Chapter 19: I'll Never Forget That Day...

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〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰I'll never forget that


"Hey babe." Jameson says to me as we walk into school "Hey Jamey!" I say he kisses me

"How was you're family dinner?" I ask "It was great" He says smiling at me...that smile...that beautiful smile "That's good!" I say smiling back at him "So I was thinking we could go on a date today?" I ask him

"I would love to babe! Oh...but I have this thing to do today..." He says "awwww.....What thing?" I ask frowning, he frowns with me "A family...thing" He says I nod

"When can I meet your family?" I ask still frowning "One day" He says "When is that going to be?" I ask "One day! Gosh Fern!" He says than walks away from me I try stopping him but he shrugs me off, my brother comes up to me

"Hey sis...are you okay? Did that stupid boyfriend of yours do something to you? I'll-" He starts but I cut him off "Why do you care?? Can you just leave me alone??" I ask

"It's that boyfriend of yours that did that to us! We were so close! But when that boy came we drifted away! How do you not see it! This is all his fault!" Shane says "Don't talk about him that way!" I say

"Your so stupid sometimes!" Shane yells I stop and tear up his face turns soft "Fern...." He says "No! Just leave me alone!" I say walking away "Fern! I didn't mean to!" He says...but I just run down the halls

I ran home that day....cried for hours when Shane got home he would knock on my door and talk to me but I just ignored him...

At 10 o'clock my phone dinged it was my friend Sasha!




Hey! What's with the ....?

SashaBear sent a photo

It was a picture of Jameson making out with some girl...I I sob my eyes out..I feel broken..


Where are you at?! And what is that?!


I'm at Jackson's party...I'll send you the address

She sent me the address to the party and I took my moms car to the party when I got to the house there was people everywhere I walked into the party...

There was drinks and people making out everywhere....but I seen a shirt that was all to familiar....the shirt in the picture he was making out with some couldn't be him...could it?

"Jameson....?" I ask the boy turns around with was him

"Jameson." I say crying "Fern..." He says but the blond cut him off "Who's this bitch?" She asks "I'm his girlfriend!" I say "No! I'm his girlfriend!" She says

"I've dated him for 1 year!" I say "I've dated him for 1 year and two months..." She says "You cheated...? On both of us?" I ask now and the girl was

"You're such a jackass Jameson!" I say running away he try's to stop me "Wait! Fern." He says but I ignore him.....and ran home..and to my room for that week I ignored everyone that came to my room...I loved him...he was my first love...

And till that day I was fighting...I was a....streetfighter......but.....something stopped that a year later....

a year later aka the incident

I just got back from a party and was drunk I walked into my house "Heyyyy guysss...waitttt who are youuuu?" I ask giggling "I'm a person that's getting back at your mom for leaving her prison...I'm always watching..." He says

"Okayyyy" I giggle "Come on sweets" He says pulling me to a van and throwing me in "Where are we goingggg?" I giggle as he gets in the drivers seat

"That's for me to know and you not to know" He says "Okkkaayyyy" I say

"And...we are here" He says getting out I do the same "It's soooo biggg" I giggle looking at the house in front of me but something bangs the back of my head and everything goes black...

When I wake up it was black and I couldn't see anything..."You're up." A voice says "Who are you....?" I ask "I'm nobody you should worry about sweet cheeks." He says walking out the room....

"So Fern..." I hear a voice comes was Jameson "Jameson! Help me!" I say "Sorry babe but you broke up with me..." He says

"Jameson..." I say "So...I got my dad to get you...turns out he was looking for you're it was kind of a win win...oh and if you tell anyone about this I kill everyone you love." He says chucking.....

~End Of Flashback~

........I'll never forget that day.......a few dad later I got home...and tried killing my self..but stopped for some reason...I just felt like I was letting him win...and there is no way I'm letting that happen..ever

I never told anyone about any of it..not even Shane...and I hoped that I would never see Jameson again..but here we are..a few feet away from each other...and all I do is stand there...

"What are you doing here?" I ask "Don't want to see me?" He asks chuckling "I-I-I"

"Don't worry you don't have to explain." He says smirking "I-I'm going to go" I say running out of the cabin....and I just keep running...and life is falling apart by the minute...I feel so broken. He ruins my life...Everything was just starting to work out for me...than he comes. He ruins everything!

He thinks he's got all this power over me and the bad part is....he does

Hey guys!!! How are you?!

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Anyways I love all of you!! Bye!! <3


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