Chapter 9: Im Not Jealous Of Your Awesomeness

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Quick little note so you don't get confused in the middle of the story I'm changing Josh's (Shane's friend) name because that's my boyfriends name...and well it's really weird and stuff you know? Just imagine if me and Josh broke up in real life...then I would kill him in the book! Just saying anyways continue! His new name is Cole!


Hey! How was your sleep? I made all of you pancakes!" I say....that plan is going good so far

"Umm...we slept good...thanks for the pancakes I guess...." Tristan says scratching the back if his neck...I never understood why boys do that...

"Your welcome! Lalalala" I sing skipping out of the kitchen to the living room where Kayla was on her phone "How's the plan going?" She asks I smirk "Great." I say

The boys walk in the living room when they where done with their wonderful pancakes "Those where great pancakes." Shane says his face turns red and he runs to the bathroom the boys follow him

When they came back their faces where still red but this time it was because of anger

"FERN WHAT DID YOU DO?!" Shane yells "I put food poison in your food nothing to crazy." I say with a blank face while Kayla try's to hold back a laugh but fails "You look like tomatoes!" She says laughing "Me and the boys are going to get you back!" Shane says

"Nope. Not me she didn't put it in my food sooo no" Tristan says "Yea she didn't put it in mine either so I'm also out sorry Shane." Cole says

"Im going to get you back. So watch your back" Shane says "You said back two times" I say they roll their eyes and walk up the stairs Tristan glares at me while slamming Shane's bedroom door shut

"What do you thank Shane is going to do? Should we be scared?" She asks I roll my eyes "Of course's my brother he won't do anything....I hope" I say whispering the last part

"Huh? What did you say?" She asks "Nothing" I say turning on Netflix as my mom walks down the stairs

"Hey sweetie do you know where your brother is? Is his friends here? What are you doing down here?" She asks "I don't know!" I yell getting frustrated

"Don't talk back to me!" She says "That's how a conversation works dear talk and I say something back to you" I say slowly she grunts

"Whatever. I was just asking one question and you started being smart" She says "Sure. If one question is one million then yes you asked one question mother" I say putting popcorn in my mouth

She just walks out of the room and into the kitchen ignoring me and Kayla "Your mom is really cool" Kayla says "Yea I guess...sometimes" I say

"Next week we should have a sleepover at my house you can meet my family" She says "Do you have a older hot brother?" I ask she laughs "I'm not going to call my brother hot that's gross" She says

"Can I see a pitcher of him on your phone?" I ask she sighs taking her phone out scrolling threw I don't even know what then shows me a pitcher of her and indeed a very cute boy "Yep. That's like the definition of hot right there!" I say pointing to the pitcher of him

"That's nasty" She says "Sooooo what's his name??" I ask

"It's Jeramy" She says "Is he dating or a single pringle??" I ask "He's single I think..." She says "Your my best friend! Help a girl out!" I say "You want to date my brother?!" She yells...I thought I made that clear...I guess not

The boys run down the stairs "Who yelled that?! Did Kayla realize her feelings for me?!" Shane yells I look at him questionably " Is it the feeling that she hates you? Because she already feels that way" I say

"Dang it! One day you will be mine Kayla Smith!" He yells running up the stairs laughing evilly....and creepily

I look at Kayla questionably she does the same to me "Sooo about your brother..." I say she stops me "Not going to happen" she says I pout

"You know what I feel like doing?" I ask she looks at me I grab her hand and my phone pulling her up the stairs I turn my speakers on and all the way up as we dance and sing along to songs from Melanie Martinez, blink 182, Panic! And the disco.....stuff like that

"I'm so tired..." Kayla says as we fall on my bed "Sammmee" I say "Dancing is a workout" Kayla says yawning "I'm hungry" I say

"Then eat" Kayla says "I would love to but my mom doesn't let me eat when she's cooking and that's what she is doing" I say yawning now we lay down for a few minutes until...."I'm hungry" Kayla says

"GIRLLLL I just said that I was!!!" I say "That was like...a hour ago" She says "Bruh it was literally five minutes ago" I say "Oh....really?" She asks

"Yes....really" I say my door opens to show my brother and his stupid friends "What do you need?" I ask

"How so I know if a girl likes me?" Shane asks "Honestly....she doesn't" I say Kayla laughs

"OOOOUUU you got told by your sister!" Cole says I smirk at Shane

"And there's a lot more from where that came from." I say still smirking "Oh shut up Fern!" Shane says "Shane! Don't be so jealous of my awesomeness!" I say "I'm not jealous of your awesomeness! I mean-" He starts again but I cut him off

"AWWW you called me awesome. I knew this day would come!" I say "Fern?" Shane asks "Yes brother?" I ask

"You just made the prank that I'm doing on you way worse" Shane says walking out my room with the other boys

"Well then......" I say turning the music back in totally oblivious about what was going to happen Monday....

Hey guys!!! I hope you liked the chapter!! What do you think is going to happen at school Monday?!

Anyway I have to go love you bye!!! <3

<(^~^)> 💬Hi I'm Bloob

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