Chapter 20: Its All My Fault...

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It's all my

After a hour of running I set down and cried I got a text from Shane, Kayla, and Tristan


Are you okay?!


We r all so worried! Y did u run out like that?!


Fern?! Fern?! Fern?! Are you there?! Fern?! Answer me! Are you okay?! Where did you go?! I'm so worried answer me!!! ANSWER ME!!

I ignore them and wipe my tears....what should I do? Let what happened last time happen again....I need to go back to the cabin...but with him there I don't think I can...I'll go back later...where should I go now though?

I can call uncle John and aunt Amy!


Uncle John!

Fern! How is everything? Are you okay you sound like you've been crying...

Uhh yea about that...can you pick me up?

I'm at know where the gangs house is down here right?


Amy's over there! You can meet her there! If you want...?

Okay! Think you so much! you

Love you to.

Bye Fern...


I hang up the phone and start walking the direction of my grandpas old gang house...well it's Johns now

When I got there I knocked on the door but someone pointed a gun at my head when the door opened "James! Put that damn thing down! It's Fern!" I hear Luke say

I walk in when he put the gun down and seen a few familiar faces "Amy! James! Luke! Nathan!" I say "Fern! Wait....Fern? What are you doing here?" Amy asks

"Long story..." I say chuckling "We have time" James says setting down we all do the same I tell them about Jameson being my ex and him being at the cabin but nothing else "And I ended up here...." I say

"That's a horrible story!" Luke says throwing his arms in the air " is" I say

"I think you...should go back and beat his ass" James says Luke nod with him "No! You should not do that!" Amy says

"Why not? It's easier then whatever you come up with about feelings and crap." Luke says but this time James is the one to nod Amy sighs "You should ignore him. Don't let him touch you. Don't even let him speak to you. If he does only then can you beat his ass. With are help of course" Amy says

"What's the fun in that?" James asks Amy sighs "It's the right thing to do, not the fun thing to do" Amy says

"Whatever!" Luke says John comes in "Helllooo! How's my wonderful niece and wonderful wife?" John asks hugging me then kissing Amy "Gross" I say they roll their eyes

"No wonder you're Ashley's daughter" John says "What?! I'm nothing like her!"

"You so many ways...." Amy says "So...what's going on in here?" John asks "We are talking about Ferns boy problems." Amy says "Ohhhh how fun! Come on girls! Tell me everything!" John says in a high pitch voice when we were done telling him he says

"OHHH girl! He's not right for you! You need a loyal, nice man Giiirrll" John says

"Well...I thought I married a man but apparently I was mistaken" Amy says shaking her head "Excuse you! I'm the manly's man that you're evvvveerrr going to get!" John says

"Well then it looks there is no men in the world" Amy's says "Do you mind if I....sleep here to night...just for one night! I would hate to bother you but I really don't want to go back an-" I say but get cut off

"Of course you can! You can as long as you need!" Amy says "Really?" I ask surprised "Why do you look so surprised? Now go up the stares your room is the 2 door on the right" John says

"You have a long day tomorrow" Amy says as I walk up the stares I could hear them whispering

When I got to my room I opened the door and fell on the bed yawning when I hear a sing from my phone I had a few miss calls from everyone and a few texts like 'Where are you?' 'Im so worried' 'please come back' stuff like the first ones I got

Tomorrow's going to be a long, long, LONG day...that I can wait for...I change into some close I found and cheeked my phone there was more texts and miss calls that I ignored but one text popes out over all the other ones

Unknown number:

Don't tell anyone. You'll know what will happen if you do. Oh and also...if you're not back in a won't be so pretty here did he get my number?! Can he track me?! What am I thinking! Of course he can! Oh my gosh! What do I do?!...should I go back? Of course not...when did I get this....2 HOURS AGO!! How long have I been in my own world?!...I'm going to go back and hope I don't die...I guess

I get a peace of paper and write

Dear gang,

Think you so much for everything! But I have to go! I'll see you guys soon!

From: Fern

When I was done I put it on the bed then open the window and sneak I really doing was two hours ago...what if-

Unknown Number:

You're 1 hour late. It's started. But don't worry I'll save their life's for when you get here.....

I take a deep breath as I almost fall off the roof I finally get down and start running as fast as I could to the cabin...
I hope they are okay...what if they aren't okay? What if their hurt...and to think

It's all my fault...

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Annyywwaaayyss love you guys💕
Ttyl!! <3


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