Our Fate 'Episode 37'

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" I'm sorry.. Jungkook.. please wake up.. I didn't mean what I said to you.. "


~~ Y/N P.O.V. ~~

His family left, and so did Tzuyu. Tzuyu left to go and take care of Jung-Soo and Soo-Yu.

I stayed there for a bit, and then Jihyun (Doctor. Kwon ) came.

She sat right next to me.

" I don't know why he fainted.. " I said frustrated.

" I do.. " She said and I looked at her.

" Why? Why did he faint? " I asked her curiously. I needed to know.

" He had Leukemia stage 3. And he didn't faint. We have been putting him under oxygen for the pass 5 hours put his body is basically a corpse. " she said and I cried out loud.

" No wonder, all those times he wished to stay by me. When he asked me to stay with him for 3 months but I declined.. he was going to die, that's why he wished for me to stay.. " I said and tears flow down my face.

" You can go into his room. " she said and I nodded.

I walked into his room. He was there sleeping so peacefully. He probably wanted to go in peace but because of me, he couldn't...

His words repeated in my head, " I'll... feel like... this... spot.. is... always.. the spot... where... we leave.. each other.. " It was true though. When he proposed to me, I left him at that spot, and now he left me at that spot.

I sat next to his bed and held his hand tightly.

" Please be strong and wake up.. I really didn't mean those words I said, I love you Jungkook, I really do, more than my own life, I would sacrifice anything for you, please Jungkook.. don't leave me.. " I said and then the door opened revealing Tzuyu.

She came in and I was about to go out but she called me.

" Don't go, he probably wants you to stay by his side, in a moment like this. " she said and I cried of her words.

I nodded and sat back down. She cried for a bit and then left.

Seeing Jungkook like this made my heart ache. His body was so cold, his face was so dull and pale, his hands were so lifeless.

I walked out to use the restroom as I began to cry in there as well. I heard the sound of emergency and went out. I saw them all running into Jungkook's room. I ran after them to see them taking off his oxygen mask, I saw them take it all off.

My heart ached more. His vitals were at 0, he was no longer alive. I cried and cried and cried because I couldn't handle the pain. But yet they make me do the hardest job ever.

I put the white cloth over his head. " Jeon Jungkook, passed at the time 2:41 " I said and held back my tears.

Tzuyu came back in and cried asking him to wake up.

It was all my fault. Jihyun told me he wanted to leave, he didn't take his medicine because he thought he wouldn't meet me again, he thought that I didn't love him, he wanted to leave so he wouldn't feel the heart ache anymore, everything happened because of me.

I walked out of the hospital lifelessly and went home. I sat on top of my bed and Se-Hwa came in.

" Did you hear that Jungkook passed away? " she said showing me the article about it but had a surprised face as she saw my expression.

" I was there.. " I said and she looked at me shocked.

" Y/N, are you okay? " She asked and sat next to me hugging me as I cried on her chest. I shook my head signing no and she nodded. " It's okay.. " added. She pulled from the hug. " Have you read the voice mails I asked you to? " she asked and I shook my head. " Read them, now.. " She said and I nodded.

She left the room and I took out the phone.


" Y/N! Why did you leave me? I come back from tour but then you leave me? Why didn't you tell me either? Pick up the phone please.. "


" I finally got married today, I wanted to get married to you, I hope you understand that I love and miss you so much. You still have my heart as well. My heart will always beat fast for you.. "


" I wanted to tell you that I missed you, I had a dream you came back, but when I woke up, it was only just a dream. It made me miss you so much. I wish you wouldn't ignore me and call me back. I wish that you would tell me if you were okay. I wonder where in the world you are.. I wonder if you are married or I wonder if you are happy.. "


" It's been awhile. I thought that you came back to Korea today because I saw you from the corner of my eye but when I looked it wasn't you. Can you tell me why you are ignoring my calls? I just want to know if you are okay.. "


"I know you probably forgot about me because I heard you had amnesia. But I hope that one day you will remember me and talk to me.. "


" I had my first kid, his name is Jung-Soo. He looks like the mini version of me. I just wanted to tell you this because I don't know.. why I do. But please stop ignoring me."


" It's been a year already and how much do I miss you?, i'm doing fine. Are you doing fine? I hope that you are happy and eating well too. "


" Y/N, are you okay?, a new girl came into my company.. when I first met her, I realized you two looked alike, it makes me miss you Y/N, I always ask the stars and the moon and everything to make you come back to me. But i'm dumb.. because even if you did, I wouldn't have you.. meaning you and I will both go on like this anyways.. but even so, I still want to see you.. even if you marry someone else, I still want to see you.. I wish you knew how much I missed.. and how much I love you.. "


" I have been diagnosed with Leukemia. I still refused to take the medicine needed. I was told by my doctor I only had 2 weeks left at most but I think it's probably only a couple of days. I wanted to tell you to be healthy, be happy, I wanted to ask you this question once again to get your official answer but from the words you told me, I think you will say no. I wanted to see you for the passed year or so ever since I found out I had Leukemia. Now that I do, I think i'm at ease to go, seeing how healthy you are, and that you no longer care for my existing, I chose to go. I wanted to tell you one last time.. I love you Y/N, more than anything.. I hope that you and I will meet again soon.. "

Call: Jungkook

Hello, this is Jungkook, i'm sorry i'm not available right now, please leave a voicemail, i'll call you later.

"I'm so sorry, I love you more than anything too, I never once wished I forgot you even though I said I wished to. You were my biggest treasure, you were like everything I needed but it was as if Our Fate never crossed. I wanted to hold you close to me so many times, but then I remember you are no longer a single man that I can do that to. I cried to many nights wanting you next to me. I'm sorry for all the misunderstandings too, so wait for me, wait for me till the day I come to you.. and when that is the time.. I promise.. I won't leave you, I will never leave you, ever again.."


Awe!!!!!!!! All the voice mails!!!!

BTW Jungkook is DEAD! How sad, this crushed my little heart.

I wanted to die in this episode, it is so freaking sad.

I hope you guys didn't cry a river loll.

Make sure to VOTE and COMMENT!

Bye Loves!

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