Chapter 15: The Fair...And Love?

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〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰The fair.... And love?

"Yay!!! Time for the fair!!! I can't wait to get on roller cousters!! Eat corn dogs!!! And-" I start saying but Shane cuts me off "Yea, yea we get it"

"Why are you so mean to me Shane?" I ask folding my arms as we all got out the van "Because I can be" He says "That's not a good reason" I say "Soo are you and Kayla going to leave me, Fern, and Tristan by are selfs?" Cole asks

"Yea. Is there a problem?" Shane asks "Clingy much" I say Cole, and Tristan laughs "Annoying much?" Shane says "I'm not annoying!" I say defending my self "Yes you are" He says

"Guys! Come on! Let's go get are tickets so we can go in!" Kayla says we all run and got our tickets when everyone got in we all set at a table

"Me and Kayla are going. If you need one of is then text or call us. Ok? Ok."  Shane says "Fine! But I want to hang out with her before we leave! She's my bestfriend not yours!" I say he sighs "Fine. But later." Then they walk away

"So what do you guys want to do?" Cole asks "Roller coasters! Corn dogs! OMG LETS GO ON A ROLLER COASTER!!" I say

We all start running to one me and Cole take pictures on one I was smiling and he was sticking his tongue. On the other one we were both sticking are tongues out

"OK who's setting with who?" I ask as we are about to get on "I'll get on with Fern this time then you can get on with her next" Tristan says we get on the roller coaster and set next to each other

"Ready?" I ask smirking at his scared face "Yea. Totally ready" He says "Tristan?" I ask "Yes Fern?" He asks

"Have you ever been on a roller coaster before?" I ask "No." He says "This is going to be fun." I say then we start going fast I put my hands up and laugh while Tristan screams when we stop I look at his relieved face

"Are you OK?" I ask he nods "I'm fine." He says "You want to go get Icecream?" I ask "Yes please" He says

We all got Icecream and went on a few more rides then I hung out with Kayla and took some pictures

"Kayla! Let's go on a ride!" I say "Yea!!" She says "You boys can go do what ever you want to" I say "Bu-" Shane starts "I'll text you when we are done!" I say as we start running but Kayla stops me half way "What?" I ask

"Cotton candy! Let's get cotton candy!" She says "OMG YES!" I say we got some cotton candy when 3 boys where walking by "Hey!" I say stopping them Kayla looks at me

"Can you take a picture of me and my best friend?" I ask them one nods I give him my camera, me and Kayla take a picture "Thanks!" I say smiling at them

"No problem" He says walking away "They where cute" Kayla says "You have a boyfriend. And to make it worse that boy is my brother" I say "So? Boys can't just stop wing cute" Kayla says I laugh

"Whatever. OH MY GOD Let's go to the arcade!" I say "YES!!!" Kayla says as we run to the arcade

When we got to the arcade I put a dollars into one I those coin machine and a few coins came out "Let's play some games!!"

We ran to a claw machine and 20 minutes later was trying to get a bear "Move the claw to the left a little." Kayla says "OK" I say as I did what she said to do "And go!" She says I push the button the claw go's down but does not get the bear

"That's so unfair! We only have 2 coins left!" I say hitting the machine with my hands "Well I don't think you are getting anywhere by hitting the damn thang" Kayla says "I'm getting my anger out" I say

"Well...that's one way to do it" She says "You ready to go back to you're boyfriend?" I ask her

"Are you trying to get rid of me?" She asks holding in a laugh "Yes." I say as we walk out of the arcade we laugh I take out my phone


Hey! I'm ready to give Kayla back to you!!

MyBrotherFromTheSameMother: OK meet me and the boys next to the candy store


MyBrotherFromTheSameMother: Yes. Ttyl


"We're going to meet them at the candy store" I say "There's a candy store here?!"

"Apparently there is" I say "Do you know where it is?" Kayla asks "Uhhhh" I say stoping some one "Do you know where a candy store is here?" I ask "Yes. Keep going strait then turn right and you'll be there" She says "OK" I say

We follow the directions that the lady gave us and soon we got there "Hey! Kayla! Fern! Over here!" We hear someone yell we turn around to see the boys

"Hello" I say "Come on Shane! I know just what I want to do! TO THE FAIR FAIRS WILL!!" Kayla yells

"And all of us are going to the photo booth that I seen on the way here!" I say we all walk to the photo booth and get in I was on the middle and the boys where on my left and right

I took the pictures out and was looking at them "Look at your face!" Tristan says pointing to Coles face "Are you saying that there is something wrong with my face?" Cole asks faking hurt "Yes." Tristan says simply

"Now let's go to the fairs will!" I say as we got in the line for the fairs will "I love this ride!" Cole says "Well it's not really a's just a big circle" Tristan says

After 30 minutes of talking and waiting in line it was dark and everything was lit up the fairs will was so beautiful...and it was are turn to ride it

All three of us tried to get on but it didn't work out so it was just me and Tristan setting next to each other

"It's so beautiful" I say looking out the window "Yea...almost as beautiful as you." He says I laugh "That's so cheesy! You know that remind me of this person that-" I start but he finishes

"Leaves notes on the outside of you're window" He says "Yes'd you know?" I ask we stare at each other for a few seconds then he kisses me......

1169 Words
Hey guys!

OMG can you believe they kissed?

How do you think Fern will act?

Do you think Fern likes Tristan?

Hope you liked it! Anyways I got to go! Love you guys! <3

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