Grey reports

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The long glaring contest goes to Ciel. Grey stopped because he had to report. He was writing down what happened and how things went. Ciel went to his studies and worked on papers he had to fill out like always. Grey had sent the letter and the queen had gotten it right away. She made her way there. She knocked on the door and Sebastian let the queen in. She asked if Grey was okay. Sebastian said yes. Grey showed her where the beast had attacked him. She looked. The bite marks were deep. Sebastian took a look as well. He thought to himself. " My lord you bit quite deep. Were you in that much pain?" She then took Grey back with her. Ciel came down when the queen left. It was late that evening. Sebastian was getting dinner made for his young master. The three were curious on how it was being a vampire. They wanted to ask Ciel but they were afraid of what answer they were going to get. It was tomato soup for dinner. Ciel came down. The three made up their minds. They were going to ask Ciel. As Ciel was eating his soup. Then Baldroy gathered his nerves and asked Ciel. " Young lord terribly sorry to disturb you. 

But Me, MeyRin, and Finny were curious on how it feels to be what you are now." Baldroy looked away when Ciel stopped eating. Ciel decided to entertain their question. " You want to know how it feels? How it is to survive? What are the consequences of being such a horrible creature?" Ciel looked at Baldroy. " Look at me when I'm talking to you Baldroy." Ciel ordered. Baldroy looked at his master. " Well? You asked a question. Do you want the answer?" Ciel repeated himself. Baldroy nodded. " Then get the other two." Baldroy went to get the other two. They came into the room. " Now then i'll explain." The three listened intently. " Being a vampire is not what it all seems. You constantly have to keep you thirst at bay in order not to hurt the ones you care about. To keep your urges at bay when you are around people in open places." Ciel paused. Then he continued. " You constantly smell blood near and far. Some are better than others and some are just like any commoner. If you don't listen to your body it will bring uncanny pain to you til you can't take it any more." 

" Taking the blood of the innocent. Liking the pain that their in. Draining them till there's nothing  left for you to drain." Ciel stopped. Baldroy and the others looked a bit more curious. " Why do you bite at the neck?" MeyRin asks. Ciel looked at her. " Its where the blood is the most richest. The warmest. The most savored." Talking about this was making Ciel stare at the soup." The more hungry you are the more the smell of blood nauseates you to drink it. The more greedy you get with it.''  MeyRin wondered why do vampires have to dink blood. It seems like a horrible diet to be on. Finny didn't like it. He was scared. H was thinking on his past. A past he wanted to forget. Baldroy was intent of learning more. Ciel looked at them. " Still want me to continue?" Ciel asked. Sebastian was in his quarters cleaning up his space.

" Yes. Continue young master." Baldroy says. MeyRin and Finny stopped their thinking and listened in again. Ciel continued. " MeyRin yo asked yourself why vampires drink the blood of human beings? Yes even though you were thinking  it I could still hear a little mumble under your breath. Now that I am this creature I can hear 30x times better than a normal human being." Ciel paused and called Sebastian. " Sebastian come here and warm this up again." Ciel ordered. Sebastian came from his quarters and heated the soup again. As Sebastian was heating the soup back up Ciel noticed the three were feeling a bit out of place. " Why are you looking at me like that? What makes you think I'll hurt you? That wouldn't cross my mind. You are my workers. I can't just go willy nilly and do whatever to you. You keep this house in order. Without workers. There'd be no order. If there is no order, there will be chaos."  The three relaxed a little bit. Sebastian came back with the soup nice and hot like it was before. Ciel started to eat the soup again. " Still have worry on your mind? Please just don't  think about it. The more you think about it. The more it is likely to happen to you." MeyRin was still scared out of her mind. Finny just wanted to go back to the green house. But Baldroy was intent of STILL learning more. Sebastian was looking at Baldroy. Baldroy looked at Sebastian. " I would aadvise you to leave the young lord alone. He need to go to sleep soon." Sebastian didn't want Baldroy to keep on bugging Ciel. Baldroy left to do whatever he was doing before his disturbance with Ciel.

Ciel finished in peace and Sebastian got him ready for bed. " My lord. You seemed to be entertaining the question a bit to much don't you think?" Sebastian says to Ciel. Ciel didn't respond to Sebastian. Ciel was thinking of things. Work, leaving and coming back to the mansion. Hoping the days would just end of him working in his studies. Sebastian tucked his master in. Before he could blow out the candle Ciel spoke up to Sebastian. " Stay here for the night Sebastian. That's an order." Sebastian was questioning why Ciel wanted him to stay with him. Was it because he lonely? Or did he just need some one to comfort him? But still an order was and order so Sebastian obeyed. " What is the reason my lord?' Sebastian asked. " Why does it concern you Sebastian? I gave you an order and you questioning it? What had gotten into you lately?" Ciel questioned Sebastian. Sebastian didn't answer. " Answer Sebastian that was an order." Ciel started at Sebastian with his blue eyes. Sebastian looked away from his master. "Look at me!" Ciel barked. Sebastian looked at his master. " I was just wondering my lord that's all." Sebastian responded. Ciel dropped the situation. "Come my lord it's late." Sebastian gets Ciel into the bed and sits in a chair for the night.

Sebastian waited for his master to be fully asleep and quietly left the room with out a noise. H prepared for the next day. This time Lizzy was expected. Ciel had to get a full days rest for Lizzy. She was going to be a hand full when she got here. It was 10:05 in the morning. Ciel had to wake up soon. Sebastian had the house cleaned and the food made. Today's lunch was going to be sushi. A Japanese style  of raw fish and rice. Ciel woke up to eat breakfast. By the time he finished it was going on to 10:30. Ciel looked at the clock. " What time will Lizzy be here Sebastian?" Ciel asked at he got up form his chair. " About 12" 30 My young lord. Plenty of time to get what little work you have done." Sebastian cleaned up the table. Ciel went to his studies and started working on  what he had to get done.  He was finished just a few minutes before Lizzy came. it was 12:20. Ten minutes before Lizzy arrived. Ciel made it his best effort to be happy that she was coming for the night. But He knew in the back of his mind that it wasn't safe for her to be around him. Or anywhere near him.

It was 12:30. Lizzy was on time. She rang the bell with her overnight belongings. Ciel told Sebastian to carry her stuff to her room. Sebastian gathered her stuff and put it in the room of her choice. " Just anywhere other than the young master's room." Sebastian says kindly to Lizzy. Lizzy was a little happy that Ciel allowed her to stay over for the night.

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