Our Fate ' Episode 9'

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  After that you just waited until the plane boarded, once it did, there you were flying back to your country..  

While you were on the plane, something popped in your head, or "someone", it was Jungkook. You kept wondering if he was already married, if he was fine now, or if he still missed you too. You didn't put your hopes up, including the fact that you turned out his marriage proposal, and left to the United States, you would understand if he was upset at you. 

JungKook's P.O.V  - Few Days After  You Left

I still couldn't believe that she rejected my marriage proposal, I knew that she wouldn't have stayed single if she never liked me the same way back. I for sure had to try again. That they I went over to her house and her mother opened the door. 

" Hello, Jungkook, come in. " her mother said to me politely. " Ne, ahjumeoni, where is y/n? " I asked without focusing on much but just placing my eyes on the pictures hung up. And then, my eyes landed onto one picture../ " Jungkook? Are you listening? " her mother said to me and my mind came back to reality. " Oh yea, where is y/n? Is she out? " , Y/N's mother didn't answered but looked down and finally replied. " I'm not sure if she wanted me to tell you this, but because I can tell that you truly care for her, I will tell you.. " she said that and I began to worry, but I slightly nodded anyways. " Y/N went back to the United States around 2 or 3 days ago. She went back to her old Hospital in the United States. " 

I felt so shock to hear those words. ' Did she really leave, because I proposed to her? a simple no would have been enough for me to understand that she doesn't love me, I still want to see her.. ' I kept thinking but her mom interrupted " Do you mind me asking you a favor? " I slightly nodded at her . " Please, stop hurting yourself, you're doing too much for the people around you, learn to love yourself more, okay? " , she was really like my mother, and it made me happy. She excused herself now it was my chance to look at the photo. 

It was a photo of me and Y/N, when we graduated from Middle School. I looked at it admiring her face. " Now I see why I fell for you so badly, you were such a cutie and you were always so smart. " I said under my breathe but I didn't realize her mother was there. " Jungkook-ah " she said to me and I got shocked. she came up to me and hugged me. " I saw that tear drop from your eye, it's okay.. " she said to me and it made me cry more. " Actually, Y/N wrote a letter behind the paper. I have never read it but she said if you ever find the picture and you two never meet again, then you can have the picture. " I was so shocked to hear her say that. She sat me down with the picture in my hands. I finally turned it over. And I saw her beautiful handwriting all over it. 

" If you, Jungkook, ever read this, please cherish it.. Jungkookie,my best friend who is always good at everything except for Math and English. Today, i'm finally graduating. You must be proud right. I was really hoping, I would see you today, that would be the best thing in the world But we haven't seen each other in around 3 years, so why would you? I just wanted to tell you something. After High School, i'll be off the United States, I'll miss you really much, but i'm not sure when i'll come back, so in case I don't and our fates don't cross, I hope you understand that I love you, everyday, I had the urge to hug you and hold your hand but I was too afraid to do so, until the day you left, I regret not doing anything. I regret not hugging you more and being there for you more, but because of both of us, I will never ever forget you, even if you force me too, I will still love you the same, I promise.     - Y/N " 

Reading what she wrote really hurts me but I kept wondering why she broke her promise? Or did he just lie to me. I took the picture and left her home. I got into my car and sat in the crying, not being able to drive. 'How am I so stupid?, I loved her soo much, yet my coward butt couldn't do anything about it.. ' I punched my head multiple times and just kept crying, out of frustration. 

Back to Author P.O.V. 

You finally arrived and like last time, your mother came to pick you up and you two took a cab home. You left a nice car for them each but your mother doesn't want to wreck the car. As soon as you got home and you put everything in the house, the cab left. When you were running upstairs your mother called you. 

" Y/N! Come here! " she said as she waited for you to come back down. " Yeah, wait okay? " you yelled from upstairs. " It's so nice to be home. " you said as you were walking with your phone in your hand. " Y/N.. " now your mother seemed serious. " What's wrong? " you asked, because the mood suddenly changed. " Is it true that you left, because of Jungkook? " you were quite surprised at her question. But shook your head. " don't lie to me sweetheart. many people have told me that Jungkook proposed to you, but you denied and that's why you left to America. " at that point you didn't want to lie nor tell her the truth. " You've liked Jungkook ever Middle School, now when he finally wants to be with you forever, you say no? " after hearing her say that you got more upset. " Mom.. " you said quietly but still got her full attention. And even when you just said 'Mom' a tear rolled down your cheek. " I do love him, but his father, his father told me that the best I can do is stay away from Jungkook. He gave reasons that shows he and I weren't destined to be.. And his father said that none of the inheritance will go towards Jungkook if Jungkook marries me.. What do you think i'm suppose to do? " 



KST time, today is already the 9th meaning that it's February 9th, meaning that T.O.P has finally joined the South Korea Military Base!! I'll miss him sooo much! :'( 

BYE NOW, hehe

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