Chapter 6: It Can't Be That Bad, Or Could It...

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It can't be that bad, or could it....

Me and Kayla just seat there looking at the sealing because everyone's gone my mom and dad are on a trip to i don't even know  "You want to do something?" I ask "I do...but I'm very lazy." Kayla says

"Sammmeeee" I say as I hear a door from down stairs open and close then someone banging on my door "Sis open up!! My friends are here and they want to meet you!!" Shane yells still banging "NO!!! GO AWAY!!!" I yell


"BILL NYE THE SCIENCE GUY!!!" I hear someone yell I fall off of my swinging my door open "BILL! BILL! BILL! BILL! BILL! BILL!" I yell " why am I always the one to fall for that?" I ask grunting

"Because your stupid." He says "Me? I'm the stupid one?" I ask "Yes. Yes you are." He says

"Like you wouldn't do that." I whisper "I wouldn't." He says "If you wouldn't do that then I feel sorry for you." I say "Ok sooo." He says walking in my room his friends be hind him he stops when he sees Kayla

"Well hellllloooo. Fern never said she was bring a pretty girl her." Shane says Kayla blushes "Gross!" I say Shane clears his throat

"Fern these are my friends Josh, and Tristan the boy that lives next door." Shane says "WHAT?!" I yell

"Is there something wrong with me?" Tristan asks smirking "You have no idea." I say your way to cute Tristan. Why am I thinking that? I don't know.... "You love me." Tristan says

"What ever." I say "Hi I'm Josh...and this is awkward." The other boy says "Anyways sis we are going to have a party tonight." Shane says

"And where is this party going to be?" I ask "Here." Shane says "How about no." I say "Come on! We already bought the alcohol!" Shane says

"Give it to me I'll take care of it." I say Shane just looks at me with wide eyes an a blank face "You've never drunk before." He says

"Not in front of you." I say "OMG we are 18! We should go get tattoos and get drunk today!!" Kayla yells happily we all look at her with blank expressions

"What? We are 18 we should act like it!" She says "I agree with Kayla I've always wanted a tattoo." Shane says

"No." I say "Come on. My dear sister don't you want to live a little? Just for tonight. We will skip school tomorrow and tonight we can be 18 year olds!" Shane says

"I have a tattoo." Tristan says is it just me or does Tristan get cuter by the minute? "See!" I say "Fern..." Shane says "Shannnneee." I say

"Fine!" I say giving up "Come on then let's get tattoos!!!" Shane yells

Ones we got to the tattoo place they gave us books to look at "Are you getting a tattoo?" Tristan asks

"I don't know..." I say "Come on. Like your brother says live a little." Tristan says "Fine. Sure! I'm sure it will be cool!" I say now liking the idea of a tattoo "That's the spirit! You know your cute when your acting like a rebel." He says I blush

"But I have to get one here it's noticeable but not to noticeable." I say looking at more tattoos "I like this one!" Kayla says pointing at one "I'm getting this one." Shane says also pointing at one

When we all picked what we wanted we told the guy and when we where done Kayla got a tattoo on her back that was a big butter fly, I got a tattoo on my wrist that says 'Faith', Shane got one on his back that was a dear, Tristan also got one on his wrist that says 'Loyal' Josh didn't get one

"Oh my gosh I still can't believe we did that!" I say as we walk out of the tattooing place "Yea! Me to!" Kayla says as we walk "So why did you get a butterfly?" I ask Kayla "Because it's pretty. Why did you get a word?" She asks...why did I get a word? Is it just me or did what she just say sound stupid?

"I don't know...because I like it I guess." I say she nods

"Y'all want to play truth or dare when we get back?" Josh asks "Truth or dare is stupid." I say "Agreed. It's always a bad idea." Kayla says 

"Well I think you two are scared" Josh says "We are not scared!" I say "Yea! We just don't want to!" Kayla says "Surrrree." He says I hate it when people call me scared so I say...

"It can't be that bad, or could it...."

Hey guys!!! If you don't know I put up a bonus chapter on 'The Streetfighter and the Gangleader' So if you want go read that!!!!

Did you like the chapter? I hope you did!!

You should check out the book 'Blackout' that Kennedy made!!

Anyways I got to go love you bye!!! <3

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