Chapter 17: Why Does Nothing Go My Way?

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Why does nothing go my way?

"Two more hours!!! Than we get to see everybody!" Shane says "I can't wait to meet all of y'all's old friends!" Kayla says

"You'll love them!!" I say to her

Two hours later we finally got to the park we said we would meet them at "Hey Fern can I talk to you for a minute?" I hear someone ask from behind me I turn around to see that it was Tristan

"Uhh...sure" I say we start walking down the path "So Uhh..." He says clearing his throat "Did you think about it?" He asks avoiding my gaze

"Yes...I did..a lot" I say "And your answer is?" He asks "Let's go on one date and see how it go's. Don't tell anyone let's just keep it a secret right now OK?" I ask "OK! Got it!" He says my phone vibrates with a text

Their here! Come on!

We're coming!

"Their here! Come on let's go!" I say pulling Tristan in the direction of my friends

"OMG FERN!!!!" I hear Alexis yell "ALEXIS!!!" I yell back she runs up to me and we hug "Aiden!!! Jonathan!!!" I yell we all hug Shane comes "Shaney!!" Alexis yells hugging him

"Shaney?" Kayla asks crossing her arms "What about Lora? Did she come?" I ask if you didn't know...Lora is Alisha and Todd's kid. Lora is 15 years old

"No. She has school" Alexis says "Oh" I say "Yep! So I was thinking we could all stay at my dads cabin! Xavier and Jonas are meeting us there! Wouldn't that be fun Shaney?" Alexis asks Kayla pulls me to the side

"Shaney? What the fuck Fern! Who is that bitch?! Seriously! Who doe she think she is?" Kayla asks furious "Kayla! You have nothing to worry about!" I say "Are you sure?"

"Kayla. I wouldn't lie to you! I'm sure nothing is going on!" I say "Did they" She asks "Yes....but that was before we left" I say

"So they only broke up because y'all left?! Fern! Somebody has to cheat or brake a heart for things to be over! If never works when you just brake up for no reason!!" Kayla says "Fine! If you don't believe me then....we will just wait and see what happens..I guess..." I say

"Yea! Whatever" She says walking away I pull Alexis to the side "Hey Fern what do you need?" She asks "Well...Uhh you see..." I say "Does Shane have a new girlfriend? Because I was thinking that me and him could get back together" She says.....oh god help us all

"Sorry but he does have a girlfriend" I say "Who?" She asks glaring and sucking her teeth "Kayla" I say "Kayla? This Kayla bitch better back of because he's mine" Alexis says what did I do to deserve this?

"Wait! Alexis!" I say but she stomped away.....why does nothing go my way? "That girl got issues" I hear a voice behind me say it was Tristan "Preach it. I don't know what to do!" I say putting my head in my hands 

"You should calm down first" Tristan says chuckling "How can I calm down?! Did you not hear that?!" I ask

"I heard it loud and clear." He says "Exactly! So what should I do? Should I tell Shane and Kayla? Or should I try to keep Alexis away from them? Ugh! This is so confusing" I say

"Well...what do you think is the right thing to do?" He asks "That's the thing! I don't know!" I say "Hey!! Guys we are going to Alexis's cabin! Come on!" Shane yells

Once we got to the cabin I was the first out of the car "Look! Everything's so cool!" I say "It's a cabin." Tristan says "But look at that pond!" I say pointing at the pond next to the cabin

" long are we staying here exactly?" I ask "3 days" Cole answers "Yay! I'm going to go fishing, swimming-" I start but get cut off "We get it" Alexis says...bitch much?

"I wasn't finished" I say "I made you finished" She says "Why do you have to be such a bitch?" I ask

"A bitch? Have you looked in the mirror recently?" She asks "Actually yes I have looked at my self recently" I say "That's nice to know." She says "It should be, I mean you did ask me" I say

"Whatever! Shaney let's go-" Alexis starts but I cut her off "Actually I was thinking me and Shane could spend the day together! You know a twin day? We have not done one of those in a long time!" I say "Sure! Id love to have a twin day!" Shane says

"Great! I'm going to take my bags to the room I'm staying in" I say "I'll help with you're bags." Tristan says, we grab my bags when we weren't near anyone "I thought we were going on a date today?" He asks upset

"I wanted to! Really! But I have to keep Alexis away from Shane! And it's going to be hard! Can we change the date? Like to tomorrow?" I ask "Sure. But you can't say no to tomorrow." He says

"I won't! I promise!" I say as we make it to a room I unpacked when my phone beeped






You need to go get the guns from the guy tomorrow. OK?




Do you have everything set to go? Are you ready?


Yes I'm ready and have everything set to go!


Good. Now remember what I told you about these guys being dangerous?


I mean you have only told me a thousand times already! 😟


Okay well be careful!


You've already told me that a thousand times!


I know, I know I'm just worried about you!


I know....but I'll be fine! There I nothing to worry about!


I know...


I got to go! I'll call you when I get back tomorrow okay?




I promise! Love you bye!


Love you to bye!

To be honest......I'm really scared for tomorrow.............

1104 words

Hey guys!!!

Did you like the chapter? I hope you did!

Do you think Alexis is going to get in the way of Shane and Kayla?

What do you think is going to happen next?

Anyways I hope you liked the chapter! Next chapter will be either Thursday or Friday! Love you guys bye <3 ♥️

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