A note from the queen

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A letter came form the queen. She told Ciel to hold a over night ball. She needed him to find out who was killing her people. Ciel had sighed a long sigh as well. " Sebastian get the mansion ready for the people that were listed on this letter. Not that we have another butler to help us out in this plan." Ciel says to Sebastian who was pouring Ciel some tea. Servana heard about it and Sebastian revised a plan. Servana seemed like she was going to  like this plan. The plan was to kick off when the guests arrived. They all arrived and were waiting for Ciel to come down the stairs. But when they saw him come down they expected to see Sebastian but it was a female butler aiding him at the moment. "Welcome to you my dear guests. The queen as insisted that I throw this overnight ball. The queen herself will not be here but her adviser Double Charles will be in her place." Ciel says staring the overnight ball. " Your rooms will be addressed by Sebastian my Main butler. But at the moment he is out gathering the few days worth of groceries. My second butler will take your things and store them in their places." Ciel went back upstairs after giving the announcement. 

Servana was taking the  guests  belongings. They believe that she was a bit different that Sebastian. Kind of more. "Able''. But Sebastian came back and had a large amount. Servana helped him out. All was as planned for the Phantomhive manor.    Servana was to use her true to deal with the other people. Arthur didn't feel right. But he shrugged it off. Double Charles was waiting for the so called 'amazing food' that Sebastian could make. But alas Sebastian wasn't cooking this time around. Servana was cooking and it was wonderful. Charles couldn't wait. Servana let the people chat among themselves. After a few hours the  food was still piping hot. She announced that diner was served. They all gathered by the table as Servana sorted out the food portions. Double Charles had finished first because the food was go damn good.

Servana served him more. He finished again within five minutes. Servana was amazed how humans can stuff themselves with such haste for more. She will never be able to wrpa her head around that. Ciel grabbed her attention. He whispered something into her ear. She nodded and left for a while. Charles was full after awhile. It was time for the people to retire to their rooms. They all went to the rooms of their choosing. Thy all heard a scream in the room down the hall. It was Irene. She freaked out over a large snake on her bed. Servana really didn't care to hear the women scream like that. At the moment Servana posed as a spitting cobra. She missed. But it was all part of the plan. Irene moved out of the way as quickly as she could. Servana spat again. But by the time she was going to spit a third time Ciel came into the room. Ciel lightly grabbed Servana. " My apologies. It seems my pet had gotten out of her cage without me knowing." Ciel says. But Irene didn't care for that. " Just please keep it away from me." Irene says to Ciel.

Servana was crawling all over Ciel. " I think you just startled her." Ciel says to Irene holding Servana outward to reach his other arm. Servana coiled around the other arm. Ciel left making Irene feel less scared. But it seemed to Irene that the snake was watching her. She shook it off. Once Ciel was far away from the door Servana had turned backs to normal. " You are surprisingly light Servana." Ciel says to his butler. She just looks with her un-blinking eyes. Ciel thought something was wrong but she blinked again. " You had me worried for a short second. What was the matter?" Ciel asks Servana. She gave Ciel a look of nothingness. She then walked away. She had to tend to that bottomless pit of a human. Ciel was left a little confused but pressed on wards with the plan.

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