The secret is...

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While Servana slept. Ciel was thinking. " Maybe I should let Lizzy know." Ciel says under his breath. But then he shook his head no. Lizzy was coming up the stairs. She went past the room Ciel was in. Sebastian payed the two no mind. But he had a feeling that Ciel was going to do something drastic. Though it was just a feeling, Sebastian shoved it off of him mind. Servana then got up realizing that Sebastian was in the room talking to Ciel. She stood quickly. Brushing herself off with a little bit of a blush. "You must have heard the whole thing Servana."Sebastian says to her without looking. Servana  said very little in the conversation. 

Ciel sighed a great sigh. He didn't believe in witches or witch craft. But he had to go on a trip to Germany to find out how people were dying out of the blue when they went through a forest.  Ciel really didn't like to travel much at all. But there was another matter at hand.  It was about four weeks later that Lizzy came over again. "CIEEEEL!" She ran to him. Ciel covered his ears. Lately he's been really sensitive to sounds.

" Yes. What is it Lizzy?" Ciel says uncovering his ears. " We are leaving on the 17th of April. And I wanted you to come along." Lizzy says a little excited. Ciel looked at her and declined. " I have things to do on that day. I'm sorry Lizzy." Ciel turned away from her. " I will see you in three weeks then?" Ciel says still walking away. Lizzy responded. " Yes. Its going to the Americas. I will bring you back something wonderful then." Lizzy turned to the door. Ciel then realized that what he was after was on that ship to the americas. Lizzy was gone and Ciel called Sebastian and Servana. " You two go out and find a ticket  for that cruise." Ciel ordered them. The both said 'yes my lord' and got to work.

Ciel then started to get packed. He really hated to go places far from home. But he had to do what he had to do. He then Got aboard after he got his hands on a ticket. Lizzy was over joyed that Ciel decided to come along. He strictly told Lizzy that he was here for one reason. " Don't tell me you here as the 'guard dog?' " Lizzy pouted. Ciel didn't say a word. Snake didn't like being on the ship. The women were talking about him. He sighed. Ciel told him to ignore the women. " Snake you just have  to ignore them. You are one of a kind. " Ciel handed him a plate that he really didn't care for himself. " Here do something with this. Sebastian is calling me." Ciel gave Snake the plate and walked over to Sebastian.

" Where has Servana gone?" Ciel asks Sebastian. Sebastian pointed out that she was waiting by the door. " She's a quick one." Ciel says under his breath. Sebastian agreed. They had to buy a glass of water for a ridiculous amount of 30 pounds. But Ciel had to catch this man. And he had to catch him soon. But little did he know that he was going to have to endure the most pose in his 13 years of life. " You must be new here. I do not recogonize your face." They were busted.  " We surely are with the society. We will now do the secret hand shake to prove it." Sebastian says. Servana giggled. She was trying not to laugh. " You have to do it to you know." Sebastian glanced ad Servana. Servana shrugged. 

So the three did the hand shake

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So the three did the hand shake. " This is a horrid pose. I swear never to do this again." Ciel says in a hushed whisper to Sebastian and Servana. But Servana wasn't even in the pose. She laughed a little louder. " That pose suits you two." She giggled. " I did it before you even found me. Beats taking Sebastian's route." She whispered to Ciel. Ciel just gave her a cold look. She shrugged it off. The man greeted them the same. After that the three pressed on. Just as Ciel was going to call Servana over she was gone like a mere thought. Ciel was not amused by her vanishing like that. But he let it go. It was true that Sebastian was a bit slow.

Servana gave Sebastian a heads up of where to find the man their looking for. She held him in a conversation. Servana really wasnt interested in what the man had to say. She was just stalling for the time being. But it wasnt goint to last very long because he was called up to present his newest creation of reanimation.

Black Butler: Under a Crimson Moon (SebXCiel)Where stories live. Discover now