Crimson Moon

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It was the month of November.  The night was starting to get crisp and cool. The sky was clear, the people were rushing to get things done because the moon was rising and it was a rare one to be added.  Sebastian and Ciel payed the rushing people no mind. Ciel then looked at the sky. " Why are these people in such a rush?" Ceil says to Sebastian. Sebastian turned his head to his young master. " I do not know my lord, this is also very new to me as well." Sebastian responded to his master's question. Soon the town was cleared of people, not even the strays were out.  Undertaker was in his little piece of a building peering out of the window and then moving away from it. The moon was high in the sky. It was red, a  dark crimson red. Like fresh blood flowing from a cut. The rays of the moon touched the whole area. Ciel was caught in the rays. He soon looked at Sebasian. " S-Sebastian?" Ciel called out. Sebastian turned around to see that his master was way behind him in the rays of the red moon. Sebastian came to Ciel. " My lord are you okay?" Sebastian said with slight worriment  Ciel couldn't speak. Sebastian looked at him even more worried then before. " Young lord?" Sebastian called. Then a big cloud covered the moon and Ciel was able to speak and move again. Sebastian wasted no time and picked up his young master and brought him to the undertaker. " I have no time for games undertaker. Tell me what just happened to my master just now." Sebastian said with a little anger and haste. Undertaker knew this was not a time to be playing around.

" It was the moon." Undertaker says to Sebastian. Sebastian looked as Undertaker with unamusement. " Undertaker my tolerance is not to be toyed with right now." Sebastian says with slight anger. Undertaker looked at him with all seriousness. " I'm not toying with you Sebastian. 'Tis true that is was the moon. It was the crimson moon. A dangerous moon indeed." Sebastian looked at Ciel. Ciel looked around. " Put me down Sebastian, right now." Sebastian looked as Ciel and put him down with care. Ciel then left the building. Sebastian went after him but Undertaker stopped him.  "Its best if he doesn't hear form me. But that moon changed him. He's no longer a human child that you serve for his soul..."Undertaker says to Sebastian.  Sebastian wanted answers and he wanted them now. " Tell me then Undertaker. I have to get back to the mansion and get things started before those fools ruin the mansion again." Sebastian says with haste to undertaker. " He's.. a monster like you but yet not like you. He will now start to prey on the ones that keep him from danger, draining their health." Undertaker paused. Sebastian looked outside to see his master by the door. " What do you mean by that undertaker." Sebastian says. Undertaker continues speaking to Sebastian. " A monster whom stays out in the night and sleeps in the day feeding off the blood of others. A monster the Americans call: A Vampire." Sebastian was unsure how a moon could do such a thing, but is was a concern for the queen and the other three at the mansion.

" And how do you deal with one?" Sebastian says with  curiosity. Undertaker told him a few ways. Some Sebastian didn't like. " You can deal with them in numerous ways Sebastian. You can put a stake through their heart, keep them at bay with garlic, holy water but that's out of the question because it will hurt you in the process as well. There's herbal water as well." Undertaker had more options but Sebastian cut him off. " Anything I can do that won't hurt him?" Sebastian says a little pissed. Undertaker explained. " Well you can always go to the blood bank here. Live stalk but that wouldn't be quite his liking, the people he is sent to deal with can be another choice, but this is a LAST RESORT, You can use yourself but that is like I will repeat... A LAST RESORT." Sebastian kept those things in mind. He came out. Deep in thought. He called for his young master. Ciel was nowhere to be seen. Sebastian was looking for him. Ciel was on top of the roof. Sebastian finally found him. " My young lord how did you get up here?" Sebastian says a little shocked. Ciel didn't say anything till just now. " Sebastian I heard what was going on in the building. I heard what I am...You can't hide it from me." Ciel says in his calm manner. Sebastian sighed. " Sebastian?" Ciel says to him." " Yes my young lord?" Sebastian responds. " Take me home it's cold." Sebastian smiled and took his young master home. 

" Yes my young lord I will get you home promptly."  Sebastian took Ciel home. As soon as they got home MeyRin, Finny and Baldroy all came rushing to the door. Tannaka was drinking his tea like always. Undertaker was there as well. " Well I see we meet again Sebastian and Young lord." Sebastian didn't say a word as he went to the kitchen to prepare for tomorrow's festivities. Ciel sat in his throne like chair. " What are you doing here Undertaker?" Ciel asked a little tired. " Well  My lord I was telling your other workers what happened and how to respond." undertaker replies. Ciel looked at the three of them. He then suddenly got up and went up stairs. As he went up stairs he called out. " If you know what's good for you three you would keep your distance or find away to keep yourselves unharmed." Ciel called as he shut the door. Baldroy was sure of himself that Ciel would not favor him because of his smoking habits. Finny didn't seem so sure. " Just because you smoke doesn't mean that  he wont consider." MeyRin agreed. " I agree, yes I do." Undertaker was listening to the three babble among eachother. " There a possibility that he will decide on his own you know." Undertaker butted in. Baldroy didn't care what undertaker had to say if it wasn't important. The three continued to babble. Sebastian then came out to silence them. " You three are too loud. Be silent!" Sebastian glared at the three.

Sebastian left the room as the three went quiet

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Sebastian left the room as the three went quiet. They shivered at the Ice cold glare from Sebastian. Undertaker was looking at the place. " Sebastian you do really keep the place clean don't you?" Undertaker commented. " If a butler can't even keep the estate clean then what what kind of butler would I be?" Sebastian was behind Undertaker cleaning the chair that Ciel was sitting in. Undertaker didn't even mind that he was questioningly behind him cleaning. Ciel was in his studies. Thinking on how this would effect his trust with the queen. " What will she think of me when she hears of this?" Ciel was deep in thought. as the was in this trance like thought Sebastian knocked. Ceil noticed before he could knock and told Sebastian to come in. " You may enter." Ciel says in his normal tone. Sebastian enters with a letter from the queen. Ciel opens it to read it.  It said...

Dear Ciel Phantomhive,

It has been told to me that there are numerous killers running about. And that a 'change' had happened to you, I would like to keep you informed on the underworld doings. Do as you must..but to the underworld humans of this unforgiving place, Grey my advisor has told me. Please keep the people safe as you deal with the wrong doers of this world.

                                                                                                                                          Sincerely, The Queen

Ciel had closed the letter. He looked at his work and continued on it. " What's in store for to morrow Sebastian?" Ciel asked. Sebastian told Ciel what was in store for his long boring day tomorrow. Ciel sighed. " Elizabeth is coming by then? What time?" Sebastian responded. "After the meeting with the  investigation head." Ciel sighed. " That can't happen. I have other important things to do other than to cater to Elizabeth and her annoying game and 'dress ups'. I cannot, tell her another day and another time." Ciel opened the newspaper. Sebastian nodded and notified that Elizabeth was to come another day. '' But Ciel promised that we were going to spend time together! On this date! I'm not letting him slip outta this one!" Elizabeth threw a fit over Ciel canceling their get together. Sebastian tried to calm her down. " Yes, Yes I understand milady but its-" Elizabeth had curt Sebastian off.. " Then I'm coming now!" Elizabeth hung up before Sebastian could get another word out.

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