Chapter 10: Lies Are Like Scars To The Soul. They Destroy You

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Lies are like scars to the soul.
They destroy you

Today is Monday! And I'm so dreading today...but I mean who doesn't dread Monday? The beginning of the week....5 whole days of school...UGGGHHH I hate school SO much! You don't even know!

"Fern!" My mom yells at me walking in my room...wait Shane always comes to get me for school... "It's 9! Your really late for school! Come on Shane already left with his friends and the bus has left you two hours ago!" My mom yells at me

"WHAT?!" I yell "Yep! Come on your going in your pajamas!" My mom says "What?! No! I'll be quick!" I yell she runs out my room and I grab a hoodie leaving my pajama shirt on not fixing my hair and putting ripped jeans on then running out my room and jumping into the car

"Fern your hair looks like a rats nest" Mom says

"Wow mom. Thinks for encouraging me..." I grunt out "No problem sweetie" Mom says smiling at me sweetly I roll my eyes after 20 minutes of driving we finally made it to the school I ran in and went strait to my 2nd period English

When English was over I went to lunch where I seen Kayla "Hey!....what happened to you?" Kayla asks "My brother happened" I say pointing to the blond boy who sets with his friends I walk up to him and pore my milk on him

"What was that for?!" He yells "Not waking me up! Stupid!" I yell "Oh...that look I'm sorry here have this" He says giving me a cupcake

"Is there poison in it?" I ask "No. Why would I put poison in a perfectly good cupcake?" He asks "Because you hate me right now" I say

"Just eat it!" He says I take a bite when I start feeling weird....then it stops "What the?" I ask "Fern? Are you ok?" Cole asks

"Do I look alright? You can be so stupid sometimes." I say when I realize what I said my eyes go big "N-no I did mean that" I say....what is wrong with me?

"Are you wondering what's wrong with you?" Shane asks smirking he did it!

"What did you do to that pore cupcake Shane?" I ask "I put some of that truth stuff that dad has in it. It's where you can't lie for...I don't know how long it lasts" Shane says

"Fern? Do you want to go out with me?" Tristan asks I don't say anything not trusting my words right now "Looks at this in the bring side lies are like scars to the soul. They destroy you." Josh says

".when did you become so smart....Actually I don't want to know I'm going to leave and you." I say pointing to Shane "Better watch your back because I will kill right now" I say "Sure you will little sis" Shane says laughing not believing me

"Are you forgetting something? I can't lie right now. Truth stuff remember?" I ask smirking then leaving the cafeteria and entering the halls

"That was awesome...well and bad I can't believe your brother did that I don't like him at all" Kayla says "Save the bull shit we all know you have a big crush on him" I say then cover my mouth not saying anything

"What?" Kayla asks "I said that you have a crush on Shane" I mumble in my hand not being able to help it "I do not!" She says looking down to try and cover her blush but I could see it

"Then why are you blushing?" I ask not covering my mouth any more "Ok....maybe I do like him" She says "I called it" I say

"Are you going to tell him? Please don't" She says "I won't tell him...but you know he likes you to" I say looking at her "Really?" She asks "Really..I don't lie...well more like I can't lie....and I have to go the whole day like this to." I say

"Maybe longer" She says "Don't remind me" I grumble crossing my arms she laughs "What's so funny?" I ask "Nothing you just remind me of someone" She says still laughing I just look at her waiting for her to stop "I'm sorry" She says trying to stop laughing

"You should be. You know what good bye" I say about to walk off "Wait no! Let me come!" She says

"You want to come to the bathroom with me?" I ask looking at her holding my laugh in "" She says "What I thought" I say laughing while walking to the restroom

1012 Words
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hey guys! Hope you loved the chapter!
Anyways so new schedule because it's really hard updating a new chapter everyday either on Stuck in and Game or on this book I'm only human guys!

New Schedule

Monday - The Skateboarders

Tuesday - No chapter on any book

Wednesday - Stuck In A Game

Thursday - No Chapter on any book

Friday - The Skateboarders

Saturday - No Chapter on any book

Sunday - Stuck In A Game

Serious Talk

As you can see I need a little me time. I'm getting older and I need some time to do wha I want. I love writing and all but it takes time away from doing homework and hanging out with my very few friends I have.

End Of Serious Talk

Anyways I hope that it is ok that I'm only updating this book twice a week! I mean this book is (most likely) going to end on chapter 20 so if I went the way I was going it would have ended a LOT sooner and if I don't update sometimes I'm sorry

Also I might not update the 10th (next Friday) Just thought I would tell you now so I don't forget.

Anyways bye!!! Love you guys!!!! <3

Oh no...

This can't be happening.....

<(*-*)🔫 OMG BLOOB!!!!

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