Our Fate 'Episode 35'

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  "Don't cry. Don't cry over someone as worthless as me, " I said and walked away.  


~~ Y/N P.O.V. ~~

I began to cry once I got home. I laid onto the couch and just laid there staring at the ceiling. I never want to let him go. But Tzuyu is my friend. She must have loved him so much to be willing to give up her own body for him. I finally sat up when I heard the door bell ring. 

I walked there slowly and opened it. Right when I did, Se-Hwa threw the door open. 

" Yah, why did you leave? " she said and I looked down. 

" Nothing, why did you leave? " I asked back and she rolled her eyes. 

" I left because Jungkook said you left. " she yelled back and hugged me. "I thought that after seeing what you saw today, you might be planning to do something bad to yourself.." she said and began to cry, so did I. 

" You make me feel more special then I actually am. " I said and she began to laugh and playfully hit me. 

" Uh, I have something for you. " she said and took out my old phone for me. I actually got a new phone because I thought I lost this phone. " Uh, open it to the voice mail whenever you have the chance. Your parents gave it to me when we came back. " she said and handed it to me. 

" I have a new phone though. " I said and waved up my new phone. 

" I know you do, but just keep this, i'm gonna go back to work okay? " she said and I nodded. 

Although i'm like 5 months older than her, she acts like she is 5 months older than me. 

I went up to my bedroom and threw the phone into a random box under my bed. I quickly got changed into comfy clothing and watched a K-drama through my phone. There were so much good K-Dramas in the past 5 years, I wanted to watch all of them. 

I ended up falling asleep in bed. I had a peaceful sleep. Until I heard the phone rang. I woke up to see it was Se-Hwa who called me. I had 8 missed calls from her, and it's already 8 pm. 

I answered the call. 

" Yeah? Are you not home yet? " I asked her and she growled. 

" Yah, Unnie, i've been ringing the door bell for like 2 hours, but you haven't come and open the door. It's getting late, pabo! " she yelled annoyed at me and my eyes shot open while laughing. 

I quickly ran downstairs and opened the door. 

She walked right in, and growled at me once again. 

" Sorry, I was asleep " I said while trying to hold back my laughter. 

" I hate you, unnie. " She said and walked up stairs, then I started laughing even more. 


2 months has passed already. I barely go outside nor do anything. 

I just stay home and you know, do stuff. 

I visit the hospital now and then if they need me. I am still a qualified Doctor, it's just that I quit. If I want to go there, I just show my badge and they let me through. 


~~ Author P.O.V ~~ 

As you were walking into one of the check up rooms, you didn't notice but a male walk past you. 

Y/N, and Jungkook walked right pass each other. As Jungkook was getting his checkup for Leukemia, and Y/N went to go and visit the Doctor who checked up on Jungkook. 


~~ Jungkook P.O.V. ~~ 

These passed few days I have been feeling more sick than ever. I refused treatment though. I honestly wanted to leave already, but I still wanted to stay. 

I coughed up more blood and always had a heated temperature. Today I went to go and get a checkup on what's happening with me. 

I walked to my doctor. Doctor.Kwon, she is the doctor who i assigned to be mines. She was like my older sister. 

" You still refuse treatment? " She asked and I nodded. " You have approximately about 1-2 weeks to live, or even a couple of days left. " she said and I looked down. 

" Okay.. " i said quietly. 

" Do you really think, about leaving your family behind? Having Tzuyu be a single mother, raising Jung-Soo, and Soo-Yu, do you really think about what a hard time they will have. How much they probably want a father to raise him, do you really think you leaving would be better? " she said and I looked down. 

" The person I love the most in the whole entire world, doesn't love me..me leaving, would probably be the best for both of us, and for everyone else. " I said lowly. 

" Jung-Soo and Soo-Yu will grow up without a father. Is that what you really want? " She asked and I shook my head. 

" I don't want that, but i'm a terrible father. I only love them and not their mother.. " I said and she sighed. 

" Who's the lucky girl? " She asked and I told her. 

" She used to be a Neurosurgeon here, her name is Y/N. " I said and her eyes grew wide. 

" Really? You like her? She and I are like best friends. " she replied back happily. 

" Well, can you not tell her about any of this? I don't want her to know. " I said and she nodded. " I'll get going now. " I added and left. 


He's going to die soon!!! Or will he not? Hehehe. I know i'm killing yals. I understand

I hope you guys enjoyed

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