Serpent's stare

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Servana looked at Ciel like he was crazy. " Do you even know who I am? Child I can end you here. This is my territory. I have been here sense forever. Do you really think getting in my way is a good choice for you young vampire?" Servana knew. She could smell it all over Ciel. Blood. It was an unforgettable smell. Ciel was a bit taken back. '' Servana that's enough from you.'' Sebastian tries to get the  two to back down. Servana looked at Sebastian. '' I have no quarrel with you fools. Unlesss you want hell to come back and bite you in the ass again Sebastian."  Sebastian looked at her. " Demon or not." She says a little bit pissed. Sebastian didn't want to deal with Servana's wrath. The two left with Ciel yelling from over Sebastian's shoulder. ''You'll regret it so help me you demoness." The two were gone and out of her sight. She sighed heavily. " Sebastian you saved you little master just in the nick of time. Next time... I won't be so graceful." She lied in her favorite spot in the forest. She was tired and wasting that energy on those two were a waste indeed.

"My young lord its not safe to do that to her. She's a dangerous demon my lord I warned you. She let us go my lord. By her evil graces." Sebastian sounded like he was in a panic. He had every right to panic. Ciel looked at him like he didn't see a problem with it. " Demon or demoness I don't care Sebastian. She's going to vie me those answers." Ciel went to his room. Sebastian sighed. He followed Ciel to his room." My lord please you must understand.She's not like others. She's-" Sebastian  paused. He couldn't finish . Ciel looked at Sebastian. ''Well?" Ciel says a little angry. Sebastian looks at his master. " She's a demon made to control the rest of the many demons out in this world. She also deals with humans my lord. She was made to feast on both man and demon. Contract or not.. Her true form is not pleasant like all others. Its a horrible black serpent. To long to know where she'll attack." Sebastian draws a picture of what her form was like. With many forms Sebastian only drew two.

 With many forms Sebastian only drew two

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"She's a vile demon she is my lord

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"She's a vile demon she is my lord. She gives no second chances. I have very closely almost lost my life to her. she is the only one who can kill a demon with her bare hands and nothing more. She doesn't even need the demon sword to even help." Sebastian looked at Ciel. As Ciel looked at the drawings of her unholy forms. Ciel didn't see any point in being afraid of Servana. She didn't look like she could put up a fight at all. " I see no point in being afraid Sebastian. She really doesn't look like she could do any harm to me or you at the moment."  Ciel looked away from Sebastian. Sebastian sighed a long sigh. " My lord she really is a horrible thing. I barely escaped her trances. She is not one to tangle with. No one but I have seen her human form. She forever spends her time in her true nature as you clearly have seen." Sebastian was bent on keeping Ciel safe from Servana's hands. Ciel was getting tires of Sebastian going on and on about this ''Servana'' demoness. He didn't care anymore. His mind was made up and he was going to get the answers he wanted from her no matter what he had to do.

Sebastian gave it one more push. " Please my lord. I beg you not to go back." Sebastian pleaded with Ciel. Ciel looked at him. " Did I just hear you say 'beg'? Sebastian you are a demon. Get a hold of your self! A demon does not beg to anyone. What the hell had gotten into you?!" Ciel looked a bit concerned. But more angry. " Show me what she would look like as a ''human'' then if you feel terrified of her in her true nature." Ciel demanded. Sebastian seemed a little more calm about that. So he drew what he remembered.

(sorry guys I wasn't trying to get into the shot

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(sorry guys I wasn't trying to get into the shot. T.T) "Sebastian. You need to calm yourself. She's not as big as you think. Really Sebastian." Ciel goes to his bedroom. Sebastian could feel Servana's cold scaled body around him. He was sure she was after them. But he was only halfway right. She was after Sebastian himself. She was there. Watching his every move. Starving after a long, long sleep. Claude wasn't going to be enough to keep her insatiable hunger down. She wanted more. Her hunger wasn't going to be satisfied with such low abundance of prey. She'll have to start finding more. " Its seems over the years I was napping that the other demons have just been helping themselves to my prey. Hmph. I guess I'll just have find them." She says to herself. But first she was going to get Sebastian. She had a taste fir crow demon. She waited to strike when the time was right. She waited a little longer and then she attacked.

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