are you okay? " she asked you calmly. " Eomma.. " you said as you cried to her. She held you tight. " By seeing you cry, i'm guessing you decided to leave him again? " you tried to nod, as you cried more, she patted your head and it made you cry more. You were so upset. 

The next few days were just packing days but finally, you are leaving, you are so anxious but eager to leave again. As you you got on the Airplane.. you looked out the window to see Seoul, a big city in South Korea, but quite small in the United States, you touched the window, and adored the photo of Jungkook on your phone. 

'I'm sorry, I guess, I was born to give you scars, I just want to make you happy, just once.. ' after saying that to yourself, you drew hearts and Jungkook's initials onto the window. ' I miss you '


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