If You Don't Mind Baby...

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August's POV

"What the hell you do this time?" Nicki put her hand on her hip and turned to me.

"She caught me sleeping with Miracle..." I shook my head and watched her walk to the coast.

"The fuck is wrong with you?" Alexis walked up to me.

"I know. I fucked up." I said.

"You sure did." Courtney rolled her eyes and walked back in the house.

"How did you even let that happen?" Kae glared at me.

"She drugged me." I said, walking in.

"Why would you take some shit she gave you anyway?" Nicki looked at me.

"I wasn't thinking." I said, kinda pissed but sad at the same time.

"Men don't think." Chy rolled her eyes.

"Maybe all our asses should go home." Chris shook his head.

"You right." Kae sat next to him on the couch.

"Where is this bitch so I can personally whoop her ass. Then Imma whoop yours." Alexis gave me the stink face.

"She still in the room. You can't hit her, remember. She's pregnant." I sighed.

"Then Imma get you." she walked up and slapped the hell out of me. That shit echoed.

"Why would you do that to her? Knowing she been forced to do shit in relationships she ain't wanna do. Knowing she been mistreated. I counted on you August. I was hoping you could help her and treat her right, but this is the same shit over again. I never wanna see yo fucking face." she said with tears streaming down her face. She went to her room and slammed the door.

They looked at me and went upstairs as well.

"Aug, we leaving in the morning." I heard Chris.

"Aight. Cool." I put my head down. I realized how much I really had fucked up. It was a shame I let her get to me.

"Shit." I said. I cried like I hadn't in years. I had to say, No bitch had ever done this to me before. I felt like I had destroyed my entire life....

Karissa's POV

"For real, what you doing today?" Darian asked.

"I don't know. I hadn't made any plans." I smiled.

"I wanna take you out." he said.

"Ok. What time you want me to be ready?" I got up.

"I'll be there in about an hour and a half. Will you be ready by them?" he asked.

"Yes." I said.

"Aight. Bye." he hung up.

I had just got out the shower and was getting dressed when I heard someone knock. 

"I'm coming." I walked up to it and opened it.

"Hey baby." KJ hugged me.

"The hell you want?" I rolled my eyes.

"What's up with the attitude?" he smiled.

"Take yo black ass home." I sighed.

"August here?" he looked around.

"No...he went on tour." I said, getting curious.

"Good." he walked up on me.

"What do you want? I'm going out with my friend and he'll be here any minute." I turned to walk upstairs.

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