Chapter 14: Ice Skating Split...haha like banana split...but better

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Ice skating split...haha like banana split...but better

Cole....was....twerking....yes twerking you read it right (I bet you didn't figure it out 😏) ....I'm going to die "OH MY GOSH!!! THE HORROR!!!" I yell Kayla screams

"My eyes hurt!" I say Coles sets down "I'm not that bad" He says "Yea. Your not that bad you're way worse" I say Kayla agrees

"So why where you twirking exactly?" Kayla asks setting next to Shane "The boys dared me to, I'm not a chicken...and here we are" He says "Well then..." I say "You're so fucking weird" Kayla says to Cole

"You just toke the words out of my mouth" I say laughing "Well we are all going ice skating tomorrow!!" Tristan says "YAY!! I'm not really good but I know how to at least not fall on my butt while holding the rail" I say

"Wow that's really hard Fern..." Shane says rolling his eyes "IT IS!!" I defend my self "Yea whatever I'm going to bed" Shane says walking to his room

"Me two!!!" I say jumping on one of the beds and falling into a deep sleep.....

I wake up in the morning and we all get dressed to go ice skating "OH MY GOSH THIS IS GOING TO BE SO MUCH FUN!!!" I yell as we all run out of the hotel room

As we where running out of the hotel I yell "BYE LADY FROM YESTERDAY!!" Then we jump into the van "O my gosh, oh my gosh, oh m-" I start "OK! We get it!" Shane says

"Why do I get stuck with the party pooper twin brother?" I ask "You love me!" He says "Suuurreee keep telling you're self that" I say he rolls his eyes

"Yea keep rolling your eyes! You might find a brain back there!" I say "Shut up Fern!" He says "Shut what up?" I ask

"You're mouth hole!"

"My mouth hole? My mouth is the hole that you're talking about" I say "Oh shut up!!! I knew that!!!" He says "Ssuurree you totally~ knew that" I say rolling my eyes "Exactly! I totally did!" He says I laugh "Whatever Shane" I say looking out the window...........

When we made it to the ice skating place there was a outside rink and a in door rink "Which one do y'all want to do?" Kayla asks

"When can do both. One hour on the in side rink and one hour on the outside sink" Cole says we all agree and walk into the section that you get your shoes

"Hi! I'm Allie! What size shoe do y'all need?" She asks behind a counter we tell he all of are shoe sizes we all set down I try putting my foot in it

"!" I say "Don't ask me" Shane says tying his skates "Will you help you're beautiful sister dear brother?" I ask "Haha no."

"You're so mean to me!" I say Tristan sighs "I'll help you" He says after helping me with my shoe we all went on the in door skating rink we all took some pictures I was about to fall when Tristan catches me

"Be more carful" He says chuckling I try pushing him away but almost fall while doing it

"Shut up Tristan!" I say he laughs again "You think that you're a lion but you're just a cute bunny" He says

"I'm not a lion and I'm not a bunny! I'm a unicorn! Due!" I say "Oh I'm so sorry" He says rolling his eyes "You should be"

"I should be?" He asks "Yes. You should" I say finally being able to stand up with out his help "Yay I did it!!" I cheer "Good job" He says skating next to me as I hold the rail

"You never told me that you knew how to ice skate" I say looking at him "You never asked if I did" He says

"Good point" I say as my feet start doing a split "Dude...dude....dude" I say trying to get his attention "What?" He asks finally looking at me

"I'm doing a ice skating split...haha like banana split....but better" I say but before I could finish the split Tristan pulls me up "That's so mean! I almost did it!" I say punching his shoulder "Fern. You're as flexible as a rock. And if you don't stop I could drop you" He says

"Nah I'm good" I say pushing him away once I was up "I want to do this by my self." I say pushing my self a little

Tristan skates next to me "Don't you have something better do than bug me?" I ask glaring at him "Nope. And actually I enjoy bugging you" He says smirking

"Well I don't enjoy it!" I say "You love me" He says "Honestly....I hate you with everything I got" I say

"Suuurreee you do" He says "Exactly! I sure do!" I say he rolls his eyes "You know-" I starts "You might find a brain back there. Yea been there done that" He says smirking...

Eventually I learned how to skate with some help from Tristan. Everyone took some pictures and later that day we went to the hotel, got are bags and went back in the road for another long...long...LONG trip

                                  990 Words
Hey guys!! Sorry the chapter wasn't as long as usual! I was going to update yesterday but had to go shopping for a stupid dress (aka death trap) 😩

I was (key word was) going to update tomorrow and make this chapter longer but I have to go to a stupid dance....ugh! I hate dances SO much you don't even know! Anyways wish me luck!

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What do you think about Cole twirking? 😜

Did you guess correctly about Cole twirking? I bet you didnt!

Anyways love all of you guys until next time bye!! <3

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