Chapter 20: I Was Tricked?

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When I finally got to the cabin I walked into it with tear stances on my face “Fern! Are you OK? You look horrible! I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!! Where did you go!?” Shane asks

Wait...I was tricked?..."S-shane?" I ask "Fern are you OK? Everyone was so worried...their in the kitchen...but why are you crying?" He ask

"I-I was so worried" I stutter "You should go change OK? And when you come out we can tell everyone you're back." He says I nod and walk to my room then put on some shorts and a T-shirt but before I went back to the living room I put some makeup on so it doesn't look like I was crying
Then walked down the stares...

"FERN!?" everyone yells then hugs me Tristan was the last to pull away from the hug everyone looked at us questionably but I ignored it "Why did you run away? I was so worried..." Kayla says

Jameson walks into the room "Hello Fern" He says "Jameson..." I say "Its nice to see you again" He says "No its not" I say "Didn't miss me?" He asks chuckling "Why would I?" I ask

"I don't know..maybe because you still love me?" He asks smirking "Well I don't why would I? You cheated on me with another girl!" I say

"And you where jealous." He says smirking "I was...then...but not anymore....we are over for ever" I say "Wait. So you two used to go out?" Kayla asks I nod

"Come on Fern! Take me back! You know you want to!" He says "I won't!" I say "Oh yea? Why?" He asks smirking "Because I have a Boyfriend and I'm not breaking up with him for you!" I say

"Sure you do. And what's his name?" He asks I stay quiet "Dude just leave her alone." Tristan says

"Oh yea? And who are you?" Jameson asks "I'M HER BOYFRIEND NOW LEAVE HER ALONE!!" Tristan yells "GIRL FRIEND!? SINCE WHEN!?" Shane yells

"Girlfriend??" Kayla asks "Yes. Fern is my girlfriend. Fern I'm sorry, but I'm not hiding it  anymore." Tristan says facing me

"How long have you two been going out with out me knowing?!" Shane asks furious "Not that long!" I say everyone starts yelling at each other "STOP!!" Aiden yell...I forgot he was here

"Stop fighting with each other!" Johnathan says "This has been the worst day ever." I say

"Everyone just!.... Go to you're rooms please!" Aiden says we all do as told and go are separate ways I walked to my room. A few minutes there was a knock on my door. I answer it

"What do you need Tristan?" I ask "I can't come see my awesome girlfriend?" He asks walking into my room "I'm going to ask again. What do you need Tristan?" I ask annoyed

"Why are you so grouchy? Anyways I came to say sorry for telling him..." He says setting on my bed "Its fine. You where just sticking up for me. And for that I'm great ful to have a awesome boyfriend" I say kissing his cheek

I look at my door to see Shane setting there "So its true? You lied to me?!" Shane yells

"Shane..." I say "What!? Why didn't you tell me?!" He yells "Because I knew you would act like this!" I say "I don't see the big deal. Why can't I date you're sister!?" Tristan asks

"Because if you two brake up she's going to make me not be friends with you!" Shane says "Fern didn't want to date me for that reason! But I said that I want to be with her!" Tristan says

"You're dating my best friend Shane! Kayla's my best friend and you're dating her! Right!?" I yell "SO!?" Shane yells "SOOO YOU HAVE NO REASON TO BE MAD AT ME!!" I yell at him

"Fern this is different!!!" Shane yells "No it I'd not different at all!" I say laughing

"Its either me or him!" Shane says "What...?" I ask but it comes out as a whisper

"You heard me! Its either your twin brother...your family! Or a boy you just ex-friend!" Shane says "Dude...that's not cool. Don't make her do that." Tristan says shaking his head "I'm done! I'm so done with you Shane! Tristan makes me happier then I have felt in a long time! And you want me to...brake up with him? Yo want me to lose my happiness?!" I yell

"He doesn't make you happy Fern! He's s boy! A boy that is going to leave you and I'm going to have to clean the mess!" Shane says


"Fern...I'm sorry I didn't know...why didn't you tell me, dad, or mom?" Shane asks "What was a supposed to say? Your little girl you thought was perfect is a screw up on life? That she has isses?" I ask tearing up but Tristan hugs me

"I'm sorry..." Shane says "Don't tell anyone got it?" I ask "OK. I promise I won't tell anyone...I'm going to go...I love you Fern." Shane says "Yea." I say as Shane walks out the room that night I feel asleep in Tristan's arms....

Hey so this chapter was half way done so I thought that I would finish it before my break...(plus someone asked)

Did you like the chapter?

What do you think about Fern having depression?

Did anyone guess what,happened at the cabin?

What do you think is going to happen next?

Anyways love you guys! There was a lot of action and yelling in this chapter! I have to go bye!


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