Chapter 13: Drunk Elvis Presley

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^^ I think that is the best title to a chapter in the history of chapter

Drunk Elvis Presley

My brother woke me up 5 in the morning to get ready! I finally found my camera and was walking down the stairs with my suitcase "Ready?" I ask he mods

"Let's go we have to pick everyone up" Shane says we walk out of the door to see Tristan leaning on the van! Yes van! Because we couldn't have the jeep! "You guys ready to go?" Tristan asks we nod I yawn as we all got into the jeep I set in the back while they set in the front

"Who's house is closest to us?" Shane asks pulling out "Kayla's" I say

Once we made it to Kayla's house Shane beeped the horn she came out putting her stuff in the back then getting in "I can't believe it!" She says "Can't believe what?" I ask

"I've never been out of here before" She says "Wow" I say "Yea..."

I take out my phone doing anything I could do with no wifi on it

"How much longeeeerrr?" I ask "We literally just left Coles house god damn it!!" Shane says "I'm boredddd" Kayla says "Yea! We are bored!" I say "Well you are going to have to stay bored much longer until we make it to the skating rink?" Tristan asks

"Skating rink?!" Me am Kayla yell they chuckle "About 2...maybe 3 hours" Cole says

"Yay!! I love skating!!" I say (Paige's...if you didn't know my name is Paige... Anyways Paige's story time: I learned how to ice skate last winter break I was the only one not to fall on their butt...thought you should know now you may continue...)

"Me two!!! It's so fun!!!" Kayla says "I know right!!" I say

"I would hate to kill this beautiful girl moment about ice skating but you're yelling in my ear and it's not so pleasant" Cole says holding his ears "Sorry" Me and Kayla say at the same time

"TWINS!!" We yell again but louder "WOMEN!!!!" Cole yells "I don't know what your talking about I'm a lady!" I say poking his and my weirdness..."Well then...." Cole says

Later that day the boys went into the gas station "Let's get in the front seat!" I say "OMG YES!!!" Kayla says she gets in the drivers seat and I get in the passengers I put some sunglasses and hold a guitar that was in the back, Kayla puts a cow girl hat on and pretends to drive

"Beep! Beep! Beeeeeeppppp!!!" Kayla honks the horn the boys run out "This is why you don't leave girls alone!!" Tristan says "Those glasses look weird..." Cole says pointing the the glasses on my face

"Thank you, thank you very much" I say in my best Elvis Presley voice...I should be in a movie "You sound like a drunk Elvis Presley" Tristan says laughing with the boys

"I'm not leaving the front seat!" Kayla says "Fine. Kayla's in the passenger seat I'm in the drivers seat everyone else in the back!" Shane says "What? No!" I say

Tristan takes my glasses when I wasn't looking then he puts it on him self "Sneaky bastard!" I say pointing at him

"Yea, yea can you get in the back set now?" He asks I sigh fine! Whatever!" I say getting out the front seat and jumping into the back

5 minutes later we are on the road when I say... "I'm bored"

"This is going to be a long day..." Shane says holding Kayla's hand "What a perfect picture" I say taking a picture of their hands "Give me that" Cole say "No!" I say jumping to the very back seat of the van he grabs my neck trying to pulling me back

"Now that's a picture" Tristan says taking the camera away from me and taking a picture of me and Cole "Jerk!" I yell pushing Cole away

"I'm sleepy" I say going back to my seat Tristan comes back two and we fall asleep

"WAKE UP WE ARE AT A HOTEL!!!" Someone yells in my ear I jump up it was Shane "What the heck Shane?" I ask "I'm going back to sleep" Tristan says I look out the window

"AHHHHH!!! WE'RE HERE!!" I scream "Shut up!!!" Tristan yells "But look!" I say pointing at the hotel "Yay! Hotel!" Tristan says I roll my eyes as we all got out Cole gives me my camera

"Why'd you have my-" I start "Just look threw your pictures" He says I look at the pictures....oh no he didn't ggguuurrlll

"COLE!!" I yell "Aren't y'all so cute" He says "You watched me sleep!! Stalker!!" I say

"Yea, yea thinks and all but I want to go in the hotel and sleep" Cole says we all walk in "Hi ma'am" Kayla says to the lady behind the counter "Hello what can I do for you?" She asks

"We want a hotel room" Shane says we go threw all that boring talking stuff nothing important "Any questions?" She asks

"Uhh n-" Shane was about to say "Actually yes is there going to be free breakfast in the morning?" I ask "Uhh yes" She says laughing

"Nice. One more question is there going to be free wifi? Because I need my daily wifi" I say she stares at me for a minute "Yes. We have free wifi" She says "Ok. Oh an-" I was about to finish but Shane drags me away "You're done Fern"

"Gosh shane. Bye ma'am!!" I yell as Kayla pushes the button to the 2nd floor "She was nice" I say

I just got out of the shower and was walking to the kitchen to get a snack "Hey what you looking for?" Kayla asks "Anything that's eatable" I say she grabs a yogurt out of the fridge and gives it to me I get a spoon

When we walked back to the living room I almost spit out my yogurt because of what I seen....

                                 1064 Words
Hey guys!!! Cliff hanger hehe!!! I'm evil!!!

How was the chapter?

Don't you just love the title to this chapter? Because I do!

What do you think they saw? Because I'm sure you won't be able to guess it!

Anyways I love you guys <3 byeeee!!!

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