The vampire and the Trancey

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Alois could hear tCiel walking to him. But when he did look up to see if it was him. The eyes of Ciel were red like crimson. Glowing like Sebastian's eyes when he was letting his true nature show.

 Glowing like Sebastian's eyes when he was letting his true nature show

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" Hehe. Well I'd never imagine this." Ciel spoke. Alois didn't respond to him. Ciel was taking his time with Alois. " You know you had this coming Alois. Stabbing me, kidnapping me, abusing the power you had when Sebastian was helpless. It's all coming back to you." Ciel stayed in the dark. As Alois searched for his red eyes again. But Ciel had his eye's closed. Sebastian was watching from behind. It was going to be very pleasing to see the twerp in pain. Sebastian eagerly waited for it to happen. Then Sebastian lit a candle. Ciel told him to do this. And with that Ciel opened his eyes. It was horrifying to Alois. Ciel's eyes weren't their normal cold blue and purple pentagram. They were red. Ciel liked the fear in his eye's. They formed a strange sensation to Ciel's vampire instinct's. Alois' heart raced. Ciel had his charming face in Alois' face. Ciel touched him. " Such clean soft skin. It would be a waste to just tear  holes in you." Ciel says softly in Alois' ear. Then toughing his chest. " Your heart races like a wild animal running for its life..." Ciel continued to whisper into Alois' ear.

Alois wasn't going to let himself be hung on Ciel's evil words. Your nothing but a person Ciel. A person with money and a demon butler by your side!" Alois tried to regain himself. Ciel didn't even budge from Alois' futile attempt to make him angry. " You don't get it do you?" Ciel's urges rushed like flowing water. But he still took his time doing so. Toying with Alois like a cat toying with a mouse. Slowly getting around to devouring it after its spirit is broken.  Alois felt how clod Ciel's skin was. It was like he was dead. But yet he could still hear his heart beating. The color in his eyes were normal. Minus the fact that they were red.. He didn't like being toyed with. " Stop toying with me!" Alois barked.

Ciel gave a smile. " Really? I'm hurt that you don't have feelings for me anymore Alois. What ever happened to you trying to have your way with me?" Ciel brought back a memory that the two had to share. Alois struggled. But when he did Ciel held his face to his. Eye to eye. " Doing that will only make things worse for you Alois Trancey." Ciel chuckled a little. Lifting Alois' head to the point of where he strained his neck Ciel could see the panic in Alois' eye's. Ciel slowly licked  Alois' neck. Alois cringed. Ciel really was cold. It was freezing when Ciel touched him. But it wasn't Ciel who was feeling like Ice. It was the room. The lowest floor was always freezing. But Ciel seemed just fine. Ciel continued messing with Alois. Alois cringed more and more. Because he was the one to be doing this to Ciel not the other way around! But Ciel payed no mind to him. He then bared a little of his fangs. They were throbbing. Aching for a bite at Alois's soft warm skin. Sebastian was just  watching it all go down. Alois felt like he was being squeezed on his lower sections. Like a snake was coiling around him and squeezing the life out of him.

That feeling was really strong. But it was just a figment of his imagination. He was snapped out of it when he felt a little prick on his neck. He flinched. He felt like he was being invaded. He tried to look down but pain shot up from his neck to the top of his head. He heard Ciel's voice in his head. " Haha. You really are helpless now Alois. You see I'm not the Ciel you once knew. I am a new creature. A vampire, if you must say." Alois' eyes dilated in fear. But he had no time to even think about moving or doing any motion to get Ciel off of him. He felt himself getting weaker and weaker. Ciel letting go, looked up to Alois. Licking his blood from his fangs and corners of his mouth. 

" You didn't think I would lie did you? No Alois. Not to you. now you know what I am. I can't just let you run about telling people what I am. I think I'll keep you here." Ciel says evilly. Ciel couldn't help himself but to have another bite from Alois. ALois was shaking his head. " S-STAY AWAY FROM ME!" Alois panicked. The two punctures on his neck bled. His heart was racing. He couldn't get control over himself. His racing heat wasn't making things any better for him. Ciel on the other hand was benefiting  from Alois' panic. He licked the pouring blood from the punctures. Sebastian's demon nature showed pleasure in this. Watching Alois getting tortured. He loved it. It made him feel pleasure in another way.

Ciel bit once more. In a different spot. He felt pleasure in this as well. Sebastian could hear slight moaning from Ciel. Ciel had his fill of Alois' blood. "Sebastian put him to sleep. DON'T kill him. That's an order." Sebastian did as he was told.  Putting Alois to sleep for the night. Sebastian was coming up from the stairs. Ciel had frozen in his tracks. He sighed heavily. " Sebastian get rid of grell will you? He's messed up the whole front part of the house and the kitchen." Ciel wasn't in the mood to deal with Grell. Sebastian rushed. "Grell.. What do you think your doing here messing up the house like you OWN IT?  Sebastian was a little angry. (Okay I lied he was pissed.) (I lied again he was beyond pissed) Grell didn't say a thing. William was there too. He pulled grell aside. " This was not our doing. Well to be here anyway. Grell found that you and Ciel were being 'intimate' and got jealous. I for one do not care what ever you do to your soul." William shivered. Sebastian looked at Grell and then William. " *sigh* Just get out. I have a mess to clean up. Grell do please throw your 'fits' else where. The master has just gotten done with some largely time consuming work and had Lizzy over. I would advise you not to do this again." Sebastian shooed them out the door. Sebastian got the mess cleaned up. 

It was a long night to be had. Ciel was in his room reading a book. Sebastian knocked on the door." Come in." Ciel says a bit tired. Sebastian opened the door. " It's your tea my young master." Sebastian had Ciel's favorite tea. Ciel had his tea. But the atmosphere suddenly changed. Sebastian was wondering what was going on. Ciel didn't like the change either. Lizzy was wandering the hall for a drink of water. Sebastian came to her with water and she went back to bed. The room was cleared of the strange feeling. but only to be replaced by another.

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