Our Fate' Episode 4'

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There it was, a video of Jungkook dancing. 

You felt like crying, but Jisoo was there so you couldn't. Before you could walk away your eyes began to water and a tear fell, Jisoo noticed and asked " what's wrong y/n? " " That boy.. " You said pointing to Jungkook. " He-, I-.. I just miss him a lot " " If you have Taehyung and Jimin's phone number, then you must have Jungkook's too. Just call him " " I don't have his number " Tzuyu came through the door and saw you two discussing. " Why are you crying? " she asked you worriedly. Jisoo replied to her instead of you. " She misses Jungkook " " Jungkook?... who's he? " Jisoo replied Tzuyu again. " The guy she showed you, you know the picture. " " Oh that handsome guy..! " I nodded and look up at the ceiling trying not to cry anymore. " Well why do you miss him, does he miss you too? " Tzuyu asked you curiously. " I'm not sure if he misses me, like I said we haven't spoken ever since he left. " They showed a look of sorrow and pity. " what does he even mean to you? You never talk about boys to us, and you said you don't like boys, is he the reason? C'mon tell us. " Tzuyu kept asking you " Don't tell anyone if  I tell you guys, okay? " " Yes, we promise. " They said as the pinky promised you. " We were friends for 10 years, before he became a trainee. In middle school, I developed feelings for him, but I was always so scared to tell him. He was so nice to me, and always told me his dreams, and troublesome situations. It made me think, he only thought of me as a little sister. The very day he left, he came over to my house and told my mom, he wanted to see me, my mom had to lie to him for my sake. I sneaked out, and I saw him get into his car while looking for me desperately. till this day, I wish I never let him go.. " the two of them were so into your story, they almost cried. " Ohh.. y/n I feel so bad for you, you must be hurting so much.. " Jisoo said, trying to comfort you. " Why won't you just find someone else? there's other guys. " Tzuyu asked you, concerned. " No one will beat Jungkook. He's everything. He tries so hard to make me laugh, make me proud of him, and everything. How dumb am I to let him leave, huh? " You told them. They looked at you with sadness.  They tried so hard to comfort you so you wouldn't cry. Later on that night, you search up their group name onto your computer. Seeing him through your electronics was the only way you get to see him smile. You always wondered if he was hurting, just like you. Deep thoughts come in. You were still afraid to think about anything else. It's like, you were holding onto something, that's not yours. The next morning you woke up and went to the pharmacy/trainee hospital. You were performing surgery on a fake body. You were yet so afraid because the fake body has the same reactions as a human body. Before your surgery, you looked at a necklace Jungkook got you on his birthday. He gave it to you as a lucky charm. You couldn't have jewelry inside the surgery room, so you sat it next to the table. After the surgery was done, it was successful. You came out and tried to find your necklace. It was gone. You looked all over the training hospital but couldn't find it. You felt like crying. So much. After hours of looking, it was already 11 pm. So you decided to go home. As soon as you arrived home Jisoo was so excited to tell you something. " Guess what y/n!? " She asked you excitedly. You chuckled and answered back at her childish attitude. " what? " She started screaming. " Look Look Look, BTS is in Los Angelas, like right now.! " You froze in shock. You were also in Los Angelas, right now. You had a feeling you wanted to see them. So instead you called Jimin. You called 3 times and finally he answered. " Hey, finally after like 7 years you call. " he said to you kiddingly. " I heard you guys are in L.A. ! " " Wait you know that we debuted? Wow! " " My friend is a fan of you guys, and why didn't you tell me? " " Rose said you moved to the U.S., so I thought you changed your phone number.. " " I would never change my phone number, so are you guys really in L.A.? " He laughed and responded " Yeah, we are, why? where are you? " You were so happy. " Let's meet up. I'll text you the place " he started shouting into the phone yelling at his groupmates about how excited he is, you couldn't help but laugh. After awhile, you heard Jungkook's voice. " Who are you talking to, hyung? " You almost cried, but Jimin answered " Just my friend.. " you were kind of glad he said that, you didn't want Jungkook to know it was you. " Ahh, I see, okay. Goodnight. " Jungkook said as he left Jimin's room. After Jungkook was gone another guy came in and interrupted, " Hey y/n, remember me? " You were quite confused but answered " Ehh, uhh, Tae-hyung? " you said unsure. " YEAHH!, It's me! " he yelled happily. After talking to Jimin and Tae for awhile, you felt so happy. Yet Jungkook's few words, hit your heart like a knife. The next day, you and Jimin met up, although he had to wear a mask and bring his manager along, it was a nice day with him. You guys stopped at a Cafe, you showed him your school, your work place, and your house. He met Jisoo and Tzuyu as well. Before he left he gave you a hug, for the very first time. For some reason, your heart kind of beat. Probably because he's the first boy you ever hugged in the past 7 years. 

Jungkook's P.O.V.

As I was in the restroom, Jimin was talking to a girl on the phone. He put her on speaker, for Hoseok-hyung. When I went outside I asked him, who he was talking to. Her voice was so familiar I knew it was y/n for sure. But Jimin just said it was a girl. I kept thinking about her voice for the whole night. It made me miss y/n so much. But I was so happy to be in the U.S. The next morning when I woke up. Jimin-hyung was dressed pretty nicely. I asked him who he was going to meet, and he said the girl from last night. I wanted to ask him so badly if I could tag along but when I had the courage, he already said bye to me. When he came home, he was so happy. It made me think he was with y/n. He normally never hangs out with girls, but, who would he know in the U.S. besides y/n? 

Y/N's p.o.v. 

Still in shock I go sit down on the couch. The whole time Jisoo and Tzuyu kept saying into my ear " Y/N's dating an idol, you're so lucky you hugged an idol, you like him huh? " in a kiddish way. 

A few months pass. You are now a doctor at a huge hospital in L.A. You are the lead neurosurgeon. You are now done with school and just focuses on work. BTS went back to Korea about 4 month's ago. Somehow you missed them, but not as much. After about 2 months working at the hospital you are currently at, you wanted to go home. So you got asked to be transferred to a hospital in South Korea. Somewhere in Seoul. Your boss allowed you and you got sent back home. At the airport you saw your mother. She immediately told you " I kept my promise, I told him you moved to the United States, to pursue your dream " you were happy, but had to tell her " They were in the United States a few months ago, I met one of the members. " She was shocked but smiled. " Let's get a taxi home " after trying to catch a taxi, you both arrived home. Your bedroom was still the same. And your father was usually never home, like usual. You ran downstairs after bringing your suitcase upstairs and told your mother. " I'm moving to Seoul, but just not me, You, me, and Dad. I'll buy the house, you just have to live there with me. " Your mom immediately disagreed about them moving but you insisted. Your mom gave up and said yes. 2 weeks pass, you and your family was living in Seoul. In a huge enough house for a family of 15 or 20. There was 8 bedrooms, 2 living rooms, 10 bathrooms, 1 huge kitchen, a pool, and hot-tub, with a huge backyard lounge. 3 days later, you started working at your new hospital. Later on that day, there was a call, an idol was just in a car accident, and you were assigned his doctor...

Coming Next: Episode 5 ( sneak peek/ trailer ) 

I LOVE YOU!- Jimin

Why would you tell him so much lies? - y/n 


It was my fault - Father 

I hate you - y/n


Don't ever hurt yourself.... 

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