Chapter 21: The Worlds going in circles

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"Today I was thinking..." Tristan says "You were thinking?! Thats new!" I say "Haha funny." Tristan says glaring at me "I know right." I say

"As I was saying... Before you interrupted...I was thinking we should go on a date to forget about yesterday." He says

" that really a good idea? I mean...with all the me and you dating drama?" I ask

"And...that is why we need to have a date." He says

"No." I say "Why not??" Tristan asks "Because of the drama!" I say "Who cares about that because I don't." He says "Well I do!" I say "Why are you yelling?" He ask

"Because you are so aggravating sometimes!" I say "Me?! I'm the aggravating one?! You're so difficult!" He says

"What are we even fighting about!?" I yell " I don't know!" Tristan says " you can be very annoying!" I say

" whatever." He says walking out the door not forgetting to slam it. Why cant he understand this is not the right time For his games?

"Hey...I heard the door slam and yelling is everything okay?" Kayla asks coming in my room

"Yeah just peachy..." I say rolling my eyes "what happened? You can tell me anything..." Kayla says "Me and Tristan got into a fight..." I grunt falling on the bed

"Fern.. Are you for real?" Kayla asks laughing "What's so funny??" I ask "Because Fern its just a fight. What was it about?" Kayla asks still Laughing

"My brother...Tristan never being Serious..drama...he said I was difficult." I say she stops laughing

"You can be difficult sometimes...what about your brother what did he do...?" She asks

"He doesn't want me to be with Tristan...I just don't know what to do!" I say "Im going to go shopping at the mall. Do you want to come?" She asks "Not today..." I say

She nods then walks out of my room I sigh getting wouldn't be horrible to go on a walk...

I put on some ripped jeans and a t-shirt on then walk out of my room and into the living room "Hey I'm leaving...I'll be back later." I tell then walk out of the house

After endless hours of thinking and walking...the two things I hate I end up at McDonald's I walk in to see Tristan kissing another girl...Why would he cheat on me at McDonald's?

I walk in as fast as I could and pulled him away from her "we're done!" I say "Wait I can explain!" He says

"Nope! Oh and If they ask you about me, tell them..she was the only girl who loved me with all honesty, and you broke her" I say then run out of McDonald's with tears in my eyes Tristan followed me but I lost him after a while....

Whys my life so bad? Why cant it just stop? Why cant everything just stop? Why do I have so many questions? I wish I could just run away...and nobody could find me..ever

"Fern? Are you okay?" I hear someone ask I turn around to see that it was Cole

"No. Nothings wrong. Why would there be something wrong? I'm fine." I say "No you're not tell me what is it Tristan?" He asks

"Yes...sadly it is." I say nodding he stays quiet "Everything has just been...difficult lately...I just can't take it anymore..." I say "don't think like that..." he says

"Yea...whatever." I say "What did happened with Tristan?" Cole asks

"I-i saw him kissing another girl...and the weird thing is that it was at McDonald's." I say "McDonald's?" He asks "i'm never going to McDonald's again..." I say "Don't punish McDonald's..." Cole says serious

"You're so weird..." I say laughing "I going do you want to come?" He asks "No I'm gonna stays here for a little while longer.." I say he nods then walks away

After setting there for a little while I finally left and went home I walked into the cabin and hear yelling and crying I walk to the room but when I was about to open the door it swinged open to revile Kayla

"I can't believe you Fern! I am always there for you! But when I need you the most you're not there!" Kayla yells "Wh-" I was about to finish but she kept going

"We are not friends anymore! I thought we were friends but apparently I was wrong about are friend ship! And I was wrong about you too!" Kayla yells then runs to her room slamming the door tears run down my cheeks

I open the door Kayla came out of thats also Shane's room he was yelling at Alexis they turn to me "Are you okay? You look dead." Alexis says

"What's wrong with Kayla?" I ask "She walked in on Alexis kissing me. I was about to push her away's to late now." He says

"Oh my god Shane.."  I say the tears kept going down my cheek "I never all people would do something like that..." I say "I didn't want it to happen..she came on to me." He says

"I'm gonna go..." I say walking out of the room I bumped into Tristan but ran to my room and locked the door "Wait! Fern! It's not what you think..." He says I lay in my bed and cry...its all I seem to do these days....

I lay there staring at the dealing..tear stanes on my cheeks I grab my phone with my shaking hands and put it to my ear as it rings

Hello? How may I help you?

Uhhh hi...I need a plane tomorrow

Oh uhh..where do you want to go?

Anywhere that's not close to Miami and Tennessee....

Hey guys!!! Really sad chapter...and there is only one chapter left...*crys*

Anyways I got to go!!! Talk to yall later!!!

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