The News

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Karissa's POV

"Hey dad." I hugged him as he walked in.

"I haven't seen you since it happened. I missed you." he kissed my cheek.

"I missed you too." I sat at the kitchen counter.

"You want a cup of red wine?" he opened the cabinet.

"Umm, no, actually. I'm good." I fake smiled.

"What's up with you? You love red wine." he raised an eyebrow.

"Nothing." I said.

"You're pregnant, aren't you." he smiled.

"How did you know?" I got down and hugged him.

"I could tell you were hiding something. The only way you won't drink wine is if you're sick or worse." he laughed.

"How does it feel becoming a grandfather?" I looked up at him.

"Wonderful. I can't wait to meet them." he picked me up and swung me around.

"Yay." I laughed and he put me down.

"Well, I have to go. I'm proud of you and your hard work on your store. I'll see you in a bit."  he hugged me one last time.

"Ok." he walked out and Nicki, Alexis, Chy and Kae walked in.

"Hey babe." Nicki hugged me.

"Hey." I smiled.

"Hey Karissa." Alexis sat next to me.

"Did you tell them?" I whispered.

"No." she shook her head.

"So, how you been Karissa?" Kae sat down.

"Alright." I smiled.

"We heard about the success in your store. Congrats." Chy smiled.

"Thanks." I said.

"Is there something you ain't telling us?" Nicki raised an eyebrow.

"Umm..." I looked down.

"Tell us." Kae smiled.

"I'm pregnant." I smiled.

"Really?" Nicki jumped up.

"Yes." I laughed.

"Imma be an auntie!" she jumped up and down.

"Imma be a god mommy!" Kae jumped up.

"Imma be a auntie too!" Chy joined them.

"Y'all are way too excited." I laughed.

"We gotta plan a baby shower." Nicki said.

"We gotta take you shopping." Chy said.

"We gotta celebrate." Kae added.

"Calm down y'all." I smiled.

"Hey everybody." August walked in with Amiah.

"Aw, look who it is." Nicki smiled.

"Hey Nicki. It's been too long." he hugged her.

"We heard the news." Kae said. Her and Chy hugged him.

"I can't wait." he smiled at me.

"Hey." I kissed him.

"Will you change her while I go get the bags from the car?" he handed her to me.

"Sure." I smiled and walked upstairs to her bedroom.

August's POV

"Hey Charles." I sat down with my lawyer.

"Nice to see you again, Mr. Alsina. We need a explanation as to why you want to get full custody and evidence." he pulled out papers.

"Ok. I feel as though she's an unfit mother. All she does is party and go out. She leaves me with Amiah most of the time. You can see it in her Instagram posts. I walked in on her cheating twice. I forgave her the first time but I want what's best for our baby. I don't want her to grow up without a mother or father, but I also don't want her to grow up with parents that don't get along." I sat back and sighed.

"I understand completely. Have you got in contact with Miracle? Does she have a lawyer?" he started to write what I said.

"I called her and she said she has everything arranged." I stood up.

"Ok. I'll keep in touch." he stood and shook my hand.

"Alright. Till next time Charles." I walked out.

Alexis' POV

"Hey Darian." he walked in the door.

"Hey bae. Can I talk to you?" he grabbed my hand and took me to my room.

"What is it?" I sat on the bed.

"I wanna talk about our future." he sat beside me.

"What about our future?" I asked.

"We should move in together." he smiled.

"You sure our relationship is ready for that right now?" I asked.

"Yes. I want to have a family, Alexis. We're getting older. I have my dance studio and you have Baddies Boutique." he sighed.

"So you're saying we should move in together, settle down and have babies?" I smiled.

"Yes. I want kids, Alexis. You see Karissa is pregnant. I want that." he grabbed my hand.

"Ok. I'm all for it." I laughed.

"Well, I'm looking at this place." he pulled out his phone and showed me a big house.

"Can we afford that?" I swiped through the pictures.

"Yes. I just need you to say yes." he smiled.

"Yes." I kissed him.

"Good. Let's go." he grabbed my hand and we went back downstairs.


I'm sorry this chapter was boring. I ran out of shit to write. #AlsinaNation😘


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