A fight for life

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Servana was stuck and pissed more than ever. She  was slowly starting to get her movement back. But never the less Sebastian and Ciel. Along with Lizzy came  to see why she was late. Sebastian and Servana had silent conversation. Servana sighed. She was now able to move freely. She looked at her master. Then she looked away in shame. Ciel knew that she tried. "A horrible turn of events. Even for me. I-I-I've failed." She hung her head in shame. Ciel and the others had to get off the boat. She snapped out of it and got the rest to safety. They got to the point of nearly getting off the ship. But then Servana saw undertaker again. Her rage burned but she ignored him. 

Grell was after undertaker as well. Grell and Ronald had a hard time getting him. Again Undertaker escaped. The group had gotten off the boat. Zombies were following them. Ciel didn't understand at all why they were after live people. Sebastian and Servana. Both mortally wounded. Pushed themselves to fight off the remaining 'things'.  Servana was in drastic pain. And loosing a limb didn't make things any better for her.  Unlike Sebastian. Servana can reattach. Taking her right arm back from the 'thing'. She forcefully reattached her arm. She flinched at the pain just a little bit.

Ciel wondered if Servana could keep up much longer. But then right when he started to doubt her. Servana jumped into the water and started to paddle with her battered legs. She got the group far enough away for Sebastian to take over. Lizzy was worried about Ciel.  By natural instinct of her demon blood. Servana's skin started to become scales. Protecting her from further harm and healing her nasty battle scared wounds. Ciel got a closer look at her scales. A slick shining sliver color. Servana gripped the arm he had reattached. Ciel looked at her again. He noticed horns were forming on one side. Servana turned her head away from Ciel. " Don't looked at me." Servana says to Ciel. " You looking will not make the pain I suffer go away any sooner." Servana seemed 'off' at the moment. But still Ciel said something. " Y-" Ciel paused. " You tried to your utmost best on your part." Ciel says still looking at Servana.

Servana was going to say something but it wasn't going to be nice what so ever. " You think telling me that I did my best is going to make anything better?! I've been shamed and none the less beaten by the  un-dead. You thought wrong if you think I did something worthy of praise. You don't know me! You don't know what actual hell I've been in today. Stop pretending that you care so much. Sebastian may take that garbage but I don't!" Servana was not herself. She seemed to be in some kind of broken state but Ciel couldn't come up with anything to say. But he did the unthinkable. To the rest it was like a rare chance to see Ciel feel this way EVER. Ciel got up and Clung to Servana's waist.

" I don;t know what a demon's life is like. I don't understand how you fell. Nor will I ever will be able to. But.." Ciel paused. Servana didn't respond to him at all. " But you can't stop here. Not when you have a bargain to uphold with me." Ciel stopped talking to Servana. Servana still didn't give him a response. Till now. " This isn't the master I serve. My master would never try to cheer anyone but his fiance.I would like MY master back." Servana says in a hushed voice to Ciel. " And I would like my Demon Butler back." Ciel says in response to Servana.

Black Butler: Under a Crimson Moon (SebXCiel)Where stories live. Discover now