A true struggle

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Servana didn't feel like herself. Her speech was slurred a little and the potent scent of undertaker. Having been drugged and wounded. Servana was in bad shape. Snake could feel how tired and in pain Servana was. He felt terrible. Servanas' lustrous long black hair was melding. Trying to keep herself from further harm. But the drug slowed the process.

From black to a silver tone and scale pattern.  Undertaker paid it no mind. But Grell grew antsy and restless. Something made his skin crawl and his blood run cold. Othello felt the same way. The two glanced at each other then looked away. They felt a chill. Servana glared at them. They had the sudden urge to disrupt undertaker. But they fought of off for a long while. They didn't last. Grell was walking around. And Othello was bothering Ronald.

Undertaker paid them no mind. He spoke to Servana. "It seems that you have something. Give it.'' Servana looked at him. She repeated her same move. She spat in his face. It was really wet. Undertaker was still calm. Making Grell and Othello behave for now.

" No I have what I need. But I'll need more. These corpses will be unstoppable. Just think of it you three. I can rule these reanimated corpses with ease." Undertaker chuckled. "Kaheheheheheh!!!" Servana glared. Feeling a sharp pain she coughed blood. What just happened? She was confused and slightly worried. Snake had started to call Servana's name. But silence was his only answer.

Snake then got a smell. It was Servana's. He followed it and walked around to find away to get in. By the time he found a way in, Servana had a collar around her neck. Snake found her unable to move. But he could almost tell the shit she's been through.

Black Butler: Under a Crimson Moon (SebXCiel)Where stories live. Discover now