A rematch!

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Servana didn't wait. She was gone when the two of them got down the stairs. "Where in the blazes did Servana run off to?!!!" Ciel says to Sebastian. Sebastian looked at Snake. Snake pointed out the door. Ciel couldn't do anything but follow her with Sebastian. Sebastian came to see the two locked in combat.

 Sebastian came to see the two locked in combat

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Sebastian signed. " My lord it seems that she is bent of getting undertaker. Its best to leave a demon of her stature alone at this point." Sebastian says to Ciel. Ciel looked at Servana. She was. Bent on getting back at undertaker. She had him cornered. " I will end you this time!'' Servana was bent on getting back at Undertaker." You think you have me cornered?" Undertaker says to Servana.

" You think you have me cornered?" Undertaker says to Servana

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" It is you who is cornered. I have a way out. You. On the other hand. Have no escape." Undertaker sounded like he had a trap up his sleeve. Servana seemed to catch on. But she didn't catch it fast enough. " Once again you have been out smarted by a reaper." Undertaker said to Servana. He raised his scythe to slash at Servana.

 He raised his scythe to slash at Servana

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He swung with all his might. Servana got caught right in the middle of it. She coughed blood from the swing. She then tumbled. The ground was harder than usual. But it was just her.It was the impact of the attack that undertaker dealt her with that one blow. She fell into a cage. It slammed shut. She tired to get out of the cage. But it shocked her. She felt horrible pain. It was worse than death itself.   She fell over. The fight was over. Ciel and Sebastian witnessed just how strong Undertaker was. They couldn't do a thing. Servana looked at the two of them. Then she looked away.

 Then she looked away

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" Now then. Your going to learn your place." Undertaker says to Servana. She looked at undertaker in the face. She spat in his face. Undertaker whipped his face off.  He looked at her. Ciel and Sebastian knew that she would have to do this on her own. She would not get  help from anyone. She knew what she did. And she was going to get herself out. Even if it was on her own. She was going to get Undertaker into custody. Even if it killed her. She was going to fulfill what Ciel ordered her to do. She looked at the two leave. Then she sighed. Undertaker had a few goons to follow him. There was a it of shock. Grell, Ronald, and Othello. She had no clue who the third one was. But the other two she knew. Trying to move she tried to defend herself. But the cage prevented a lot of her movement. 

Beyond pissed she hissed and struck at the three. She got Othello. He (or she) was VERY unhappy. He (or she) glared at her. Feeling the effects. Servana was on her knees. She panted like she was a tired dog. Then she stayed down. Not moving. Her body. On its own reacted to her injuries. Othello wasn't sure if it was normal for a demon to do that. He seemed a bit concerned about it.

Serva a didn't say a word. Trying to heal as much as possible. It was a little too much. She still coughed blood here and there. Grell looked at her. He shook his head looking away. Ronald thought it was what she deserved. Othello didn't do anything but help carry the cage.

But then three soon started to struggle. The actual weight of Servana was ridiculous. Grell saw a look in her eyes. One was different. Half demon snake and one human. Getting a closer look at her nature. Grell peered deeper. Even though Servana was looking down. Her snake eye moved. It looked at Grell. Grell flinched. He didn't think that it would move on its own.
Servana's snake eye pupil narrowed even more that is naturally was. Grell feared that it would have something to do with the reanimated corpses. Telepathically she spoke to him.
" WATCH YOUR SSSSSSELVESSSSSS." Servana hissed at Grell. Her voice rang in his head. Servana seemed to have more up her sleeve this time.
She never wanted to use this. But one of her abilities was able to take hold of ones soul and bend it to her will.

It was draining. And it also put a huge strain on her. She had Grell and Othello. There are many ways she can get control.
1.) Conversation through the mind
2.) A touch or a cut
3.) Poison

There are more ways. But those were the main three. Servana only needed two. But Ronald seemed to be on to Servana. Undertaker told the three to put down the caged demoness.  Undertaker then reached out into his robe like clothing. He pulled out a few needles. Grell wondered what he was going to do to Servana. Undertaker knew what he was doing. There was a smell to undertaker. It made Servana feel numb. She couldn't move much. The smell was too much.

" Nurrrrghh." Servana tried to move. But it was of no use. Her body was healing massive damage and now it slowed her movements as a recoil. Now with the smell that undertaker presents keeps her from moving even more. Servana glared at undertaker.
Undertaker wasn't bothered at all. Feeling like she was drugged. She was a sitting duck. Undertaker rolled her sleeve half way. Having the needle ready. He saw that her skin was scaling up. " Trying to protect yourself? That's going to be a problem now isn't it?" Undertaker says to Servana. He upholds the needle. Then he jabs it into Servana's arm. The smell made her more sensitive to pain. Holding back a blood curling cry of pain. Servana kept her mouth shut. Undertaker had an amused face. Drawing a small river of blood from Servana's arm.

Servana's snake eye dilated. She slowly drifted to a state of 'sleep'. " Now she should be more manageable. When working on my little project." undertaker says with a creepy grin. Servana was in trouble. (At the manor) Snake felt a sharp pain. In his left fore arm. "S...Servana...." Snake says quietly. Tears ran down His face. They weren't his tears. They were Servana's. It wasn't that she was sad. It was that she was in hellish pain. Snake stopped what he was doing. He looked. He could feel that Servana needed help. But she was too set in her ways to do so. Snake was going to find her and get her back. One way or  another.

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