Book Of Circus: (yaoi in next chapter)

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It was no more than a few days later that the queen gave Ciel tickets to the " Noah's Arch Circus" In London. Servana had never heard of them. She tilted her head in curiosity. Ciel payed her no mind. Sebastian got the bags ready. " I see. So the queen wants me to find the children or to find the one taking them away." Ciel says closing the letter. Servana wondered if she was going to tag along. But she didn't waste much time on it. " Servana." Ciel says calling for her attention. She turned her head like an owl. Her eyes glowing demonic for a second. " I want you to come with me and Sebastian. In case we get split up." Ciel says. Servana nods turning her head the correct way. She got ready to leave. Baldroy, Finnian, and Mey-Rin were to watch the manor while they were gone.

The three kept watch. Ciel and the two butlers were gone and away. Ciel was thinking it was going to be easy. But it wasn't till the very end. Servana and Sebastian would be awakened to their full powers but for a short moment. But then again not now. Servana was in the horse drawn car with Ciel. She was 'sleeping'. Her eye's open like a snake. Ciel was looking out the window and Noticed that she was sleeping. Bored out of his mind and only a mere child he decided to 'mess' with Servana.

 Taking a piece of paper and balled it into smaller pieces and started to throw them at Servana. Knowing what Ciel was doing she payed him no mind. " We are almost there my lord." Sebastian says to Ciel. Ciel doesn't respond normally. He laughed a little bit. Sebastian had to peek at him to see why he was laughing like the way he was. Looking to Servana he figured why. " I see my lord you must be bored if you resort to throwing small paper balls at your butler." Sebastian says a little amused. Ciel looked at him. "How much longer?" Ciel asks. " We should be there by 2:00 this evening." Sebastian says to Ciel.

Servana sighed. It wasn't that she didn't like moving around or anything. She was bored. Just like Ciel. But she busied herself with her own sick, twisted mind games. Just as Sebastian said. They arrived at 2:00 that evening. They saw the show and Sebastian was picked from the crowd for Beasts' act with Betty the tiger. Messing around with cats was Sebastian's weakness. On the other hand Servana was laughing her ass off inside her head. " Sebastian had a weakness too Eh?" She says to herself. Ciel was a bit-" Disturbed". But he let it go. The show was over and Sebastian seemed like he was in heaven at the time.

Servana had to get information from the group of carnies. She really didn't want to, but she had to. Talking to Joker he came over to see if Sebastian was okay. " Are ye okay? Betty seemed to have bit ye pretty hard." Joker says with a concerned voice. Sebstian says that he was okay and not to worry about him. He was perfectly fine. Joker insisted that Sebastian got checked out by the doctor. He was fine. Ciel got tired of walking and told Servana to carry him. Picking Ciel up. She carried Ciel around. Looking like a little kid, Sebastian had to refrain from laughing. Joker was talking to Sebastian. " Do you think you can show us around?" Sebastian says to Joker. Joker seemed a bit thrilled. " Sure! I don't mind not one bit." Joker says to Sebastian. Beast protested, but Joker was not listening to Beast.

" Come on Beast. It's a tour. You need to loosen up some eh?" Joker says silencing Beasts' protests. Joker showed the three around. ''And here is the First string rents. There be a snake charmer by the name of Snake. I would stay away from ye, Snake and his friends can be a bit shy and he has them guard the area." Joker warns Servana, Sebastian and Ciel. Servana ignored the warning. They continued to look around and Sebastian pulled Joker off to the side. " Would there be any chance that your looking for new recruits?" Sebastian asks Joker. Joker's eye's lit up like fireworks. " Of course! But ye have to do some tests before ye can join our 'family' here." Joker says. " When to we arrive?" Servana asks Joker. " Come around during morning training around 5:30 in the mornin'." Joker says to Servana.

The three of them arrived at the said time. Ciel, yawning slightly. " Okay group we have new comers to the 'family'! Ye better listen up now." Joker call attention to the group. " Now ye are going to have stage names if ye want to be a part." Joker says. He points to Sebastian. " Ye. The tall one will be called ''Black''. Ye over to the left of ''Black" will be called ''Scale''. And the little one will be called ''Smile''." Joker gave them their stage names. Servana and Ciel highly hated their stage names. ''But ''smile'' here will have to smile first." Joker says. The group looks at Ciel. They all chanted: " Smile "smile". Smile'' Ciel clenched his fist and...(Oh dear god.) He smiled. The group cheered. Ciel was saying things that should not be said aloud.

It was then that they had to prove their keep. " Now ye will have to show what ye can do." Joker says. Servana or for now known as ''Scale'' went up first. Showing off. Joker was amazed at the many spaces she could fit in. " Ye really has a flexible body. Like no other. Ye pass with flying colors." Joker says to ''Scale''.  Then it was Sebastian and Ciel. Sebastian had to help Ciel pass though. They were all given a tent. But with that, they had to be paired with another person. William was also there. Sebastian and William glared at each other. Joker had changed his mind putting 'Black' with 'Suit'. So he paired 'Scale' with 'Suit". Servana-(Errr) 'Scale' seemed a little displeased being with a reaper. Sebastian smiled. " Hope you can handle this 'noxious' beast, Dear William. She can be QUITE a handful.'' Sebastian was put with 'smile'. Dagger said something for the two to jump at. '' Aww the two of you really are sweet to each other." Dagger teased.

Ciel and Sebastian looked at 'Dagger'.  'Scale' shewed the Idea off of the two being lovers. " Are you jealous that you have no one?" 'Scale' says to 'Dagger'. 'Dagger' got a little steamy and walked out a little pissed off. 'Scale' laughed a little bit. 'Smile' laughed a little. Thanking 'Scale' in his mind. 'Black' just sat there stoic.

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