Chapter 4: Were Your Parents Bakers? Because Your A Cutie Pie

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Were your parents bakers? Because your a cutie pie.

The next day was boring well except for when I opened my locker there was a note that said

Were your parents bakers? Because your a cutie pie.

But I didn't think anything of it anyways when I got off the school bus I walked into the living room were my mom was watching the notebook "Mom!" I say

"Huh? Oh hey honey. I forgot to tell you today we are having the people next door come over for dinner." Mom says I sigh and start walking up the stairs

"WHERE SOME THING PRETTY!!!" Mom yells "OK!" I yell back "A DRESS FERN!!!" Mom yells "OK!!" I yell again walking up the stairs when I got to my room I threw my book bag on my bed when I look at my window I see a peace of paper taped to the out side

I walk over to the window opening it and taking the peace of paper it read

If you where a flower I would pick you ;P

Who would write something like that? And then put it on my freaking window? Maybe Tristan? Nah he doesn't seem like a person that would do that....but....nah he doesn't see me in that way.

"KIDS THE REECE'S WILL BE HERE IN TWO HOURS!!!" Mom yells "OK!!" Me and Shane yell I take the note from this morning and the note I just got and put both of them in a old shoe box

I look threw my closet for something...anything to wear until I found a dress that I liked.
(Pitcher bellow)

I brush my teeth and then curl my hair walking down the stairs "How do I look?" I ask my mom "For ones will you put make up on?" Mom asks I gasp "And torture the world from not seeing my beauty? I would never!" I say

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I brush my teeth and then curl my hair walking down the stairs "How do I look?" I ask my mom "For ones will you put make up on?" Mom asks I gasp "And torture the world from not seeing my beauty? I would never!" I say

"Please I'll do it! Come with me-" She starts but is cut off by my dad walking in the house

"Dad! Tell mom I don't need make up!" I say "Ashley. Fern does not need make up! She would get to many boys." My dad says my mom rolls her eyes

"What ever. Please? I never get to do this type of stuff with you!" She says "Fine. A little not a lot!" I say

"Yea, yea!" Mom says "Thank you." I say as my mom drags me to her room and takes 1 and a half to do a little make up! Se made a cake on my face! I said I wanted a peace of cake and she have me the whole damn cake and a drink on my face!!!

"THE REECE'S ARE HERE!!!" Dad yells my mom gives me a mirror while running out the room I can hear small talk down stairs I look in the mirror and sigh mumbling "No one listens to me."

"FERN AND SHANE GET YOUR BUTTS DOWN HERE!" I hear mom yell I sigh opening my moms door walking down the stairs "And last is are daughter Fern." My mom says everyone looks at me as I walk down the stairs

"Hi I'm Fern" I say as I make it down the stairs "Hi I'm miss. Reece but you can call me Carmen and this is my youngest son Tristan and my oldest son Zane." A lady says "Hi." I smile at her

"Hello and who might you be?" I'm guessing Zane? Says "Umm Fern." I say blushing a little ok maybe more then a little but what ever

"Hey Fern." Tristan says my blush going away and I smile at him "Hey." I say "Your wearing make up?" Tristan asks "Yea my mom made me wear it." I say

"Well I think you look beautiful." Zane says winking at me as Shane walks up "Please don't flirt with my sister in front of me." Shane sad rolling his eyes

"Please." Tristan says "What ever." Zane says "Kids time to eat!"
Miss. Reece yells "Coming!" Zane yells as we all walk to the kitchen everyone sets in their seats I set next to Shane and mom

"So Shane is it?" Zane and Tristan's dad James asks my brother
"Yes sir." Shane says "Your going to try out for the football team aren't you?" James asks "Yea." Shane says

"Tristan's on the football team, he is the quarterback and Zane plays basketball."  James says "That's cool." I mumble playing with my food "What about you Fern? Are you in any sports or clubs?" Carmen asks me

"Uhh noooo" I say "Well do you have any friends?" She asks "Umm yes there's these girls named Kayla and Lila and this boy named Noah." I say

"Are they nice?" She asks "Yea." I say as I smile at her "That's nice dear." She says

"So where are all of you coming from?" James asks "Miami, Florida" Dad says "Yes but I used to live here a long time ago and well...I thought that I would let my kids have a peace of the life I once did." Mom says

"Oh so Liam your from Miami?" James asks "Yes. I was born there and lived there my whole life." Dad says

"So Shane, Fern your both seniors correct?" Carmen asks "Yes ma'am." We both answer "What do you to want to do after school?" Carmen asks again

"I want to go to collage to become a doctor." Shane says well don't that sound.....horrible I don't understand why people want that job...maybe the money? I want to have a job that makes me happy.

"What about you Fern? What do you want to do?" James asks "Uhh I haven't really thought about it. I guess something that makes me happy the world for a year just going everywhere and anywhere mostly England" I say

"Why England?" Zane asks "Because there's just so much history there. And all the castles and stuff it's like being in a fairytale." I answer

"What about collage?" Carmen asks I shrug sighing "I don't know. Maybe after traveling I'll go to collage and become a writer" I say after a while everyone left

Were your parents bakers? Because your a cutie pie.

Hey guys!!! U should all say thank you to basic_rose because she went to my Kennedy's book and commented

P.S. My Kennedy told me

Who do you thank left the note at Ferns window?

So anyways talk to you Saturday!!! Love you bye!! <3

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