Chapter 1: This Is Just The Beginning Of Something Great

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This is just the beginning of something    great

Ferns POV

Hi I'm Fern also known as Liam Kings and Ashley Kings daughter but also the twin of Shane King anyways so let's get started with my first day of a new high school, I so I grew up in Miami, Florida but my mom wanted to move back to where she was born in Jacksonville, Tennessee-

No thank you is what I should've
I should be in bed
But temptations of troubles yet on my tongue
Trouble yet to come-

I throw my alarm clock on the grown and it breaks great. I'm going to need a new one now.

"Fern get up!" Shane says "No thank you is what I should've said I should be in bed." I say...HA see what I did there? "What ever but mom and dad are going to be mad if you don't get up." He says walking out of my room I sigh

"FERN GET YOUR A. S. S. DOWN HERE!!" My mom also known as Ashley yells "OK GOD!!!" I yell back rolling off my bed I look threw my closet for something to wear and I pick (Pitcher bellow is what Ferns wearing)

 DOWN HERE!!" My mom also known as Ashley yells "OK GOD!!!" I yell back rolling off my bed I look threw my closet for something to wear and I pick (Pitcher bellow is what Ferns wearing)

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Before I walk down the stairs of my new house I knock on my brothers door " from the same mother....brooooo...." I say he swings the door open "WHAT ON EARTH DO YOU WANT?!" He yells

"Just wanted to say hi gosh." I say putting my hands on my hips he slams the door in my face "How rude." I say walking down the stairs and into the kitchen where my mom was

"Hey mom where's dad?" I ask "He just left for work if you where up you could have said bye. But you'll see him tonight he's going to get here at 4." Mom says "OK. So when does the bus get here again?" I ask "I'll be taking you in the school today." Mom says

"But mom that's so not cool!" I say "I don't care what's cool and not." Mom says "UGH!!" I yell

"DONT UGH ME!!!" Mom yells "OK MOTHER!!!" I yell running to the living room "SO ARE WE GOING OR NAW?!" I yell "COMING!!" Shane yells running down the stairs as my mom grabs her keys "I GET FROMT SEAT!!" I yell running to the car "NO I DO!!" Shane yells chasing me

My mom gets in the car as me and Shane fight over the passenger seat of the car "Get in before I leave both of you's!!" Mom says I push Shane on the ground and jump into the seat and locking the door "HAHA!!" I say as Shane gets into the back seat I grab my skateboard out of the back seat and put it in my lap

I grab my skateboard and backpack and as we walk up to the school me and Shane are behind my mom and she takes off her sunglasses and Shane walks over to me "You know mom looks WAY cooler then us right now?"  Shane asks as we laugh "I know right." I say

"I'm going to try out for the Football team." Shane says I bust out laughing "Your what? OK well if you don't make the team just remember....I told you so!" I say

"This is why you don't have a life Fern." Shane says "And what's wrong with that?" I ask "OMG I swear if you say anything that has to do wit that stupid song again!!" He says "But I'm weak!! And what's wrong with that?!" I say then he walks away "YOU LOVE ME!!" I say "I HATE YOU!!" He yells we get are schedules and we go are separate ways the school had 3 buildings I was in the first one so I need to get to the 2 one I get on my skate bored and I look at the map they have me...The 3 building is the cafeteria.


I fall off my skate bored and onto the ground I get up and there's a boy with dark blue eyes, blond hair, and a lip ring looking at me angry "WATCH WHERE YOUR GOING GIRL!" He yells "YOU!" I yell back he smirks at me "Is the little girl mad..?" He asks smirking "I'm not little!" I say "Do you have a name? Or can I just call you mine?" He asks smirking "My names Fern. And no you can't call me that." I say skating away


Me and Shane only have 2! Classes together can you believe that? And I'm just now walking to my class I try opening the door but it's locked! So I knocked and it opened I see my teacher "Hi you must be the new student! I'm miss. Carter! And you would be?" She Asks "I'm Fern" I say

"Like the plant?" She asks "No like me." I say "Well you can sit next to Trustum? Trustum Reke? raise your hand" She says "Tristan. Tristan Reece." The same boy with blond hair, blue eyes, and a lip ring From this morning says I set next to him

In the middle of the class he starts poking me with his pen over
....over....and over "WHAT?!" I yell "Miss. King do not yell in my class room!" Miss. Carter says I sigh "Sorry ma'am." I say "Just don't let it happen again." She says I nod

"What do you want?" I ask him in a whisper yell voice "Just to say hi." He says then looking back at the paper in front of him now I understand how my brother feels I think as I draw on a peace of paper not really carrying what the teacher is talking about just thinking about how

This is just the beginning of something   great



So this is the sequel well the beginning of the sequel how'd you like it?!

Tristan's cute ain't he?!

So if you have not read the first book then you won't feel TO MUCH lost but maybe a little here and there... So I got to go love all of you!! If you have any questions or anything just say/ask it!!! If you have a request for something special just say it!!! Love all of you <3!  Remember it's just the beginning!!!
                    1073 Words

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