Our Fate'Episode 6'

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GO LISTEN TO LIKE SOME SAD SONGS ( Become Eachother's Tears- Hyorin, Ailee - I'll go to you

This will be from a hm... third person point of view.. 

I looked up shocked at him, but instead, we both stared into the beautiful sunset together with his arms around mine.. 

The next day, you went to work, but instead, you were more happy than usual. You smiled at everyone and talked to everyone, but you couldn't forget that one person, Jungkookie. You went into his room and found he was asleep. You smiled and sat next to his bed. You softly called out his name " Jungkookie? " but yet he didn't answer, you called out his name several times but no answer. You were confused, but decided to go. So you whispered 'good bye ' as you got up, he grabbed your hand.. 

" I thought you were going to keep saying my name, you know? TRY HARDER! " he said to you in a sarcastic tone. 

' You're such an idiot, Jungkook " you said to him. He looked at you happily. 

"Stay there, I need to sleep, but I also need you, so why not have both? " You were shocked and shook your head heavily in disagreement. " I'm not asking you to sleep with me, I mean you can, I don't mind, but just hold my hand while I go to sleep,.. PLEASE? " you chuckled and nodded. You grabbed onto his hand kissed his cheek.. " Go to sleep, pabo.. " he smiled and immediately knocked out. 

After awhile of staring at him sleeping, you left a kiss on his forehead and got out of his room. A nurse came in, wanting to talk to you " Did you and Jungkook know each other, before? " you nodded with a smile.. she asked you something else " uh, Unnie, do you like him? like as a boyfriend? you were confused why she asked, but replied an answer that signed, you didn't know. She smiled, " He's cute huh ", you were so flustered.. " Yeah, I guess, I mean he is an idol. " you smiled fakely. " Are you positive, nothing is going on? " You raised your shoulders. " Ask Jungkook, whatever answer he gives you, that's the answer " -- " But- I- " as she was trying to speak you waved goodbye and walked away while having a slight chuckle. You were not upset at her, you would understand, you spent your whole life having only Jungkook in your heart, you didn't understand why you loved him so much but everything fell in place. Later that day Jimin came into your office unexpected, as he walked in you looked up to see who was at your door. You saw his hair peeking from the door. He  walked in super slowly, yet nervous. You knew from the moment he walked in that something was wrong, he for sure had something to ask or tell you. You put down the piece of patient paper down and placed your chin on your hands. 

" Aish, why are you so down? What's wrong?, tell me. " you said in a caring way yet sarcastically. 

He replied back to you with his head facing downwards. " Almost everything.." he said so softly, you knew he was hurting. " Jiminie-oppa, what's everything? " you said to him with gentle caring as you placed your hand on his shoulder. " I-I try so hard on everything, yet nothing comes down to what I want, I tried so hard to get you to notice me, but you never do, it hurts seeing you show so much care for another person, " you automatically pulled your hand from his shoulders, " Jimin, don't be like that, I really do love you, but- " he looked like he was getting angrier, but you couldn't understand it. " I know, I know, but you love Jungkook more than you love me.. stop trying to comfort me.. it makes me think you feel pity towards me. " he said to you, somewhat harshly. " No, you don't know how much Jungkook and I have tried to get each other. Being across the world, I yearned for him so much, I wanted him so much, yet I pushed him away, him on the other end, loved me so much, and tried so hard to reach me.. you have to understand, Jungkook tried almost 15 years just to have me be by his side. You will eventually find someone.. I promise " after saying that a tear dropped from Jimin's face, you immediately got up and around my desk to go and hug him, you hugged him so tightly, it felt so strong. You really wished he was happy, you understood he had feelings, you just didn't think it would come down to this. 

Jimin's voice: 

Promises are meant to be kept, yet this girl, keeps promising me things, I can't keep to myself, it makes my heart ache, to know her feelings.. 


"y/n! " someone shouted your name from the back. You turned around, it was your doctor in training. " Wait up! " he came running towards you. " Did you eat, y/n-noona? " you shook your head signing no. He asked you with a very happy smile " Where are you going? " you replied fast " Why are you smiling so much?" he asked you to answer first, so you did. " I'm going to visit a patient. How about you, why are you smiling? " his face turned pink and he looked shy. " I finally have a girlfriend. " " REALLY??!!, SERIOUSLY?!?! " you yelled out shocked. " Yeah, you know the nurse in training? Kim Eunwa? yeah, I liked her ever since college, so I asked her out today and she said yes. You smiled in happiness. " do you have a boyfriend, y/n-noona? " you looked up at the ceiling " I don't know? it's complicated, but I gue- " he pulled you closer to him " There's a rumor going on that you and the Idol Jungkook is dating, yeah it's all over the hospital. " you looked up in shocked, now thinking why people looked at you so much. " So are you guys dating? " you told him to keep it to himself. "No, but I like him a lot. " your trainee smiled, " Well, it's okay. It doesn't hurt to like someone. " you chuckled at him, and he asked you " Where's a perfect place to take the perfect girl to, for a perfect date. " you kept thinking ' wow this boy really loves her. " What would you want to go for y/n? like on a date.. where would you want to go ? " he asked you, Eunwa must be so lucky to have him " I would want to go to an amusement park, somewhere fun, girls these days do not care for romantic dates anymore, they like fun and cut dates, that means a lot " you was so shocked at your answer " So I take her to a date at an amusement park, walking around Han River, and then go eat at a convenient store? " you chuckled " Convenient store would be fine, honestly for me, it's fine, but you can take her to the downtown food places, eating there would be nice. " he smiled and nodded his hand and ran away. 

As you were walking into Jungkook's room you hear somebody in there with him, you leaned your ear onto the door to hear what was going on.. and you hear that person say 

"Let her go, she's not worth it... " 


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