Chapter 12: Bestfriend Day!

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Bestfriend Day!

"You know what we should do?" Kayla is Saturday she just got here and we are laying on my bed "What's that?" I ask "Have a bestfriends day!" She says

"Great idea!" I say she jumps off my bed I do the same "What first?" I ask she looks around then shrugs "Uhh let's text each other!" I say she shrugs I ended up with the iPad and she had a phone after a few hour I got up

"This is boring!" I say "Tell me about it" She says sighing I walk over to my closet going threw everything in it until I found the box...

"What are you doing?" Kayla asks "Grabbing some paint!" I say a I pull out a box that has all my art supplies "We are going to paint?" She asks "Yep!" I say

"Do you have any thing we can paint on?" She asks "...haha....I forgot" I say "Yea you think?" She says putting paint on me "AHHHH!!" I scream doing the same to her she screams also "What was that for?" She asks

"You did it to me first!" I say she laughs we spent a hour just painting are selfs after changing into white shirts then we took some pictures and cleaned up  "EVERYONE IN THIS HOUSE COME DOWN HERE!!!!" My dad yells

"I have never seen your dad before" Kayla says I laugh we walk down the stairs where my mom, dad, Shane, Tristan, and Cole was

"What did we do?" I ask "Well Fern-" Dad starts oh no I know what he's going to say "I didn't mean to spill cat pee on your bed!" I say he and my mom looks at me "What? You spelt cat pee on are bed?" Dad asks

"How did you do that? We don't even have a cat" Mom says "Uhh Shane did it" I say

"What?!" Shane yells "OK! OK! Calm down what I was going to say...well Shane is going to say his part first" Dad says setting down as Shane stands up

"We are going on a road trip!!!" Shane says "YAAAAYYYYY!!!" I yell "Yep we are going to miss two weeks of school!" He says

"This is getting better by the minute!!!" I say "And we are going to meet some people from are old town half way threw the trip!!" He says

"Yay!!! I can't wait to see them! When do we leave?" I ask "Tomorrow!" Shane says "YAY!!" I say

"Yep! Just me, Tristan, Cole, Kayla, and you until we get to see are old friends!"

"What? Us 5 in a jeep for.." I trail off "2 days" Tristan finishes for me "2 days?!" I ask "It won't be that bad" Cole says "Told you that we will be together more" Tristan says winking at me

"No, no, no, no I'm not going" I say "Why not? It will be fun" Kayla says "You want to go?" I ask her

"Yea! Come on" She says I sigh "Fine" I say "Great!" Cole says "You two better go pack" Cole says "I'll drive Kayla home so she can get ready" Shane says

"Yea. And what car are you going to be driving with?" I ask "Uhh mom can I take you-" Shane starts but my mom cuts him off "No." She says

"Here take my truck. But if it comes back with any scratches or anything your never driving again" Dad says throwing the truck keys at Shane

"What? When I ask you always say no!" I say "That's because you like to go fast and the last time you ran into a light poll" Mom says

"So?! That was a one time thing!" I say "Yes but...once you ran into a trashcan...and you ran over a guys foot before" Dad says

"Why was that guy in front of me in the first place?" I ask "It was a red light for a reason Fern!!!" Shane says "Whatever!" I say running up to my room

What should I bring with me....

A hour later

Tooth brush...check


Extra converse...check

Phone charger...check

Camera...not check where did I put that damn thing? I think looking threw the boxes in my room but one box grabs my attention...the box with all the notes I have gotten threw the days I ope the box there was 10 notes in the box I get up going to my window opening my curtains to see.....

It was full of notes with all type of writing on one had a doodle of a boy and a girl...there was a few that had pick up lines on them I smile looking at all of the notes as I set there the rest of the day looking at all of them.....

888 Words ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Just because I had nothing to do and I was bored I decided to update the book. Because why not?


Did you like the chapter?

What do you think is going to happen next?

Who do you think left all of those notes?

Also is there any body's POV that you would like me to do? If so who's?

Anyways I hope you liked it!!! Until next time bye!!!!! <3

~(^_^)~Boo Got you!!!

Bloob Out!!!

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