Happy Valentines Day! And News!

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HI GUYS!!! I forgot to tell you guys Happy valentines day! I hate valentines day but I'm sure that some of you like it so I thought that I should say it! Anyways I also thought that we could talk because I don't want this to be pointless.

My day was...okay I guess.......pretty sad story that happened today actually....

But that's why I have wattpad and a notebook (I love drawing). To help me not hate my life (that much). At least tell me that y'all had a good day... did ya?!

So let's talk about books!! There is going to be a sequel to this book (btw it will still be Ferns POV in the next book) I'm sure you don't know but this book is ending...at chapter 20 something...

So after this book I'll start a different book before the sequel comes out and is there anything you guys think I should do? I was thinking my next book could be 'My Brothers Bestfriend' but idk... what do you guys want to read?

Anyway comment what you guys would like to read! And....Bye! Love you guys <3 AND HAPPY VALENTINES DAY HOPE YOU HAD A GOOD ONE!

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